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Monday 3 June 2024 LOCAL

            Birds of Aruba

            ORANJESTAD — On May 11th, 2010, the Aruba  The Great Egret                                       ering Aruba’s Bubali Wetlands.
            Birdlife Conservation was founded with the aim  Serenity in Aruba’s National Park, a Great Egret
            of  protecting  the  biodiversity  in  general  and  flying in peace. When it is peaceful and quite,
            birds in and around Aruba in particular.        beautiful things start happening in nature.

            Among  other  things,  the  foundation  will  focus
            on  increasing  the  survival  chances  of  species
            of  wild  birds  by  promoting  their  preservation
            and conservation. The foundation publishes the
            most beautiful pictures of local birds on their so-
            cial media that show us the beauty of Aruba’s
            birds and nature in general. Aruba Today gives
            you a little peek with the following pictures and
            descriptions  from  the  foundations  Facebook

                                                                                                             In  its  living  form  of  so  much  more  value  than
                                                            Canadian in the house                            any gemstone. Aruba’s smallest and most mas-
                                                            The  breeding  season  is  over  and  it’s  getting  ter of flight. A top pollinator. A hovering Blenchi
                                                            pretty cold in North America. Shore birds have  inspecting the human who just entered his ter-
                                                            started moving southwards as early as July. This  ritory.
                                                            wetland  beauty  wants  to  keep  its  toes  warm.  English: Blue-tailed Emerald (male) Dutch: Blau-
                                                            Our Canadian friends know exactly where they  wstaartsmaragdkolibrie (mannetje).
                                                            can do so best. A Greater Yellowlegs rediscov-   Aruba’s to enjoy. Aruba’s to protect.q

            Aruba’s neighborhoods; the meaning behind their names

            Just  like  any  other  coun-  hind it that gives it life and  stands for Yocahu, which is
            try,  Aruba  has  unique  and  meaning.                   another  word  for  ‘creator’
            beautifully  named  neigh-                                in Arawak/Taino and in the
            borhoods  that  all  form  a  Ayo                         Papiamento spoken today,
            part  of  its  culture  and  de-  Ajo, or Ayo, is a word with  ‘Ayo’ means ‘bye’.
            velopment.  Many  of  these  Arawak-Indian  origin.  A
            names  have  a  historical  (or  Ha)  is  an  Indo-Antil-  At Ayo, you can find some
            background  and  meaning  lean  generalizing  word.  of the most well known rock
            that  teaches  us  about  the  If  you  were  to  change  a  formations.  These  forma-
            island  and  its  rich  culture  part  of  the  word  “Ayo”,  tions became a well loved
            every day.                   namely  ‘Yo’,  to  ‘Yu’  and  and  visited  attraction  at
                                         make ‘Ayu’, it would mean  Aruba  that  is  held  in  high
            With  this  series,  we  want  “white.”                   regards  by  both  tourists
            to  take  you  on  a  journey                             and locals alike.
            of  discovery,  where  you’ll  However, as we now know,
            learn not only the beautiful  the name of the neighbor-   If  you’d  like  to  know  more
            names  but  the  history  be-  hood is ‘Ayo’. The word ‘Yo’  about  the  rock  formations
                                                                      at  Ayo,  stay  tuned  for  our
                                                                      article where we tell you all
                                                                      about  its  location  and  his-

                                                                      This neighborhood’s abbre-
                                                                      viation is; A.

                                                                      Alto Vista
                                                                      This word combination can
                                                                      be  roughly  translated  to  a
                                                                      ‘high point of view’ and the
                                                                      neighborhood      received
                                                                      this name from the Hill.

                                                                      In  the  surrounding  areas,
                                                                      DomingoAntonia  Silvestre
                                                                      built  his  by  his  own  means
                                                                      the  very  first  chapel  or  by father Pablo Algemesi    where  we  tell  you  all  you
                                                                      church of Aruba. The walls                                need  to  know  about  it  for
                                                                      of  this  church  were  made  If  you’d  like  to  know  more  when you visit it.
                                                                      with rocks but the roof was  about    the   Alto   Vista
                                                                      made of dry corn stalks. The  Church’s  beautiful  history,  This neighborhood’s abbre-
                                                                      church  was  inaugurated  stay  tuned  for  our  article  viation is; AV. q
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