Page 13 - HOH
P. 13
local Friday 2 december 2022
Ashley Urbaneja: “My dream is to represent Aruba in rhythmic
gymnastics at the Olympics”
ing her to advance in her sport”, Urbaneja explained that
she added. because of not having a
Dutch passport, during
On the other hand, Urbaneja the award ceremo-
explains, there are some limi- ny for Excellence in
tations due to the fact that Sport, Ash-
a Latin child is represent- ley was the
ing Aruba. For example, only child in
there are South or her team who
Central American could not b e
c o m p e t i t i o n s c o n - sidered
where Ashley for an a w a r d .
cannot rep- “This was some-
resent Aruba thing that re-
because she ally affected
doesn’t have a and hurt Ashley
Dutch passport. because she loves
Aruba with all her heart,
Mrs. Urbaneja and she carries the flag in her
ORANJESTAD – Ashley Urbaneja is “This was a big incentive for Ashley commented that heart when the time comes
an 11-year-old girl who stands out as well as for the Aruban commu- Aruba has a lot to represent Aruba in her
in the discipline of rhythmic gym- nity because through the achieve- of prospects sport.”
nastics. During a special interview ments of Aruba during this com- in sport. Just Finalizing, Ashley thanked every-
with our reporter, Ashley together petition, the discipline of rhythmic as there a r e one who one way or another
with her mother, Mariana Urbaneja gymnastics became better known many Aruban natives, helped and helps her grow in her
shared about her career in gym- and more popular”, Urbaneja ex- there are also many Latin sport. “Everything I am and where
nastics, her achievements, and her plained. sportspeople who could represent I am today, I thank my parents, my
dreams for the future. Aruba and make Aruba’s name grandma in heaven, my family in
During the month of May in 2019, shine internationally, but regretta- Venezuela. They are all important
Ashley began her career in rhyth- Ashley together with the Aruban bly these opportunities are limited. for me, bur someone else who is
mic gymnastics when she was only rhythmic gymnastics delegation “I hope that in the future there can very important in my life is God,
three and a half years old. She was traveled to Miami for the interna- be an opportunity, and a project nothing would be possible without
born in Maracay, Venezuela, and tional competition of Rhythmic Art, together with Ministry of Sport and Him. I want to achieve my dream
began her training at the Club where once again Ashley stood the Government of Aruba that and represent Aruba in rhythmic
Alfa under the direction of coach out and brought several medals could give these kids, who love gymnastics at the Olympics. I love
Orquidia Ramos. for Aruba. “Ashley won the gold Aruba and love their sport, the op- exchanging experiences with chil-
Ashley’s mother explains that medal in the freestyle category, portunity to represent Aruba offi- dren from other countries because
through different evaluations and silver medal in hoop, and bronze cially in other international compe- it lets me learn new techniques
internal as well as state compe- in all-around. She was the only ath- titions”, she added. and demand more of myself to
titions, the coach noticed that lete from Aruba who got on the improve.”q
Ashley has important qualities to podium, a big source of pride for
succeed in this sport. After some us”, Urbaneja said.
years, when she was almost seven
years old, Ashley together with her That same year, during the interna-
mother left their country and came tional competition Cup of Aruba,
to Aruba to reunite with Ashley;s where more than eleven countries
father, who was already living and came to Aruba to compete, Ash-
working in Aruba. ley once again went on the podi-
um by winning silver and a bronze
“We are extremely thankful to the medal for Aruba.
island for all the opportunities that
we have received, especially for During the last competition that
Ashley”, Mrs. Urbaneja expressed. took place in Aruba, the Inter-
She said that after their arrival in national Cup Aruba, Ashley had
Aruba right away they began re- an excellent performance once
searching for rhythmic gymnastics again representing Aruba. “I want
clubs in Aruba, and they found the to emphasize how proud we are as
club Avanse. Here, coach Adriana family, as fundamental pillars in her
Sevilla carried out all the necessary development and education. We
evaluations, and Ashley showed are also extremely thankful to her
her talent and qualities which she coach Adriana Sevilla”, Mariana
had learned during her training in Urbaneja said.
“I believe that her perseverance,
Ashley’s first international com- responsibility, focus and love for
petition representing Aruba was gymnastics allowed [Ashley] to
in June 2018, which took place in reach where she is now. She al-
Costa Rica, where Ashley man- ways says that her main wish is to
aged to win the first gold medal in become a professional gymnast,
rhythmic gymnastics for Aruba. and these qualities continue help-