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P. 11
LOCAL Friday 2 december 2022
Further Development Information Organizations Carib (DIOC)
congress held by the Board of Chief of Police
ORANJESTAD – On No- the Minister of Justice and Dutch Kingdom and other
vember 28, 2022, the DIOC Social Affairs Policy plan entities came together to
Congress held by the Board is the fight against crime seek the most efficient way
of Chief of Police started. by investing more in the to share information and
information departments. come to agreements. It is
In this Congress, all stake- It is time to realize that an important not only due to
holders follow the intel- information department is local and international de-
ligence training course. essential to fight crime effi- velopments but also due to
They also seize the opportu- ciently and effectively and the technical and judicial
nity to come to a consen- not a luxury. challenges. The Congress is
sus on how to work better for three days and includes
and closer together and For this reason, information a workshop about the lat-
share duties and consulta- management and every- est developments in the in-
tion structures. thing information related is telligence and information
a priority on the strategic world.
The Minister of Justice and agenda of the Minister of
Social Affairs, Rocco Tjon, Justice. The Minister thanked the
is satisfied to attend the Board of Chief of Police and
Congress about the in- According to Minister Tjon, the entire team for realiz-
vestments required in the he is thrilled to see how the ing this encounter to fight
information departments Board of Police Chiefs or- against crime through intel-
in the Caribbean. One of ganized this Congress. The ligence and information.q
the most significant issues in Judicial departments of the
Visit to the Council of State
ber 30, 2022, Prime Minister
Evelyn Wever - Croes and
the Finance Minister, Xio-
mara Maduro, visited the
Council of State and met
with the representative of
Aruba in the Council of
State, Mrs. Mildred Schwen-
gle, and Mr. Richard van
Zwol, member of the Coun-
cil of State.
During this meeting, the
Prime Minister and Finance
Minister provided informa- about what Aruba is doing They also met with Mr.
tion about the steps Aruba in this regard. During the Richard van Zwol, an ac-
is taking within the frame- meeting with Mrs. Schwen- quaintance of Aruba and
work of financial recovery. gle, they discussed various a member of the Council
topics regarding the aim of of State, on the financial
Aruba is currently in the their visit to the Netherlands situation of Aruba. He com-
recovery phase. There- and shared financial infor- mented that Aruba is tak-
fore the information needs mation about Aruba. ing essential steps to recov-
to reach the Netherlands er financially.q