P. 18
Friday 29 May 2015


Chicago Bulls fire coach Tom Thibodeau after 5 seasons

ANDREW SELIGMAN 2010, he was right for our Joakim Noah, who was In this May 10, 2015, file photo, Chicago Bulls head coach
AP Sports Writer team and system at that coming off knee surgery,
CHICAGO (AP) — The time, and over the last five along with veteran Kirk Hin- Tom Thibodeau yells to his team during the first half of Game
Chicago Bulls fired Tom years we have had some rich.
Thibodeau on Thursday, success with Tom as our The idea was that the Bulls 4 in a second-round NBA basketball playoff series against the
saying a change was need- head coach,” general would be in better shape
ed from the strong-willed manager Gar Forman said. for the playoffs and not run Cleveland Cavaliers in Chicago. Associated Press
coach who took his team “But as we looked ahead out of steam the way they
to the playoffs in each of his and evaluated how we as seemed to the previous dismantled. continuity. Their effort wa-
five seasons. a team and an organiza- two years. But it also went The Bulls were expected to vered at times, and they
Thibodeau went 255-139 tion could continue to grow against Thibodeau’s belief make a run to the NBA Finals wound up with 50 wins —
with the Bulls, good for a and improve, we believed that good habits are devel- this season with the signing not bad, but not what they
.647 winning percentage a change in approach was oped through repetition. of Pau Gasol and the return anticipated.
that ranks seventh in NBA needed.” Adding to the tension, ESPN of Rose after missing most “I think this team has more
history among coaches with Bulls Chairman Jerry Reins- analyst Jeff Van Gundy ac- of the previous two years potential,” Gasol said after
at least 200 games. He led dorf was blunt: cused the Bulls of undermin- because of injuries to each the season.
the Bulls to the top seed “Teams that consistently ing their coach during a knee. Instead, Rose was in- The question is who will be
in the playoffs his first two perform at the highest levels game at Dallas in January. consistent. The Bulls fought coaching them for the next
seasons and was the NBA’s are able to come together It wasn’t the first time he had through injuries and lacked run.q
Coach of the Year in 2011 and be unified across the criticized the organization.
— the same year Derrick organization-staff, players, But to many, whether it was
Rose became the league’s coaches, management true or not, it seemed he
youngest MVP. and ownership,” he said. was serving as a messenger
Chicago advanced to the “When everyone is on the for Thibodeau, his former as-
Eastern Conference finals same page, trust develops sistant.
that season, but it’s the only and teams can grow and Thibodeau is not the first
time the Bulls have made it succeed together. Unfor- successful Bulls coach to
past the second round un- tunately, there has been a lose in a clash with man-
der Thibodeau, whose rela- departure from this culture.” agement. Phil Jackson lost
tionship with the front office The coach chafed at min- to Jerry Krause after winning
was under constant scrutiny. utes restrictions placed by six championships in eight
“When Tom was hired in management on Rose and years, and the dynasty was
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