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12 INTERNATIONAL Friday, 24 November 2023
Russian Hacker Group Widens Scope
with USB-Based Espionage Malware
A Russian-state hacking group, recognized by various drives. The infected devices establish a continuous commu-
aliases including Gamaredon, Primitive Bear, ACTINIUM, nication link with Gamaredon-operated command-and-
Armageddon, and Shuckworm, notorious for its exclusive control servers.
focus on Ukrainian targets, has recently expanded its reach.
Whether intentionally or accidentally, the group has allowed While Gamaredon maintains its focus on Ukrainian entities,
USB-based espionage malware to infect organizations in the USB worm, LitterDrifter, has shown signs of spreading
several countries, moving beyond its usual Ukrainian targets. beyond its intended targets. Check Point researchers have
detected possible infections in countries such as the USA,
Active since at least 2014 and attributed to Russia’s Federal Vietnam, Chile, Poland, and Germany. Additionally, evidence
Security Service by Ukraine’s Security Service, Gamaredon of infections has been observed in Hong Kong, indicating a
operates unlike many Kremlin-backed groups, displaying a broader geographical impact.
disregard for maintaining a low profile.
The nature of the USB-based malware suggests a potential
In contrast to discreet operations, Gamaredon’s espionage expansion beyond intentional targets, either through inad-
campaigns are easily detectable and traceable back to the vertent infections or a shift in the hacking group’s strategy.
Russian government. These campaigns primarily involve This development raises concerns about the global reach of
malware designed to extract extensive information from Gamaredon’s activities and the potential for the USB worm
targeted Ukrainian organizations. to compromise organizations beyond its original scope.
Among the tools employed by the group is a computer worm As cybersecurity experts closely monitor these develop-
identified by Check Point Research as LitterDrifter. Written ments, the increased geographical footprint of Gamaredon’s
in Visual Basic Scripting language, LitterDrifter has a dual malware underscores the evolving and expanding threats
purpose: widespread transmission between USB drives posed by state-sponsored hacking groups, emphasizing the
and the permanent infection of devices connected to these need for robust cybersecurity measures on a global scale.