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Friday, 24 November 2023                                                                                             HEALTH                27

                                                              Decoding Diversity:

       Exploring Different Types of

       Autism within the Spectrum

       AUTISM Spectrum Disorder (ASD) encompasses a spec-
       trum of neurodevelopmental disorders charac-

       terized by challenges in social communication,
       repetitive behaviors, and restricted interests.
       While all individuals with ASD share certain
       core features, the spectrum is broad and

       diverse. Here are different types of autism,
       often referred to as subtypes or variations.

       Classic Autism (Autistic Disorder):

       Individuals with  classic  autism  typically
       exhibit significant challenges in communi-
       cation, and social interaction, and display
       repetitive behaviors.

       Speech and language development may be
       delayed or impaired, and they might struggle
       with non-verbal communication.                                                                                It  primarily  affects  girls  and
                                                                                  involves a period of normal development followed by a loss

       Asperger’s Syndrome:                                                       of purposeful hand skills and the emergence of repetitive
       Often considered a milder form of autism, individuals with                 hand movements.
       Asperger’s Syndrome usually have normal to above-average
       intelligence.                                                              Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD):

       Challenges  in social  interactions  and communication are                 While not officially recognized as a subtype of autism, many
       present, but there may be a more advanced language devel-                  individuals on the spectrum experience sensory processing
       opment.                                                                    challenges.
                                                                                  SPD involves atypical responses to sensory stimuli, such as

       Pervasive Developmental Disorder-Not                                       heightened sensitivity or diminished response  to sensory
       Otherwise Specified (PDD-NOS):                                             input.
       PDD-NOS  is  a term  that was previously  used  to describe
       cases that did not fit neatly into classic autism or Asperger’s            High-Functioning Autism (HFA):

       syndrome.                                                                  HFA is not a distinct subtype but is often used to describe
       Individuals with PDD-NOS might show some, but not all, of                  individuals on the autism spectrum with average or above-
       the typical characteristics of autism.                                     average intellectual abilities.
                                                                                  Those with HFA may struggle with social interactions and

       Childhood Disintegrative Disorder (CDD):                                   communication but may excel in specific areas of interest.
       CDD  is a rare condition  where  children  develop typically
       for the first few years of life, but then experience a severe              Understanding the  diverse  range of autism subtypes  is
       loss of acquired skills in areas such as language, social, and             essential for tailoring support and interventions to meet the

       motor skills.                                                              unique needs of each individual.

       Rett Syndrome:                                                             It’s  important to note  that the  term  “autism  spectrum”
       Although Rett Syndrome is a separate genetic disorder, it is               reflects the wide variability in characteristics and strengths

       often considered part of the autism spectrum.                              within the autism community.
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