Page 30 - bon-dia-aruba-20201113
P. 30

A30    world news
                      Diabierna  november

                           Islamic State group claims attack at Saudi WWI ceremony

            (AP) — The Islamic State group  have dispersed into the desert in both
            claimed responsibility on Thurs-    Syria and Iraq, while others also fled
            day for the explosion the previous  to their home countries. Thousands
            day  at  a  cemetery  in  Saudi  Ara-  of others languish in Syrian and Iraqi
            bia,  saying  it  primarily  targeted  jails.
            French  diplomats  attending  the  While  the  group  never  had  a  major
            ceremony in remembrance of the  presence in Saudi Arabia, the last ma-
            end of World War I.                 jor attack its militants carried out in
                                                the kingdom was in 2015.
            Other  Europeans  and  Americans
            were  attending  the  ceremony  at  the  In  remarks  carried  by  the  state-run
            Non-Muslims Cemetery in the king-   Saudi  Press  Agency  on  Thursday
            dom’s coastal city of Jiddah. The blast  night,  Crown  Prince  Mohammed
            wounded three people, leaving them  bin Salman pledged to “strike with an
            with light o minor injuries.        iron  fist  against  anyone  who  would
                                                like  to  undermine  our  security  and
            IS said in a posting on its news agen-  stability” after the Jiddah attack.
            cy, Aamaq, that it primarily targeted  France has been the target of three at-
            the French consul attending the cer-  tacks in recent weeks that authorities
            emony because of his country's pub-  have attributed to Muslim extremists.
            lication of caricatures of the Prophet                                  month that lightly wounded a guard
            Muhammad.                           The  prophet  caricatures,  which  re-  at the French Consulate, also in Jid-  The  Non-Muslim  Cemetery  sits
                                                turned  to  the  public  domain  earlier  dah.  An  Islamic  State  sympathizer  near  Jiddah's  docks,  hidden  behind
            The claim was also carried on one of  this  year,  are  deemed  offensive  by  also  carried  out  a  deadly  attack  in  trees  alongside  a  major  thorough-
            the militant Telegram channels used  many Muslims and have sparked pro-  Austria earlier this month.        fare in the city. The Commonwealth
            by  IS,  which  said  its  fighters  were  tests in Asia and the Middle East, with  The  Saudi  Embassy  in  The  Hague  War  Graves  Commission  —  which
            able to plant the explosive device at  calls for boycott of French products.  was  sprayed  with  gunfire  early  on  maintains places of commemoration
            the ceremony. The militant group of-  They were also seen as the trigger for  Thursday, leaving bullet holes across  for  military  service  members  from
            fered no proof for its claim.       several attacks against French nation-  the  facade  and  in  several  windows.  British  Commonwealth  nations  —
                                                als and interests in recent weeks.  Nobody  was  hurt,  according  to  the  shows just one soldier buried at the
            Aamaq said other European countries                                     Dutch police.                       cemetery,  Pvt.  John  Arthur  Hogan,
            at the ceremony were also considered  The  attacks  included  the  beheading  It is not clear if all these attacks are  who died in June 1944.
            targets because they are part of the in-  of a French teacher outside Paris who  related.                   In  2015,  an  IS  suicide  bomber  at-
            ternational coalition fighting Islamic  showed  caricatures  of  the  Prophet                               tacked a mosque inside a police com-
            State militants. The U.S-led coalition  Muhammad to his class. Three peo-  Some 20 people of different nation-  pound  in  Abha,  350  miles  south  of
            against IS declared victory against the  ple were later killed in a church in the  alities  were  attending  the  ceremony  Mecca, killing 15 people in the dead-
            group in early 2019 after it drove its  southern  city  of  Nice.  Wednesday's  in  Jiddah.  Wednesday  marked  the  liest attack on the kingdom’s security
            militants out of territories they con-  explosion  in  the  port  city  of  Jiddah  102nd  anniversary  of  the  armistice  forces  in  years.  Eleven  of  the  dead
            trolled in Syria and Iraq.          wounded one U.K. national, a Greek  ending  World  War  I,  a  day  that  was  belonged to an elite counterterrorism
                                                policeman and a Saudi security offi-  also commemorated in several Euro-  unit  whose  tasks  include  protecting
            But  remnants  of  the  militant  group  cer. It followed a stabbing attack last  pean countries.           the hajj pilgrimage.

                           Greek hospital staff demand hirings as cases, deaths spike

                                                                      it  has  massively  increased  crowding  and  contact  with  toms of COVID-19 and test-
                                                                      intensive  care  capacity,  not-  people we do not know.”  ing positive.
                                                                      ing there were a total of just
                                                                      over 500 ICU beds in Greece  The prime minister said the  A  hospital  statement  Thurs-
                                                                      when it came to power after  resurgence  of  the  virus  in  day  said  the  91-year-old
                                                                      elections in mid-2019.       Greece  and  the  rest  of  Eu-  archbishop was in stable con-
                                                                                                   rope was due to “young peo-  dition in intensive care with
                                                                      “Every humanly possible ef-  ple having fun. I’m not say-  mild  respiratory  symptoms
                                                                      fort  was  made  so  that  we  ing this as criticism, of course  and a low fever.
                                                                      can,  in  the  intervening  time  young  people  are  more  sus-  Meanwhile,  Foreign  Minis-
                                                                      between  the  first  wave  and  ceptible  to  such  behavior.  ter Nikos Dendias, who has
                                                                      where  we  are  today,  rein-  But it’s an observation and it  been in self-quarantine since
                                                                      force  the  ICUs  with  beds  needs to be heard.”         Wednesday after coming into
                                                                      and personnel,” Prime Min-                                contact  with  someone  who
                                                                      ister  Kyriakos  Mitsotakis  Greece  imposed  an  early  tested  positive,  said  he  had
                                                                      said  Thursday  during  a  Par-  lockdown  during  the  pan-  received  a  phone  call  from
            (AP) — Dozens of hospi-      had a total of 1,104 intensive  liament  debate  on  the  gov-  demic's  initial  outbreak  in  his   Turkish   counterpart,
            tal  workers  held  protests  care unit beds, of which 496  ernment’s  handling  of  the  the  spring,  a  move  credited  Mevlut  Cavusoglu,  who  in-
            at  hospitals  in  Greece  were set aside for COVID-19  pandemic.  “Whatever  was  with keeping the number of  quired about his health.
            Thursday,         demand-    patients. Of those, 335 are al-  humanly possible ... has been  deaths  and  seriously  ill  very  Relations  between  Greece
            ing  more  medical  staff  ready occupied.                done  and  continues  to  be  low. But a resurgence of the  and Turkey have been partic-
            be  hired  as  the  country                               done.”                       virus this autumn has led to  ularly tense in recent months,
            struggles  to  contain  a  re-  On  Thursday,  authorities                             a  rapidly  increasing  number  mainly due to a dispute over
            surgence of the coronavi-    reported  50  new  deaths  and  Mitsotakis said that no mat-  of  people  in  intensive  care  drilling  rights  in  the  eastern
            rus  that  has  led  to  a  new  more  than  3,300  new  con-  ter how many ICUs a coun-  units, and a sharp increase in  Mediterranean.
            lockdown being imposed.      firmed  infections  —  both  try  has,  “and  obviously  we  deaths.                   Dendias tweeted that he had
                                         record  high  daily  numbers.  prefer  to  have  more  rather                          thanked  Cavusoglu  for  the
            An  increase  in  the  number  Greece’s  total  confirmed  than  fewer,  a  health  system  Those  hospitalized  include  call,  and  stressed  he  was  in
            of  people  seriously  ill  with  COVID-19  infections  stand  cannot cope if we do not hit  the  Greek  Orthodox  Arch-  quarantine only for preventa-
            COVID-19  has  brought  the  at  66,637  with  an  overall  the problem at the start of the  bishop of Albania, Anastasios,  tive reasons. Greece's deputy
            country’s  health  system  un-  death toll of 959 in the coun-  chain. The start of the chain  who  was  airlifted  to  Greece  foreign  minister  is  also  in
            der  increasing  pressure.  As  try of around 11 million.  is  the  uncontrolled  spread  from  Tirana  on  Wednesday  self-quarantine  for  the  same
            of  Wednesday  night,  Greece  The government has stressed  of  the  virus  mainly  through  after  showing  mild  symp-  reason.
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