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                                                                                                           LOCAL Friday 10 June 2022

            Participants of project

            Empowered Women

            Exporters received their


            ORANJESTAD  -  Empowered  Women  Ex-       help  others  with  different  projects.  These
            porters  is  a  project  launched  by  the  De-  participants drafted an Export Action Plan
            partment of Economic Affairs, Commerce  to  export  their  products  and  services.  In
            and Industry and its unit Exprodesk.       step 4, they went through an ‘Implemen-
                                                       tation Lab", where they put into practice
            The export coach of this project was Mrs.  what they learned and gave presentations
            Taiana Mora of NEX Consulting.             to help other women entrepreneurs to ex-
                                                       pand  their  businesses.  They  also  helped
            This project started in July 2019 and con-  many  business  with  the  project  'We’re
            sisted  of  four  steps.  After  almost  three  Open for Business, during the pandemic.
            years, on Friday, June 3, 2022, a group of
            six women and one man completed this  Exprodesk  congratulates  the  participants
            course.  The  Minister  of  Economic  Affairs,  of the 'Empowered Women Exporters Proj-
            Communications, and Sustainable Devel-     ect.  It  also  invites  all  local  entrepreneurs
            opment,  Mr.  Geoffrey  Wever,  presented  interested  in  expanding  their  business  to
            certificates to Ms. Valeria Gomez, Ms. Suzy  know more about how they can also ex-
            Maduro, Ms. Sharina Gumbs, Ms. Vanessa  port their products and services in the fu-
            Hollander, Mrs. Virginia Rasmijn, Ms. Osyth  ture by liking their Facebook page.
            Henriquez, and Mr. Dave Martinus.
            The  goal  was  to  empower  and  guide  Exprodesk will organize this year the semi-
            women entrepreneurs in Aruba to do busi-   nar  ‘Export  Week  2022:  Conquering  New
            ness  by  exporting  products  and  services  Horizons’, which takes place from June 27
            through training, workshops, and seminars.  to July 1, 2022. For more information about
                                                       ‘Export Week 2022: Conquering New Ho-
            After this training, these entrepreneurs de-  rizons’  and  how  to  participate,  you  may
            cided to create a strategic alliance. Their  contact Sharon Meijer via s.meijer@deaci.
            aim  is  to  interchange  knowledge  and  to  aw.q
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