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4      LOCAL NEWS                                                                                     Friday, 24 November 2023

         Stichting Musica Chooses Carnival

        Village for ACSM2024 Grand Finale

       FOLLOWING the conclusion of Aruba                field  protection.  Both  parties  agreed

       Caiso & Soca Monarch (ACSM) 2023,                that it is not responsible to incur such
       Stichting Musica began  contem-                  expenses and risk any damage to the
       plating a suitable venue  for the                field.
       upcoming edition. Given  the  celebra-           Stichting Musica appreciates Minister

       tion of Carnival’s 70th anniversary, the         Endy Croes for the valuable advice and
       desire was to host ACSM2024  at Joe              the positivity and support provided so
       Laveist Sport Park, aiming to evoke the          far regarding the organization’s plans.
       nostalgic sentiments  associated with

       this iconic venue.                               The foundation will hold ACSM2024                 ments at Carnival Village, the promoter
                                                        at Carnival Village. However, they                would bear exorbitant expenses,
       After several meetings with both                 aim  to  do  so  in  a  realistic,  effective     making  the  location  financially  unat-
       sports organizations managing  the               manner with a view toward a sustain-              tractive.

       sport park and consultations with the            able plan for the coming years. This
       Minister of Culture and Minister of              plan has already been submitted to the            Stichting Musica remains committed to
       Sports, Stichting Musica concluded               government, wherein Stichting Musica              making ACSM2024 a standout cultural
       that ACSM2024  could not be held at              advocates  for  the  finalization  of  the        celebration and creating an unforget-

       Joe Laveist Sport Park.                          development of Carnival Village.                  table experience on January 26  and
                                                        The upper area near the  bridge in                27, 2024, within the framework of our
       In the latest meeting with Minister Endy         Aruba deserves a fully equipped venue             70th Carnival anniversary. The orga-
       Croes, Stichting Musica explored all             for festivals  without  burdening the             nization  invites  everyone  to follow

       options with the official and assessed           promoter with all logistical and associ-          all ACSM2024  developments on the
       the considerable costs associated with           ated costs. Without the basic require-            Stichting Musica Facebook Page.

       Minister Arends Updates Residents of

           Playa Pabao on Waste Management

       THE Ministry of Nature organized a meeting  at the  Playa                  Dump area. An allocation of 6 million florins has been made
       Pabao Community  Center  to provide an update  on  waste                   to transform it into a solar park.
       management in Aruba. During the meeting, they discussed

       the “Baki den Bario” initiative, taking place every Saturday               “I am pleased to raise awareness among citizens that every-
       from 7 am to 11 am as part of the national campaign ‘Limpi                 thing we create on land has an impact on our sea,” said
       Limpi.’ Attendees had the opportunity to ask questions to                  Minister of Nature, Mr. Ursell Arends. An essential aspect of
       Minister Arends and suggest ways to improve the activity.                  Minister Arends’ approach involves educational campaigns

                                                                                  to inform the community  about the  importance of waste
       Waste management is a dynamic process, focusing on citizen                 separation and the positive impact it can have on our envi-
       participation to contribute to the cleanliness of our island.              ronment.
       The goal of “Baki den Bario” is to promote a habit of waste

       separation in our community and  increase the amount of                    For more information on waste management and the Baki
       collected material that can be recycled, either processed                  den Bario initiative, you can visit the website.
       locally or exported.                                                       The next Baki den Bario action will take place on Saturday,
       The discussion shared data on the Baki den Bario initiative                November 25, 2023, at the Playa Pabao Community Center

       and provided updates on efforts to clean up the Parkietenbos               from 7 am to 11 am.
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