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                                                                                                 u.s. news Diaranson 21 october 2020

                          Court says Epstein's ex-girlfriend's testimony can be public

            (AP)  —  A  British  social-  that she helped recruit girls,
            ite's testimony in a lawsuit  including  one  as  young  as
            related to Jeffrey Epstein's  14,  for  Epstein  to  abuse  in
            sexual abuse activities can  the  1990s.  She  has  pleaded
            be  made  public,  an  ap-   not guilty and has been held
            peals court ruled Monday.    without  bail  since  her  early
                                         July  arrest.  If  convicted,  she
            The 2nd U.S. Circuit Court  could face up to 35 years in
            of  Appeals  in  Manhattan  is-  prison.
            sued its conclusions in a se-
            ries  of  orders  it  released  re-  Epstein  killed  himself  in  a
            garding  2016  depositions  by  federal  jail  last  year  as  he
            Ghislaine Maxwell.           awaited  trial  on  sex  traffick-
                                         ing charges.
            Her  lawyers  had  appealed  a
            judge's  July  ruling  to  allow  A  lawyer  for  Maxwell  had
            release  of  the  transcripts  of  argued  that  the  depositions
            two depositions in which she  shouldn't be made public be-
            answered  questions  before  cause they are evidence in the
            the lawsuit was settled.     criminal case brought against
            The  judge  had  concluded  her.
            that there was a presumption                                                                                        scope and scale of Jeffrey Ep-
            of public access to deposition  The  depositions  were  taken  Maxwell  was  asked  during  Excerpts from seven hours of  stein's sex trafficking ring and
            materials.                   in  April  and  July  2016  in  a  one  deposition  whether  Ep-  depositions were ordered re-  the  efforts  made  to  conceal
                                         civil  case  brought  by  one  of  stein had a scheme to recruit  leased along with over 2,000  it."
            A  three-judge  appeals  panel  Epstein's  accusers,  Virginia  underage  girls  for  sexual  pages of other documents.
            that  heard  arguments  last  Giuffre.                    massages.                                                 Messages   seeking   com-
            week  concluded  that  Max-                                                            Sigrid  McCawley,  a  lawyer  ment were left with lawyers
            well's  arguments  for  secrecy  Maxwell's  lawyers  said  the  "I  don't  know  what  you're  for  Giuffre,  in  a  statement  for  Maxwell  and  the  Miami
            were meritless.              depositions  should  remain  talking  about,"  Maxwell  re-  called  the  2nd  Circuit  rul-  Herald, which intervened to
                                         secret because they form the  sponded,  her  lawyer  noted  ing  "an  important  step  to-  secure  the  public  release  of
            Maxwell,  58,  is  scheduled  basis of perjury charges in the  in making his arguments for  wards vindicating the public  documents.
            for trial next July on charges  indictment against Maxwell.  secrecy.                  interest in understanding the

                              San Francisco set to let people sue over racist 911 calls

            (AP) — Fed up with white people calling 911                                                     needed  to  sue  but  notes  that  qualifying  calls  are
            about  people  of  color  selling  water  bottles,  "They tried to cast it as a criminal scene," he said.  those  that  caused  the  person  to  feel  harassed  or
            barbecuing  or  otherwise  going  about  their  "It was me calmly applying chalk, not spray paint,  embarrassed; damaged the person's reputation or
            lives, San Francisco leaders are set to approve  not in the middle of the night but very deliberately.  business prospects; or forced the person from an
            hate  crime  legislation  giving  the  targets  of  The only thing that was missing was a pinot grigio."  area where they had a lawful right to be.
            those calls the ability to sue the caller.
                                                            Supervisor Shamann Walton, who introduced the  The  board  has  received  written  complaints  from
            The  Board  of  Supervisors  will  vote  Tuesday  on  legislation and is Black, said, "911 calls and emer-  eight people — several whose names have different
            the Caution Against Racial and Exploitative Non-  gency  reports  are  not  customer  service  lines  for  spellings of Karen — saying they support the leg-
            Emergencies Act, also known as the CAREN leg-   racist behavior. ... People of color have the right to  islation but object to its moniker, which they call
            islation.  It's  a  nod  to  a  popular  meme  using  the  do everyday activities and should not be subject to  sexist and ageist.
            name "Karen" to describe an entitled white woman  being harassed due to someone's racial bias."
            whose actions stem from her privilege, such as us-                                              Vic  Vicari  wrote  that  the  insensitive  use  of  the
            ing police to target people of color.           Supporters of the legislation say it is crushing to be  name "as a general purpose term of disapproval for
                                                            confronted by police because someone saw you as  middle age white women needs to stop." Carynn
            All 11 supervisors have signed on to the legislation,  a threat, possibly as a criminal or as not belonging.  Silva said she loves the name her mom gave her
            guaranteeing  it  will  pass,  despite  some  criticism  It's  especially  terrifying  for  Black  people,  whose  and  called  it  a  racist  term  against  white  women.
            that the name is sexist and divisive. It comes amid a  encounters with police could end in violence.  Caren Batides asked if the supervisor would want
            national reckoning on race compelled by the police                                              his name mocked.
            killings  of  Black  Americans  and  instances  where  "This is not hyperbole," said Brittni Chicuata, chief
            white people called for officers to investigate peo-  of staff for San Francisco's Human Rights Com-  "Yes, I am named Karen, and I do speak up for in-
            ple of color.                                   mission. "This is an established pattern reflected in  justices on a regular occasion," wrote Karen Shane.
                                                            the disparate treatment of Black people and other  "So  could  we  attempt  at  coming  up  with  some
            In May, Amy Cooper, a white woman, called 911  people of color in our city and in our country."  other acronym that doesn't vilify a whole group of
            from  Manhattan's  Central  Park,  falsely  claiming                                            people named Karen/Caryn/Caren?"
            that a Black man — who had politely asked her to  Other  places  have  moved  to  make  placing  racist
            leash her dog — was threatening her. She's been  911  calls  a  hate  crime.  California's  governor  re-  Reached by phone, Shane, who lives in a San Fran-
            charged with filing a false police report.      cently signed a measure making the crime a mis-  cisco  Bay  Area  suburb  and  describes  herself  as  a
                                                            demeanor punishable by jail time and a fine. New  middle-aged white woman, readily pokes fun at her
            In San Francisco, a white couple was criticized on  York approved legislation allowing the victims of  first name and said she's aware that even complain-
            social media after video was widely shared of them  racist 911 calls to sue.                    ing about it is something that a "Karen" would do.
            questioning a Filipino American stenciling "Black                                               But she feels the supervisor didn't need to cheapen
            Lives  Matter"  on  a  retaining  wall  in  front  of  his  The San Francisco legislation gives people the right  what she agrees is important legislation.
            home in June. They later called police.         to  sue  a  911  caller  in  civil  court,  and  supporters
                                                            hope it will make some think twice before turn-  "By using the name CAREN, he's just perpetuating
            James Juanillo said he chose yellow chalk to match  ing to police. The discrimination need not be only  a racial divide," she said. "Granted it's not a pro-
            the  color  of  the  house.  When  the  couple  ap-  racial; it can also be due to the person's sex, age, re-  tected class, but it's somebody's name."
            proached him, they repeatedly demanded to know  ligion, disability, gender identity, weight or height.
            if it was his home because he was defacing private                                              Walton has dismissed the concerns, saying the leg-
            property.                                       The  legislation  does  not  spell  out  the  standards  islation does not refer to any individual.
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