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8 LOCAL NEWS Friday, 24 November 2023
Mystery Respiratory Illness Sweeping
Through U.S. Dog Populations
VETERINARIANS across the United States are reporting Are my dogs safe here in Aruba?
a surge in cases of dogs suffering from a mysterious respi- As of November 2023, there have been no confirmed cases
ratory illness. The cause of the illness remains unknown, but of the mysterious respiratory illness in dogs outside of the
it is causing widespread concern among dog owners and United States. However, veterinarians and health officials
breeders. are monitoring the situation closely. They are prepared to
respond if the illness does spread to other countries.
The symptoms of the illness vary but can include coughing,
sneezing, lethargy, and loss of appetite. In some cases, the The illness is thought to be contagious, so it is possible to
illness can be fatal. Veterinarians urge dog owners to be spread to other countries if infected dogs are transported
vigilant and seek veterinary care if they exhibit these symp- or if the virus or bacteria that causes the illness can mutate
toms. and adapt to new environments.
The illness is thought to be contagious, and health officials Here are some additional tips for protecting your dog from
are urging dog owners to take precautions to protect their the mystery respiratory illness:
pets. These precautions include avoiding contact with other • Avoid taking your dog to crowded places, such as dog
dogs, especially those sick, and practicing good hygiene. parks.
• Wash your hands thoroughly after handling your dog.
While the cause of the illness remains a mystery, veterinar- • Keep your dog’s food and water bowls clean.
ians are working hard to identify it and develop a treatment. • Disinfect your dog’s toys and bedding regularly.
In the meantime, dog owners should protect their pets and • By taking these precautions, you can help to keep your dog
seek veterinary care if their dog becomes sick. safe and healthy.