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                                                                                                           LOCAL Monday 3 June 2024

            Aruba Tourism Authority honored loyal visitors at Aruba Beach Club!

            The Aruba Tourism Authority recently had  Alabama, United States.
            the great pleasure of recognizing Goodwill
            Ambassadors of Aruba. The honorees were  Mr. Jorgino Willems representing the Aruba
            respectively honored with a certificate for  Tourism Authority, and staff members of
            their years of visits, loyalty, and love for the  Aruba beach club bestowed the certificate
            island of Aruba.                          upon the honorees, presented them with
                                                      gifts, and thanked them for choosing Aruba
            The honorary certification is presented on  as their favorite vacation destination, as
            behalf of the Minister of Tourism as a token  their home away from home.
            of appreciation and to say “Masha Danki”
            to guests who have visited Aruba 10, 20,  The top reasons for returning to Aruba pro-
            or 35 years or more consecutively.        vided by the honorees were:
                                                      •   Aruba’s people are so nice and friendly.
            The three levels of honor are as follows:  •   Aruba’s ocean and views.
            Distinguished  Visitor  (10>years  consecu- •   Aruba’s weather and constant breeze.
            tively visiting Aruba)                    •   “The staff at Aruba Beach Club”
            Goodwill Ambassador (20>years consecu-    •   “Friends  who  we  socialize  with  here
            tively visiting Aruba)                        year after year”
            Emerald Ambassador (35>years consecu-
            tively visiting Aruba)                    On behalf of the Aruba Tourism Authority,
                                                      we would like to express our sincere grati-
            The honorees were:                        tude and appreciation to the honorees for
            Goodwill Ambassadors                      their continued visits to the “One Happy
            Mr. James & Mrs. Judy Tomlin from Dadeville  Island”.q

            Adriaan Laclé

            One of Aruba’s richest men in the twentieth century

            (Oranjestad)—The     name  helped  people  get  loans,  it  has  been  said  that  he
            Adriaan  Laclé  may  ring  a  was   a   well-established  was  married  twice  during
            bell to locals as one of the  trader,  and  owned  sev-   his  lifetime.  He  had  his  first
            bigger roads on the island,  eral  plots  of  land.  In  fact,  daughter  during  his  first
            but  about  a  century  ago,  he commissioned the con-    marriage  but  lost  his  wife
            Adriaan  Laclé  was  a  rich  struction  of  the  famous  La  soon after her birth. During
            businessman,  well-known  Quinta  Carmen  manor—          his  second  marriage,  he
            for  his  generosity,  wealth,  now  a  restaurant.  Though  fathered 16 children. How-
            and taste.                   he  himself  never  lived  in  ever, it has been said that
                                         the  beautiful  manor,  his  only  11  of  those  17  made
            Adriaan  was  born  in  1866  own  house  also  reflected  it  past  18  years  of  age.
            and  was  the  eldest  of  his success and good taste.  Perhaps  two  of  his  most
            six  children.  Not  much  is  Today his house still stands  well-known  daughters  are
            known about his childhood  in good condition and can  Maria  Monica  Laclé  and
            upbringing  or  any  of  his  be found in the back streets  Maria  Veneranda  Laclé,
            earlier business ordeals, but  of main street Oranjestad.  who went on to marry suc-
            during his hay day he often  Regarding his personal life,  cessful brothers Eloy Arends

                                                                                                   and Maximilian Arends, respectively. Their houses are still
                                                                                                   standing; Eloy and Maria Monica’s mansion functions as
                                                                                                   a townhall, used to host civil marriages, while Maximilian
                                                                                                   and  Maria  Veneranda’s  house  stands  on  the  opposite
                                                                                                   side of the road to them—though currently under reno-
                                                                                                   vation after years left in ruin.q

                                                                                                    Source: De Kolibrie op de Rots (en meer over de geschiedenis
                                                                                                                                 van Aruba) by Evert Bongers.
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