Page 30 - Aruba Bank 24 JULY 2015
P. 30
Thursday 23 July 2015
Coca-Cola fetching higher prices with marketing, mini-cans
Bottles of Coca-Cola are on display at a Haverhill, Mass. supermarket. Coca-Cola reported ics, the company said ica, noted that moms in
overall advertising spend- particular like the smaller
quarterly financial results on Wednesday, July 22, 2015. (AP Photo/Elise Amendola) ing saw a double-digit per- sizes and that people are
centage increase during willing to pay “a little bit
CANDICE CHOI been slashing costs, then prices for its drinks. the quarter. more money” for them.
Associated Press pouring some of that mon- In a conference call with In the U.S., a recent cam- In the past, Douglas noted
NEW YORK (AP) — Coca- ey into increased market- analysts Wednesday, Co- paign is the “Share A Coke” that the company mar-
Cola says people are shell- ing. ca-Cola CEO Muhtar Kent program, which puts pop- keted packages that were
ing out more money for its The Atlanta-based com- said the company’s reve- ular names and words like too big and led to waste.
drinks, thanks to a mix of re- pany, known for more than nue growth in North Amer- “Friend” and “Legend” on He said a variety of small-
invigorated marketing and a century’s worth of ads ica during the second packages. Many custom- er sizes now account for
mini-cans and glass bottles such as “I’d Like To Buy The quarter would not have ers snap pictures of the roughly in the “low teens”
that tend to cost more. World A Coke,” says the been achieved without cans and bottles, then post as a percent of sales vol-
To help boost weak sales stepped-up quality and the “infusion” of improved them on social media sites ume in North America.
growth, the maker of Sprite, quantity of its advertising is marketing. like Facebook and Insta- Other food and bever-
Fanta and Powerade has helping it command higher Without providing specif- gram. The increased focus age companies have
on marketing comes as pushed up revenue with
Coca-Cola faces broader similar strategies. Earlier
challenges in the U.S., with this month, for instance,
beverage options prolifer- PepsiCo CEO Indra Nooyi
ating and people continu- said the company is using
ing to move away from tra- “creative revenue man-
ditional sodas. agement tactics, coupled
That has prompted the with innovation” to boost
company to focus on its financial performance.
extracting more money That could mean newer
per transaction by raising products that cost a bit
prices on traditional pack- more, like Mountain Dew
ages, as well as by push- Dewshine that come in a
ing offerings like mini-cans glass bottle.
that cost more. During the And in April, Starbucks said
quarter, the company said it boosted sales in the U.S.
the sales volume of mini- with the help of pricier
cans rose double-digits. drinks like the “Flat White”
Sandy Douglas, president espresso and Teavana
of Coca-Cola North Amer- “Shaken” ice teas.q
Microsoft books $8.4 billion write-down on phones in 4Q
RYAN NAKASHIMA The write-down was ex- in Windows revenue. going into a transitional 22 percent, hurt by a de-
AP Business Writer pected after CEO Satya Microsoft plans for Windows year.” cline in PC shipments that
LOS ANGELES (AP) — Mi- Nadella announced 7,800 10 to be its last version of In the quarter through researchers at IDC pegged
crosoft booked an $8.4 job cuts two weeks ago. Windows before transition- June, Windows revenue fell at 11.8 percent globally.q
billion charge in the fourth The company will contin- ing the business to a fee-
quarter, swallowing a bitter ue to make phones on a for-service model down the
pill by writing off the Nokia smaller scale, paring down road, although how that
phone business it bought its lower-cost offerings. will work is unclear.
just over a year ago. It nar- Nadella told analysts on The company gave an out-
rowly beat analysts’ de- a conference call he’d look for revenue of $20.7
pressed expectations for like Windows phones to billion to $21.3 billion for the
a quarter that also saw a be more targeted at high- first fiscal quarter through
steep decline in personal endbusinesses and their September that was below
computer sales even as it employees, much like its the $22.6 billion expected
prepares to launch its latest Surface tablet, which saw by analysts polled by Fact-
operating system, Windows upbeat sales. Set. Shares dipped $1.90,
10. “We have a formula there or 4 percent, to $45.38 in
The Redmond, Washing- that I would like to apply after-hours trading.
ton-based software giant more broadly,” Nadella Daniel Ives, senior analyst
posted a net loss of $3.20 said. with FBR Capital Markets,
billion, or 40 cents per The difficult quarter comes said the company is like-
share, reversing a profit of ahead of the launch of ly under-promising in the
$4.61 billion, or 55 cents per Windows 10 on July 29, a hope it can over-deliver,
share, a year ago. free upgrade for users of but investors are cautious
Adjusted to exclude the Windows 7 or 8 for the next about the launch of Win-
charges, the company year. The company hopes dows 10.
posted a quarterly profit of that better integrating its “The Street continues to
62 cents per share, beating store into the revamped be wary of what Windows
the average estimate of 15 Start button and power- 10 can bring in terms of a
analysts surveyed by Zacks ing more Internet searches growth profile back to the
Investment Research of 31 through Bing will compen- Microsoft story,” Ives said.
cents per share. sate for the temporary dip “It’s a transitional quarter