P. 14
WORLD NEWSFriday 29 May 2015
Greece could use ‘Zambia’ option as progress on deal unclear
E. BECATOROS due next month, through tiating with Greece, along
Associated Press In Athens, Prime Minister with the IMF and European
ATHENS, Greece (AP) — Alexis Tsipras held an hour-
Greece and rescue lend- long call with German Central Bank.
ers remained at odds over Chancellor Angela Merkel
whether the two sides are and French President Fran- Tsipras’ government,
close to a breakthrough in cois Hollande, according
negotiations, as the Inter- to government officials elected in January on an
national Monetary Fund who remained optimistic a
confirmed Thursday that deal was imminent. anti-austerity platform,
Athens had the right to ask “It is based on very spe-
for “bundled” repayments cific facts,” government has been in talks for four
next month. spokesman Gabriel Sakel-
“Countries do have the op- laridis said. “We are going months on what reforms it
tion of bundling when they into these negotiations with
have a series of payments the aim to have an agree- should make to get the fi-
in a given month ... mak- ment with our partners by
ing a single payment at the Sunday.” nal bailout installment of
end of that month,” IMF Murray refused to com-
spokesman William Murray ment on when a deal could 7.2 billion euros ($8 billion)
said in Washington. be struck, insisting “work still
He said Athens hadn’t needs to be done” — a from fellow eurozone states
made a request to com- note of caution echoed in
bine repayments, adding Brussels. and the IMF.
that the last country to do “Talks will continue in the
so was Zambia three de- coming days, and further Creditors insist Athens must
cades ago. progress is needed,” Euro-
Greece has warned it may pean Commission spokes- take more long-term mea-
be unable to repay an IMF woman Annika Breidthardt
loan due on June 5 unless it said. “We’re not there yet. sures to ensure its economy
reaches a deal with emer- There are open issues which
gency creditors to unlock need to be resolved.” is reformed and doesn’t slip
remaining bailout funds. It The commission is one of
has four IMF repayments the three institutions nego- back into the bad habits of
the past, with reckless bor-
Greece’s Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, center, looks on during a rowing and a large and in-
meeting with Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif in
Athens, Greece, on Thursday, May 28, 2015. Greece says it aims efficient public sector.
to clinch a deal with its creditors by Sunday, a development that
would allow it to receive the desperately needed final install- Failure to reach an agree-
ment of its international bailout plan and prevent a default.
ment could eventually
(AP Photo/Yorgos Karahalis)
cause Greece to drop out
of the euro, roiling Europe-
an and global markets.
Greece’s conservative op-
position criticized the gov-
ernment’s handling of the
“It is obvious that the gov-
ernment is at a dead-end,”
New Democracy party
spokesman Kostas Kara-
gounis said. q
Activist hospitalized with mystery illness
DAVID M. HERSZENHORN suspicions of poisoning or been the victim of a poi-
© 2015 New York Times soning attack and that he
MOSCOW - A prominent other foul play, but so far might still be in danger.
Russian political opposition “In today’s Russia, things
activist, whose civic group there has been no confir- can happen,” she said.
this week released a film “And he was taken ill sud-
critical of an ally of Presi- mation of this from doctors denly. He wasn’t taking
dent Vladimir V. Putin, has any medication that could
been hospitalized in Mos- or the Russian authorities. have resulted in this.”
cow after collapsing and Open Russia released a
losing consciousness on Kara-Murza’s wife, Evege- documentary this week ac-
Tuesday from a mysterious cusing Ramzan A. Kadyrov,
illness. nia, said that he remained the strongman leader of
The activist, Vladimir V. Chechnya and a loyal sup-
Kara-Murza, 33, is the fed- unconscious on Wednes- porter of Putin, of corruption
eral coordinator of Open and human rights abuses.
Russia, a civic organiza- day and was undergoing The film is called “Family,”
tion founded by Mikhail B. a reference to Kadyrov’s
Khodorkovsky, a fierce crit- dialysis to treat acute renal frequent description of the
ic of Putin. His political ac- Russian president as a kind
tivism immediately raised failure, which doctors said of surrogate father.q
was a result of “grave non-
alcoholic intoxication.”
Evegenia Kara-Murza,
who lives with the couple’s
three young children in
the United States, said in
a telephone interview that
her husband had been in
good health and that his
family feared that he had
WORLD NEWSFriday 29 May 2015
Greece could use ‘Zambia’ option as progress on deal unclear
E. BECATOROS due next month, through tiating with Greece, along
Associated Press In Athens, Prime Minister with the IMF and European
ATHENS, Greece (AP) — Alexis Tsipras held an hour-
Greece and rescue lend- long call with German Central Bank.
ers remained at odds over Chancellor Angela Merkel
whether the two sides are and French President Fran- Tsipras’ government,
close to a breakthrough in cois Hollande, according
negotiations, as the Inter- to government officials elected in January on an
national Monetary Fund who remained optimistic a
confirmed Thursday that deal was imminent. anti-austerity platform,
Athens had the right to ask “It is based on very spe-
for “bundled” repayments cific facts,” government has been in talks for four
next month. spokesman Gabriel Sakel-
“Countries do have the op- laridis said. “We are going months on what reforms it
tion of bundling when they into these negotiations with
have a series of payments the aim to have an agree- should make to get the fi-
in a given month ... mak- ment with our partners by
ing a single payment at the Sunday.” nal bailout installment of
end of that month,” IMF Murray refused to com-
spokesman William Murray ment on when a deal could 7.2 billion euros ($8 billion)
said in Washington. be struck, insisting “work still
He said Athens hadn’t needs to be done” — a from fellow eurozone states
made a request to com- note of caution echoed in
bine repayments, adding Brussels. and the IMF.
that the last country to do “Talks will continue in the
so was Zambia three de- coming days, and further Creditors insist Athens must
cades ago. progress is needed,” Euro-
Greece has warned it may pean Commission spokes- take more long-term mea-
be unable to repay an IMF woman Annika Breidthardt
loan due on June 5 unless it said. “We’re not there yet. sures to ensure its economy
reaches a deal with emer- There are open issues which
gency creditors to unlock need to be resolved.” is reformed and doesn’t slip
remaining bailout funds. It The commission is one of
has four IMF repayments the three institutions nego- back into the bad habits of
the past, with reckless bor-
Greece’s Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, center, looks on during a rowing and a large and in-
meeting with Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif in
Athens, Greece, on Thursday, May 28, 2015. Greece says it aims efficient public sector.
to clinch a deal with its creditors by Sunday, a development that
would allow it to receive the desperately needed final install- Failure to reach an agree-
ment of its international bailout plan and prevent a default.
ment could eventually
(AP Photo/Yorgos Karahalis)
cause Greece to drop out
of the euro, roiling Europe-
an and global markets.
Greece’s conservative op-
position criticized the gov-
ernment’s handling of the
“It is obvious that the gov-
ernment is at a dead-end,”
New Democracy party
spokesman Kostas Kara-
gounis said. q
Activist hospitalized with mystery illness
DAVID M. HERSZENHORN suspicions of poisoning or been the victim of a poi-
© 2015 New York Times soning attack and that he
MOSCOW - A prominent other foul play, but so far might still be in danger.
Russian political opposition “In today’s Russia, things
activist, whose civic group there has been no confir- can happen,” she said.
this week released a film “And he was taken ill sud-
critical of an ally of Presi- mation of this from doctors denly. He wasn’t taking
dent Vladimir V. Putin, has any medication that could
been hospitalized in Mos- or the Russian authorities. have resulted in this.”
cow after collapsing and Open Russia released a
losing consciousness on Kara-Murza’s wife, Evege- documentary this week ac-
Tuesday from a mysterious cusing Ramzan A. Kadyrov,
illness. nia, said that he remained the strongman leader of
The activist, Vladimir V. Chechnya and a loyal sup-
Kara-Murza, 33, is the fed- unconscious on Wednes- porter of Putin, of corruption
eral coordinator of Open and human rights abuses.
Russia, a civic organiza- day and was undergoing The film is called “Family,”
tion founded by Mikhail B. a reference to Kadyrov’s
Khodorkovsky, a fierce crit- dialysis to treat acute renal frequent description of the
ic of Putin. His political ac- Russian president as a kind
tivism immediately raised failure, which doctors said of surrogate father.q
was a result of “grave non-
alcoholic intoxication.”
Evegenia Kara-Murza,
who lives with the couple’s
three young children in
the United States, said in
a telephone interview that
her husband had been in
good health and that his
family feared that he had