P. 15

WORLD NEWSFriday 29 May 2015

Shocking ads ignite debate about abortion ban in Chile

LUIS ANDRES HENAO Paola Dragnic poses for a photo as her children run on a play- as young people born af- during the dictatorship of
Associated Press ground in the background, in Santiago, Chile. Because she had ter the 1973-1990 military Gen. Augusto Pinochet,
SANTIAGO, Chile (AP) — a high-risk pregnancy due to an unviable fetus, her pregnancy dictatorship come of age. abortion was banned un-
The video shows a wom- was interrupted at a clinic. Her two children were born after her The trend has accelerated der all circumstances.
an climbing a stairwell, abortion. since a wave of student Today, women found guilty
her belly visibly pregnant, protests demanding edu- of having abortions face
as she offers suggestions: (AP Photo/Luis Hidalgo) cational reform began in prison terms of up to five
Make sure there are no se- 2011 and in the wake of years.
curity cameras. Be careful ernmental group, aim to socially conservative coun- Catholic priest sex-abuse Still, an estimated 120,000
not to look down or you rally support for President tries, grapples with shift- scandals that have pro- illegal abortions are per-
might regret it. Michelle Bachelet’s at- ing views on once-taboo voked questioning of formed every year, ac-
She tumbles backward tempt to ease the abortion issues. The mostly Roman church doctrine. cording to the Miles group.
as the screen goes black. ban. Catholic country began In 2013, then-President Se- Most women use the drug
“When you reach the bot- “Clandestine abortions are to allow divorce in 2004. bastian Pinera came un- misoprostol, buying it on
tom everything will be OK,” carried out in Chile and Earlier this year, Congress der fire when he praised a the black market, to end
she says. abortions will continue with recognized civil unions for pregnant 11-year-old girl first-trimester pregnancies.
The video is one of a series or without politicians or a gay couples and, recently, for her “depth and matu- Others undergo conven-
of mock abortion tutorials, law,” Miles director Claudia a pilot program in Santiago rity” after she said in a TV tional abortions in secret.
part of a public campaign Dides said. “What we want harvested the country’s first interview that she want- Those who can afford to
urging Chile to allow wom- is for abortions to be safe.” legal medical marijuana. ed to keep the baby, the travel seek abortions in
en to end pregnancies in The debate comes as Chile, The changing attitudes product of a rape by her neighboring Argentina or
cases of rape or medical one of Latin America’s most mark a generational shift, mother’s partner. beyond.
complications. It would A recent discussion on Nelly Milad flew to Cuba
be a radical change for abortion at Santiago’s Di- in 2004 to end an unviable
Chile, one of only six coun- ego Portales University pregnancy.
tries that prohibit all abor- drew a packed audience, “I’ve felt so much impo-
tion, according to the New with many students forced tence, frustration and an-
York-based Center for Re- to sit on the floor. ger. You feel so left behind
productive Rights. “As a country, we are by a medical team that
The videos are deliberately behind,” said Fernanda can’t help you even when
dark and disturbing, ap- Saavedra, a student who they morally want to, be-
pearing to show pregnant attended. “We need to cause they fear they’ll be
women throwing them- evolve and think more thrown into jail,” Milad said.
selves into traffic or thrust- about women.” Andrea Quiroga, an ac-
ing their stomachs onto Chile legalized abortion for countant, was newly mar-
fire hydrants. Released last medical reasons in 1931, ried in 2010 when she
month, the videos orga- some 18 years before it al- learned her 11-week-old
nized by Miles, a non-gov- lowed women to vote. But fetus would not survive. q

US senator in Cuba says normal relations ‘weeks away’ 

BEN FOX expire Friday and the re- embassies and exchange goods and enable U.S. decades.
Associated Press maining issues will then get ambassadors for the first telecommunications and Obama softened aspects
HAVANA (AP) — The his- quickly resolved, Sen. Tom time since the U.S. severed Internet companies to pro- of the embargo and called
toric process of restoring Udall told reporters in Ha- diplomatic relations in Jan- vide services and devices on Congress to end it dur-
long-severed diplomatic vana. uary 1961. in Cuba, the senator said. ing his State of the Union
relationship between the “We are just two days Udall, a New Mexico Dem- The delegation, which in- address in January.
U.S. and Cuba that began away. ocrat who led a four-mem- cluded Sen. Al Franken of Franken said there is strong
Dec. 17 will likely come to There has not been a vote ber Democratic congres- Minnesota, Rep. Raul Gri- support among the U.S.
a successful end in a mat- in the Congress so that’s sional delegation to Cuba, jalva of Arizona and Rep. public for normal relations.
ter of weeks, a U.S. senator going to stand,” Udall said. said there appears to be John Larson of Connecti- “I think there is a very small
said during a visit to the is- “I think it will be a matter growing momentum to re- cut, spoke to reporters af- minority, really, in the Sen-
land this week. of weeks when we have moving at least elements of ter meeting with Cuban ate and the Congress who
A 45-day period for Con- restored diplomatic rela- the U.S. trade embargo first officials and small business have strong objections to
gress to challenge a deci- tions.” imposed in 1960. owners. All four members this and I think that a major-
sion by President Barack U.S. and Cuban officials There is bipartisan support of the delegation support ity of the American people
Obama to remove Cuba have said the two sides for separate pieces of leg- lifting the trade embargo, and a majority of the Con-
from a list of state sponsors are close to resolving the islation that would perma- which the Cubans say gress would be for lifting the
of terrorism, a key obstacle final issues that would allow nently end a ban on travel, has badly damaged their embargo,” he said. “But
to improved relations, will both countries to re-open allow trade in agricultural economy over the past five there is work to be done.”q
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