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                                                                                                       sports Diabierna 7 OctOber 2022

                 Brazil will be top-ranked team at World

                                           Cup in Qatar

            ZURICH  (AP)  —  Brazil                                   team  that  failed  to  qualify
            will go to this year’s World  The  World  Cup  in  Qatar  for  the  World  Cup,  miss-
            Cup as the top-rated team  starts on Nov. 20.             ing  back-to-back  editions.
            after  extending  its  lead                               Spain fell one place to No. 7,
            over  second-place  Bel-     Host Qatar will be the 50th-  with  Netherlands,  Portugal
            gium  in  the  latest  FIFA  ranked  team,  just  ahead  of  and  Denmark  unchanged  to
            rankings  released  Thurs-   No. 51 Saudi Arabia. Ghana  complete the top 10.
            day.                         will  be  the  lowest  ranked
                                         team at No. 61.              Germany,  the  2014  cham-
            Brazil  won  its  two  warmup                             pion, is No. 11, just ahead of
            games  in  September  —  Group  B  at  the  World  Cup  2018 finalist Croatia.
            against  Ghana  and  Tunisia  is  the  strongest  by  rankings
            — while Belgium lost to the  with all four teams in the top  Also, Russia rose two places
            Netherlands in one of its two  20 — No. 5 England, No. 16  to  No.  33  despite  not  play-
            Nations League games.        United States, No. 19 Wales  ing  a  recognized  game  in
                                         and No. 20 Iran.             2022  because  the  national
            Argentina stayed at No. 3 and                             team was suspended follow-
            2018  World  Cup  champion  Italy  rose  one  place  to  No.  ing the country’s invasion of
            France is still at No. 4.    6  and  is  the  highest-ranked  Ukraine.

                                 Lionel Messi says World Cup in Qatar will be his last

            BUENOS  AIRES  (AP)  Messi  did  not  make  it  clear
            —  Lionel  Messi  has  con-  whether  he  would  retire
            firmed  that  the  World  from the national team after
            Cup in Qatar next month  Qatar.
            will  be  the  last  of  his  ca-
            reer.                        Argentina  won  the  World
                                         Cup in 1978 and 1986. The
            The  35-year-old  Argenti-   team  will  open  the  tourna-
            na  star  will  play  in  his  fifth  ment on Nov.22 against Sau-
            World Cup but is still seeking  di Arabia in Group C before
            his first title at the showpiece  facing Mexico and Poland.
                                         “I don’t know whether we are
            “There’s  some  anxiety  and  big favorites, but I believe Ar-
            nerves at the same time ... it  gentina is a candidate because
            is the last one,” Messi said in  of  its  history,  which  means
            an interview with Star Plus.  even  more  now  because  of
                                         the way we got here,” Messi
            It  is  the  first  time  the  Paris  added. “But in a World Cup
            Saint-Germain  striker  has  anything can happen, all the
            spoken openly about his fu-  matches are very difficult. It
            ture  after  the  tournament,  isn’t always the favorites who
            which starts on Nov. 20.     win it.”

                                                                        Rahm off to a good start at Spanish Open;

                                                                                                 Wu leads early

                                                                      hun Wu.                      Open,  when  he  said  he  ar-  with  increased  confidence
                                                                                                   rived with more pressure be-  after  shooting  62  in  the  fi-
                                                                      Rahm is trying to win for the  cause he was the world No. 1  nal round of the BMW PGA
                                                                      third time at home and join  and had won the U.S. Open  Championship at Wentworth
                                                                      the great Seve Ballesteros for  and played well in the Ryder  last month.
                                                                      the most Spanish Open titles.  Cup.
                                                                                                                                “I’m glad I could follow back
                                                                      “It’s  not  that  my  heartbeat  Wu, the Chinese player who  up my last competitive round
                                                                      was faster, but it was definite-  finished  in  a  tie  for  79th  in  with  another  really  good
                                                                      ly a lot more intense on the  Spain last year, took the early  round and keep the good play
                                                                      first  few  shots  and  the  first  lead after making eight bird-  going,” Rahm said. “It’s im-
                                                                      few  putts  just  because  I’m  ies and no bogies in a round  portant  to  start  strong.  The
                                                                      playing in front of he home  of  8-under  63.  Also  a  shot  course  is  only  going  to  get
                                                                      crowd and I want to do good,  back  was  Frenchman  Mat-  harder.  To  come  out  in  the
                                                                      and  they  want  me  to  play  thieu Pavon, who was 6 un-  morning  and  take  advantage
                                                                      well,” the world No. 6 said.  der  par  through  the  first  six  of  the  easier  conditions  was
                                                                                                   holes  after  picking  up  four  great.”
                                                                      Rahm  made  six  birdies,  an  birdies and an eagle. He add-
            MADRID  (AP)  —  Jon  the opening round of the            eagle and a bogey at Club de  ed  another  birdie  in  a  quiet  Rahm’s only win this season
            Rahm overcame early jit-     Spanish  Open  on  Thurs-    Campo Villa de Madrid.       back nine.                   came at the Mexico Open in
            ters from playing at home  day  to  sit  one  stroke  be-  Rahm  finished  in  a  tie  for                          May.
            and  shot  a  7-under  64  in  hind clubhouse leader As-  17th  in  last  year’s  Spanish  Rahm  arrived  in  Madrid
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