Page 3 - SOGA 25 JULY 2015
P. 3

Hospital expansion
project is

23.5% DONE

STICHTING Onroerend Goed Aruba,                changes are expected. SOGA is keeping
SOGA (Aruba Property Foundation) which         strict control over the financial part of the
is managed by Aruba Investment Bank            project and even has a steering committee
(AIB) has recently invited many interested     in charge of complete supervision.
groups to informative sessions including a     Furthermore monthly meetings are
tour of the area that is under construction    held between contractors and all parties
at the Dr. Horacio E. Oduber Hospital. The     involved, thus making the coordination of
facilities under construction are part of the  the project an excellent one.
expansion and renovation of the medical
institute.                                     Frensel Giel mentioned that the Medical
                                               Office Building (MOB) will be completed
SOGA received the first group of               in February 2016 and the Bedtower
bank representative and financier              Emergency Department (patient rooms and
representatives and Aruban Parliament          emergency department_ will be completed
Members in June.                               in October 2016.
Prime Minister Mike Eman and Minister of       The Central Energy Plant will be completed
Health Alex Schwengle were also invited        in July 2016. Once the two buildings have
for an informational session last Thursday.    been completed renovations on the already
The Ministers received an update on the        existent building will commence. The
progress and development of the project        renovation process will last two years and
and were even allowed on the construction      will be completed in July 2018.
                                               The renovation and expansion of the Dr.
AIB-Bank Director Mr. Frendsel Giel            Horacio E. Oduber Hospital is already
explained that such sessions are being         23.5% done. The two local sub contractors
organized to maintain transparency and         Bohama and Albo have 98 local employees
communication with the community and all       working on this project and Arellano
stakeholders. He remarked that the project     contractor has 6 employees from abroad
has progressed very fast in the course of the  working for them.
6 weeks between the first informational
session and the second informational           SOGA was founded in July 2005 and is
session.                                       managed by AIB-Bank. This foundation
                                               owns the hospital building. Their goal is
The project is financially on target and       to construct and maintain government
construction wise on schedule and no           buildings.

4 LOCAL                                                                                       Saturday, July 25 2015 - ARUBA TRAVELLER
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