Page 28 - bon-dia-aruba-20210108
P. 28
A28 u.s. news
Diabierna 8 Januari 2021
US registering highest deaths yet from the coronavirus
(AP) - The U.S. registered especially dire in California,
more COVID-19 deaths in which reported its second-
a single day than ever be- highest number of daily
fore -- nearly 3,900 -- on coronavirus deaths, with
the very day the mob at- 459. The state also registered
tack on the Capitol laid more than a quarter-million
bare some of the same, new weekly cases. Only Ari-
deep political divisions zona tops California in cases
that have hampered the per resident.
battle against the pan- Los Angeles County, the na-
demic. tion’s most populous with 10
million residents, and nearly
The virus is surging in virtu- two dozen other counties
ally every state, with Califor- have essentially run out of
nia particularly hard hit. Sky- intensive care unit beds for
rocketing deaths and infec- COVID-19 patients.
tions there are threatening to “This is a health crisis of epic
force hospitals to ration care proportions,” said Barbara
and essentially decide who Ferrer, public health director
lives and who dies. for Los Angeles County.
“Folks are gasping for breath. Guidelines posted on the
Folks look like they’re website for Methodist Hos-
drowning when they are in pital of Southern California
bed right in front of us,” said warned: “If a patient becomes
Dr. Jeffrey Chien, an emer- extremely ill and very un-
gency room physician at be more terrible still because and many of his ardent sup- University. The numbers can likely to survive their illness
Santa Clara Valley Regional of family gatherings and trav- porters have followed his fluctuate dramatically after (even with life-saving treat-
Medical Center, urging peo- el over the holidays. example. He has also raged holidays and weekends, and ment), then certain resources
ple to do their part to help A new, more contagious against lockdowns and egged the figure is subject to revi- ... may be allocated to another
slow the spread. “I’m begging variant of the virus is tak- on protesters objecting to sion. patient who is more likely to
everyone to help us out be- ing hold around the globe restrictions in states such “The domestic terrorists survive.”
cause we aren’t the front line. and in the U.S. Also, it re- as Michigan, where armed overran the Capitol police, As of Thursday, the Cen-
We’re the last line.” mains to be seen what effect supporters invaded the state- just as the virus has been al- ters for Disease Control and
About 1.9 million people the thousands of supporters house last spring. lowed to overrun Ameri- Prevention reported that 5.3
around the world have died of President Donald Trump On Wednesday, the day a cans,” said Dr. Eric Topol, million people in the U.S.
of the coronavirus, more who converged this week in horde of protesters breached head of Scripps Research had gotten their first shot of
than 360,000 in the U.S. Washington, many of them the U.S. Capitol, disrupting Translational Institute. “The the COVID-19 vaccine —
alone. December was by far maskless, will have on the efforts to certify the elec- U.S. lost control of a Trump- well short of the hundreds of
the nation’s deadliest month spread of the scourge. tion of Joe Biden, the U.S. incited mob and a Trump- millions of Americans who
yet, and health experts are Trump has long downplayed recorded 3,865 virus deaths, played-down pandemic will need to be vaccinated to
warning that January could the virus and scorned masks, according to Johns Hopkins virus.”The situation has been stop the virus.
Order to turn off bodycams part of Andre Hill investigation
(AP) — Whether an offi- bleeding while laying on the
cer who instructed other garage floor.
officers to turn off their “He was bringing me Christ-
body cameras in the af- mas money. He didn’t do
termath of Andre Hill’s anything,” a woman inside
death violated policy is the house shouted at police
part of a wide-ranging in- afterward.
vestigation into Hill’s kill- In bodycam footage released
ing, a city spokesperson Thursday, a man inside the
said Thursday. house, referring to a stun
gun, says: “Why didn’t y’all
The instruction was captured just taze the dude? Why’d
on another officer’s body you have to shot him dude?”
camera footage the day of the “I can’t answer any of your
shooting and was included in questions,” an officer re-
several more copies of videos sponds. “You’re going to have
released by the city Thursday. a seat in the car.”
As officers begin to arrive to The officer who shot Hill,
the scene early on the morn- Adam Coy was fired Dec.
ing of Dec. 22, with Hill’s 28 for failing to activate his
body still laying on the garage quiring cameras and some and who did not is a question officers had stepped in. body camera before the con-
floor, an officer can be heard not, said Glenn McEntyre, a that’s under investigation— In the moments after Hill was frontation and for not pro-
demanding all the other offi- spokesperson for the Colum- an answer today we simply fatally shot, additional body- viding medical aid to Hill.
cers turn their body cameras bus Department of Public do not yet have.” cam footage shows two other Coy had a long history of
off. Safety, which oversees the di- Columbus Police Chief Columbus officers rolled complaints from citizens
“I need everyone to turn their vision of police. Thomas Quinlan has prom- Hill over and put handcuffs Beyond an internal Colum-
camera off,” the officer said. “It is possible that some offi- ised a full investigation into on him before leaving him bus police department in-
An officer asks, “On?” cers were in a position where Hill’s death, including the alone again. None of them, vestigation, Ohio’s attorney
The officer responds, “No. their cameras were not re- fact that no one helped Hill according to the footage re- general, the U.S. attorney
Off.” Then the video ends. quired to be on,” McEntyre afterward as he lay moaning leased last week, offered any for central Ohio and the FBI
Officers serve different roles said Thursday in an email. on the garage floor. Quinlan first aid even though Hill was have begun their own probes
at crime scenes, some re- “Who complied with policy has said Hill would be alive if barely moving, groaning and into the shooting.