Page 32 - bon-dia-aruba-20201113
P. 32

A32    sports
               Diabierna 13 november 2020

                       White Sox say they understand                                                World champion runner Naser

                           'seriousness' La Russa case                                                 faces appeal in doping case

            (AP)  —  The  Chicago  White  Sox  are  found him asleep inside his running sport
            sticking  with  new  manager  Tony  La  utility vehicle at a stop light and smelling of
            Russa for now, saying they understand  alcohol.
            the  "seriousness"  of  his  latest  drunken  La Russa was hired by Chicago in a surprise
            driving case and will have more to say  move after Rick Renteria was let go in what
            once it plays out in court.               the team insisted was a mutual decision. He
                                                      is friends with chairman Jerry Reinsdorf and
            "Tony deserves all the assumptions and pro-  started his managing career with the White
            tections  granted  to  everyone  in  a  court  of  Sox during the 1979 season.
            law, especially while this is a pending mat-  The  White  Sox  made  the  playoffs  for  the
            ter," the team said Thursday in a statement.  first time since 2008 and ended a string of
            "Once  his  case  reaches  resolution  in  the  seven losing seasons with a 35-25 record.
            courts, we will have more to say. The White  La  Russa's  coaching  staff,  meanwhile,  is   (AP) — Women's 400-me-  An  independent  tribunal
            Sox  understand  the  seriousness  of  these  starting to take shape.                  ter world champion Salwa  judged  that  Naser's  three
            charges."                                 The White Sox plan to hire Ethan Katz as     Eid  Naser  faced  a  new  so-called  "whereabouts  fail-
            La Russa, a Hall of Fame manager who won  their pitching coach, a person familiar with   legal  case  Thursday  that  ures"  did  happen  within  a
            a World Series with Oakland and two more  the situation said on Thursday. The person   could see her banned be-     12-month  calendar  period
            with St. Louis, blew out a tire on the grey  spoke  on  the  condition  of  anonymity  be-  fore the Tokyo Olympics.  but  technically  counted  as
            Lexus he was driving in a collision with a  cause the move has not been announced.                                  spanning more than one year.
            curb that left the vehicle smoking when he  The  37-year-old  Katz  was  White  Sox  ace   Track and field's Athletics In-  The  ruling  meant  Naser,
            was arrested on misdemeanor DUI charges  Lucas Giolito's pitching coach at Harvard-    tegrity  Unit  said  it  appealed  who was born in Nigeria but
            in February, according to an affidavit filed by  Westlake High School in Los Angeles with   to  the  Court  of  Arbitration  competes  for  Bahrain,  kept
            the Arizona Department of Public Safety.  a staff that also included future major leagu-  for  Sport  against  a  decision  her title from the 2019 world
            The case was filed on Oct. 28 — one day be-  ers Max Fried and Jack Flaherty. He replaces   last  month    to  close  a  case  championships   and   was
            fore his hiring — after tests taken the night  Don Cooper, who had been pitching coach   against Naser, who had been  cleared to compete in Tokyo
            of his arrest showed his blood alcohol con-  since July 2002 and spent more than three   charged  with  breaking  anti-  next year.
            centration was .095 — above the legal limit  decades with the organization.            doping rules.                The  22-year-old  Naser  ran
            of .08. He has pleaded not guilty.        Katz coached in the Los Angeles Angels and   Naser  had  missed  doping  the fastest women's 400 time
            The White Sox were aware of the case when  Seattle Mariners organizations before being   tests  and  failed  to  update  since 1985 to win the world
            they hired him. They initially declined com-  hired by San Francisco in 2019 as as assis-  details  of  how  she  could  be  title in Doha, Qatar.
            ment Monday, saying it was "an active case."  tant minor league pitching coordinator. The   found  by  sample  collection  CAS  typically  take  several
            La  Russa  pleaded  guilty  to  driving  under  Giants promoted him to assistant pitching   officials, but the charges were  months to prepare a hearing
            the influence in Florida in 2007 after police  coach last December.                    dismissed on a technicality.   in a case.
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