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                                                                                                 u.s. news Diabierna 7 OctOber 2022
                                UPDATE: ‘Our worst fears’: Kidnapped baby, parents,

                                                                   uncle found dead

            SAN  FRANCISCO  (AP)                                                                                                parole  three  years  later.  He
            —  A  baby  girl,  her  par-                                                                                        also has a conviction for pos-
            ents and uncle were found                                                                                           session  of  a  controlled  sub-
            dead in a central Califor-                                                                                          stance, the corrections agen-
            nia orchard two days after                                                                                          cy said.
            they  were  kidnapped  at
            gunpoint from their busi-                                                                                           Investigators have not found
            ness, police said.                                                                                                  a  link  between  Salgado  and
                                                                                                                                the family to show they knew
            “Our  worst  fears  have  been                                                                                      each other before the kidnap-
            confirmed,” Merced County                                                                                           ping.
            Sheriff Vern Warnke said at a
            Wednesday  night  news  con-                                                                                        Family  members  had  told
            ference.                                                                                                            KXTV-TV that the office for
                                                                                                                                Unison  Trucking  Inc.,  the
            Warnke  did  not  release  any                                                                                      family’s  business,  had  only
            information  about  how  and                                                                                        opened about a week earlier.
            when  police  believe  they
            were killed. He said the vic-                                                                                       The sheriff said detectives be-
            tims were close to each other                                                                                       lieve the kidnapper destroyed
            when found by a farm work-                                                                                          unspecified evidence in an at-
            er in a remote area.                                                                                                tempt to cover his tracks.

            The  grim  announcement                                                                                             The  sheriff’s  office  said
            came after authorities earlier   TV on Tuesday. Salgado tried  Family  members  had  ear-  victed of first-degree robbery  that  firefighters  on  Monday
            Wednesday  released  surveil-  to  take  his  own  life  before  lier asked anyone who owns  with the use of a firearm in  found  Amandeep  Singh’s
            lance video of a man kidnap-  police  arrived  at  a  home  in  a  convenience  store  or  gas  Merced County, as well as at-  truck on fire. Merced Police
            ping  8-month-old  Aroohi    nearby  Atwater,  and  he  has  station  in  the  area  to  check  tempted  false  imprisonment  Department  officers  went
            Dheri;  her  mother  Jasleen   since been hospitalized.   their  surveillance  cameras  and an attempt to prevent or  to Amandeep Singh’s home,
            Kaur,  27;  father  Jasdeep                               for images of the suspect or  dissuade a victim or witness.  where a family member tried
            Singh, 36; and uncle Aman-   Efforts  to  reach  Salgado’s  those missing. They said they  He was sentenced to 11 years  to reach him and the couple.
            deep Singh, 39, on Monday.   family  were  unsuccessful  were worried the baby wasn’t  in state prison in that case, ac-  When  they  were  not  able
                                         Wednesday.                   being  fed  because  the  fam-  cording to the California De-  to  reach  their  family  mem-
            Relatives of Salgado contact-                             ily didn’t have any baby food  partment of Corrections and  bers, they called the Merced
            ed  authorities  reporting  that   Relatives  of  the  victims  had  with them at the time of the  Rehabilitation.  County Sheriff’s office to re-
            he had admitted to them he   been  notified  of  the  deaths,  kidnapping.                                          port them missing, the office
            was  involved  with  the  kid-  the sheriff said.                                      He was released from prison  said.
            napping, Warnke told KFSN-                                Salgado  was  previously  con-  in 2015 and discharged from

                              US applications for jobless benefits increased last week

            WASHINGTON            (AP)  lion  jobs  at  the  start  of  the                        Fed hopes that higher inter-  3.7%,  most  economists  be-
            —  More  Americans  filed  coronavirus pandemic in the  The Federal Reserve is aim-    est rates will slow borrowing  lieve  it  would  likely  mean
            for  unemployment  ben-      spring of 2020.              ing  to  bring  down  inflation  and spending and push infla-  more rate hikes from the Fed.
            efits last week, the largest                              by rapidly raising its key in-  tion  closer  to  its  traditional
            number  in  four  months,  Recent employment data has  terest rate, which is currently  2% target.                  Last  week,  the  government
            but  the  labor  market  re-  indicated that the job market  in a range of 3% to 3.25%. A                           reported that the U.S. econ-
            mains strong in the face of  may  be  cooling  slightly,  an  little  more  than  six  months  Fed  officials  are  increasingly  omy  shrank  for  the  second
            persistent  inflation  and  a  important  consideration  for  ago, that rate was near zero.  warning  that  the  unemploy-  straight  quarter,  but  so  far,
            slowing overall U.S. econ-   the  Federal  Reserve  when  it  The  sharp  rate  hikes  have  ment  rate  will  likely  have  that has done little to cool the
            omy.                         meets  early  next  month  to  pushed  mortgage  rates  up  to  rise  as  part  of  their  fight  job market, part of the Fed’s
                                         decide whether or not to raise  to  15-year  highs,  and  made  against rising prices. If it re-  inflation-fighting strategy.
            Jobless  claims  for  the  week  its main lending rate again.  other borrowing costlier. The  mains  at  or  near  its  current
            ending Oct. 1 rose by 29,000
            to  219,000,  the  Labor  De-  On Tuesday, the government
            partment reported Thursday.  reported  that  the  number
            The previous week’s number  of  available  jobs  in  the  U.S.
            was revised down by 3,000 to  plummeted  in  August  com-
            190,000.                     pared with July as businesses
                                         grow less desperate for work-
            The  four-week  moving  av-  ers, a trend that could put a
            erage  inched  up  by  250  to  dent  in  chronically  high  in-
            206,500.                     flation.

            The total number of Ameri-   Payroll  processor  ADP  said
            cans  collecting  unemploy-  Wednesday  that  businesses
            ment  aid  rose  by  15,000  to  added  208,000  jobs  in  Sep-
            1.36  million  for  the  week  tember, ahead of analysts’ es-
            ending Sept. 24.             timates of 200,000, but below
                                         the  250,000  that  Wall  Street
            Applications  for  jobless  aid  expects  the  government  to
            generally   reflect   layoffs,  report in September jobs data
            which  have  remained  his-  coming  Friday.  The  ADP
            torically low since the initial  survey does not always mir-
            purge  of  more  than  20  mil-  ror the government’s tally.
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