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                                                                                                       sports Diabierna 8 Januari 2021

                               Mega deal: Indians trade star Lindor, Carrasco to Mets

            (AP)  —  Francisco  Lindor                                                                                          money from a major-market
            is  moving  to  a  new  city                                                                                        team when he becomes a free
            and team that is willing to                                                                                         agent.
            meet his salary demands.                                                                                            He’s only signed for another
                                                                                                                                season, so the Mets will have
            The  four-time  Cleveland                                                                                           to  quickly  get  to  work  on
            All-Star shortstop — and one                                                                                        locking up Lindor long-term.
            of  baseball’s  best  all-around                                                                                    The Indians made it known
            players — was traded Thurs-                                                                                         that Lindor was available for
            day by the Indians along with                                                                                       the right price. And while it’s
            pitcher  Carlos  Carrasco  to                                                                                       never easy to trade a genera-
            the  New  York  Mets,  who                                                                                          tional talent with perhaps his
            have a new owner willing to                                                                                         best years still ahead of him,
            spend  at  baseball’s  highest                                                                                      Cleveland’s  financial  situa-
            levels.                                                                                                             tion was never going to make
            The  cash-strapped  Indians                                                                                         it possible to keep him.
            sent Lindor and Carrasco to                                                                                         Cohen  is  hoping  to  turn
            the  Mets  for  infielders  An-                                                                                     around  a  franchise  that  has
            dres Gimenez and Amed Ro-                                                                                           not won a World Series since
            sario, right-hander Josh Wolf                                                                                       1986.
            and outfielder Isaiah Greene                                                                                        Cohen hired general manag-
            —  a  move  Cleveland  hopes                                                                                        er  Brodie  Van  Wagenen  and
            will  keep  it  competitive  and                                                                                    brought  back  former  GM
            capable  of  ending  baseball’s                                                                                     Sandy Alderson as team pres-
            longest  World  Series  title                                                                                       ident and hired Jared Porter
            drought.                                                                                                            from  Arizona  as  GM  under
            Dealing  Lindor,  who  is  eli-                                                                                     Alderson.
            gible for free agency after the                                                                                     Lindor  had  $6,481,481  in
            2021  season,  was  inevitable                                                                                      prorated  pay  from  a  $17.5
            for  the  mid-market  Indians,                                                                                      million  salary  last  year,  and
            who  are  unable  to  compete                                                                                       is he eligible free agency after
            financially  with  MLB’s  big                                                                                       the 2021 season.
            spenders and dropped rough-                                                                                         Carrasco is signed at $12 mil-
            ly $30 million in dealing two                                                                                       lion in each of the next two
            prominent players and fan fa-                                                                                       seasons, part of a deal that in-
            vorites.                                                                                                            cludes a $14 million million
            “These  are  people  we  care                                                                                       team option for 2023 with a
            about,  not  just  players,  and                                                                                    $3  million  buyout.  The  op-
            guys that loved the organiza-                                                                                       tion  would  become  guaran-
            tion and have great memories                                                                                        teed if he pitches in 170 in-
            here,” said Indians President                                                                                       nings in 2022 and is found to
            of Baseball Operations Chris                                                                                        be healthy for the 2023 sea-
            Antonetti,  who  said  he  was   couldn’t do.             popular  athletes.  But  he’s  co’s caliber.              son.
            in tears when he spoke with   The  27-year-old  Lindor  can  gone now, leaving the Indians  He  can  be  replaced.  Find-  Since Cohen’s takeover, New
            Lindor and Carrasco. “Trades   affect the game with his bat,  without their best player and  ing someone to fill Lindor’s   York has kept pitcher Marcus
            like this are really tough. But   glove  and  legs.  A  two-time  the  team’s  fans  grumbling  shoes will be much tougher.  Stroman for an $18.9 million
            it’s the right thing to do.”  Gold Glove winner, he’s a ca-  about owner Paul Dolan.   Once the Indians’ pandemic-  qualifying offer, signed right-
            For the Mets, landing Lindor   reer .285 hitter and averaged  Carrasco is one of the game’s  shortened 2020 season ended   hander Trevor May to a $15.5
            is  a  home  run  and  another   29  homers,  86  RBIs  and  21  best  comeback  stories,  over-  with a loss to the New York   million,  two-year  contract
            major  move  by  hedge  fund   steals in his six major league  coming leukemia to become  Yankees  in  the  wild-card   and  catcher  James  McCann,
            owner  Steven  Cohen,  who   seasons — all with the Indi-  one of the AL’s steadiest start-  round,  it  became  a  matter   to a $40.6 million, four-year
            bought  the  team  on  Nov.  6   ans, who drafted him in 2011  ers. The 33-year-old has a 88-  of  when,  and  not  if,  Lindor   deal.  New  York  also  signed
            from  the  Wilpon  and  Katz   and developed him.         73 career record with a 3.73  would be traded.            injured  right-hander  Noah
            families  and  has  pledged  to                           ERA.                         Cleveland  had  run  out  of   Syndergaard  to  a  $9.7  mil-
            increase spending.           He has also been the face of  With an abundance of young  options.  Lindor  has  turned   lion, one-year deal.
            One  of  his  next  big-ticket   the  Indians’  franchise,  with  pitchers, including Cy Young  down  numerous  long-term   Rosario is eligible for arbitra-
            items  figures  to  be  signing   an  infectious  smile  and  joy  Award winner Shane Bieber,  contract  offers  from  the  In-  tion  for  the  first  time  after
            Lindor  to  a  long-term  con-  for  playing  that  has  made  the Indians were in position  dians, betting on himself and   earning  $225,474  prorated
            tract,  something  the  Indians   him one of Cleveland’s most  to  move  a  player  of  Carras-  knowing  he  could  get  more   from a $608,780 salary.

                      Former pitching great Tommy John hospitalized with COVID-19

            ( AP ) - Tommy John has  ently on oxygen. He said the  John  pitched  for  six  teams
            been  battling  COVID-19  biggest side effect at the mo-  over  a  26-year  career  from
            for at least three weeks.    ment is he has no strength in  1963-89. He is widely known
                                         his legs. As far as some of the  for  undergoing  the  ground-
            The    77-year-old   former  other  symptoms  associated  breaking ulnar collateral liga-
            pitching  great  remains  hos-  with COVID-19, such as loss  ment  reconstruction  surgery
            pitalized  near  his  home  in  of taste or smell, John said he  on his left elbow in 1974 that
            Indio, California. He said he  didn’t experience those.   bears his name.
            started to feel ill following a
            trip  to  Nashville  before  he  “I feel good. The only thing  He went on to win 20 games
            was hospitalized on Dec. 13.  right now is trying to arrange  three  times,  once  with  the
            John said he has had a bout  for  someone  to  do  physical  Los Angeles Dodgers in 1977
            of  pneumonia  and  did  re-  therapy from my home,” he  and twice with the New York
            ceive oxygen, but is not pres-  said.                     Yankees (1979-80).
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