Page 28 - Aruba Bank 24 JULY 2015
P. 28

                                                                                                                 Thursday 23 July 2015

Even Apple loyalists taking their
time on Apple Watch

BARBARA ORTUTAY                In this April 10, 2015, file photo, a customer tries on an Apple                      locations — even if they are
AP Technology Writer           Watch at an Apple Store in Hong Kong.                                                 far away — rather than the
NEW YORK (AP) — For                                                                                                  stops closest to you at the
all those who hailed the                                                                           Associated Press  moment, as the phone app
iPhone as the “Jesus                                                                                                 does. As for message notifi-
Phone” in 2007, the Apple      weeks. The last straw? It        time in Japan, where many                            cations, it’s great when it’s
Watch’s arrival has hardly     nagged the physically ac-        of his business clients are.                         from someone you want to
been the second coming.        tive New Yorker to stand up      But even so, there’s a long                          hear from — but annoying
Sure, it can do many use-      during a six-hour flight.        wish list, including smarter                         when it’s not.
ful, even delightful things,   “Apple is famous for telling     apps. Apple is already ad-                           It’ll take time for apps to
such as showing incoming       us what we need before we        dressing some of this with                           anticipate what users need
texts and email, tracking      need them,” Clayton said.        a software update this fall.                         most.
heart rates during exercise    “I thought this would be the     Falkenstein would also like                          Apps will get better when
or sending digital doo-        case with the watch. But it      to see the battery life im-                          Apple updates the watch’s
dles to friends. But is that   (just) added something to        prove from the 18 hours                              software this fall to per-
enough to spend $350 or        my life that I didn’t need       that’s currently promised.                           mit more “native” apps —
more, especially when it       added.”                          Apple has run television                             those that aren’t just exten-
requires wearing a watch       That’s not to say the Apple      commercials showing the                              sions of phone apps. Some
again while still carrying an  Watch is a bomb. For one,        watch in everyday life, and                          apps could even work
iPhone around?                 it’s too soon to tell. Expec-    it has devoted tables at its                         without the phone nearby,
Early Apple Watch owners       tations are so high that it’s    retail stores for people to try                      including games, audio re-
seem generally happy with      easy to forget, as Apple         one on and learn more.                               corders and tools that ana-
it, but Apple’s bigger wor-    said, that the watch actu-       Connected wirelessly to an                           lyze golf swings.
ry should be those on the      ally sold better in its first 9  iPhone, the Apple Watch                              Apple also needs to en-
sidelines — even hardcore      weeks than the iPhone and        isn’t meant to replace the                           sure that the watch gets
Apple fans, not to mention     the iPad did when those          phone, but rather provide                            the types of essential “killer
everybody else — who are       came out.                        tidbits of information read-                         apps” that propelled the
waiting to take the plunge.    Most analysts and tech re-       ily while the phone is in a                          iPhone into an extension
The wait-and-see attitude is   viewers, including The As-       pocket or purse. There’s                             of ourselves. For now, it’s
not exactly helping investor   sociated Press, see prom-        no keyboard, so searches                             sometimes easier to just pull
sentiment. Apple hasn’t re-    ise, especially compared         and messages are done                                out the phone, and there’s
leased Apple Watch sales       with rival smartwatches          by voice dictation or the                            no app you absolutely
figures, but the company’s     from Samsung and others.         selection of a canned re-                            need the watch for. With
quarterly financial report     Wristly, a research com-         sponse. You can also send                            phones, you now have
Tuesday suggests that they     pany created to study the        doodles and emoji.                                   maps, cameras and other
were lower than many Wall      watch, found that early          David Lubarsky, a Fairfield,                         essentials.
Street analysts expected,      buyers are overwhelming-         Connecticut, photogra-                               It might be hard to remem-
though Apple said they         ly satisfied, more so than       pher, loves that he can get                          ber, but the first iPhone in
exceeded internal projec-      with the original iPad and       “basic information, quick”                           2007 was just a little more
tions. A bigger worry for in-  iPhone.                          and avoid staring at Face-                           than a phone. Apps from
vestors: iPhone sales, which   And of the more than a           book on the phone all day.                           outside companies didn’t
at $31 billion account for     dozen early Apple Watch          It lets him see texts, emails,                       come until Apple launched
more than half of Apple’s      owners interviewed by the        calendar appointments                                its app store the following
business.                      AP by phone, email or in         and baseball scores.                                 year — with just 500 apps.
IPhone sales are still grow-   person, most of them love        But he gets frustrated when                          Now, it has more than a
ing rapidly, but the pace      their watch. After all, early    using it to pay for coffee at                        million. At first, iPhone apps
of growth is slowing. Wor-     adopters of new technolo-        Starbucks.                                           were dumbed-down ver-
ries about the iPhone’s mo-    gies tend to understand          “Your wrist doesn’t neces-                           sions of websites. Now
mentum sent Apple’s stock      that what they’re getting        sarily twist to the right po-                        many apps, such as Insta-
down nearly 5 percent,         isn’t perfect.                   sition to the scanner so it’s                        gram, do more than what’s
knocking about $36 billion     “I’d recommend it to peo-        pretty awkward,” he said.                            possible over Web brows-
off the company’s market       ple with an open mind,”          Apple Watch also doesn’t                             ers. Apple Watch doesn’t
capitalization.                said Dennis Falkenstein of       always provide the right                             subject owners to ridicule
Among people holding off       Danville, California. He said    information at the right                             the way Google Glass had,
on the watch, some say         the watch gets him “every-       time. The watch version of                           yet it’s still, in essence, a
they are waiting for early     thing I want” such as local      one transit app offers bus                           computer on your wrist. Yes,
kinks to be worked out and     temperature, or the current      schedules for your saved                             the Apple Watch comes in
others, for an “aha mo-                                                                                              multiple sizes, materials and
ment.”                                                                                                               bands — 54 configurations
“It’s been cast as a want,                                                                                           in all — and other compa-
not a need,” said Matt                                                                                               nies sell additional bands.
Quick, a Topeka, Kansas,                                                                                             But the watch isn’t stylish
engineer and Apple fan                                                                                               enough for everyone and
who is holding off on get-                                                                                           won’t match every outfit.
ting one. “I’m kind of wait-                                                                                         The watch could ultimately
ing to see what next year’s                                                                                          be more than just a Ro-
model will bring.”                                                                                                   lex for the tech-savvy set.
Patrick Clayton, who has                                                                                             But for that to happen,
had Mac computers all his                                                                                            Apple needs to show how
life and owns an iPhone                                                                                              the benefits of wearing a
and several iPads, returned                                                                                          watch outweigh the has-
his Apple Watch after three                                                                                          sles of wearing a watch.q
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