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CLASSIFIED Saturday 21 december 2019
Plan to save sea turtles from shrimp HEALTH
boats scaled way back DOCTOR ON DUTY
By JANET McCONNAUGHEY Paradise Beach Villas Hospital 7:00 pm / 10:00pm
Associated Press 1br wk# 46 $8500 Tel. 527 4000
NEW ORLEANS (AP) — A Phase 2, 2nd floor San Nicolas
plan to make more shrimp- Ocean/Pool View IMSAN 24 Hours
ers include sea turtle es- contact: Tel.524 8833
cape hatches in their nets (stateside)203-558-7592 Women in Difficulties
has been vastly scaled _________________________________212141 PHARMACY ON DUTY
back , federal regulators TIME SHARE FOR RENT Oranjestad:
announced Thursday, po- Paradise Villas X-mas Centraal Tel. 585 8077
tentially contributing to the $850 also bonaire Fliming San Nicolas:
deaths of more than 1,000 beach 12/21/28 $625 Studio San Nicolas Tel. 584 5712
of the animals each year. for sale divi Golf rm 4201 Women in Difficulties
The National Oceanic and wk 35 8/29 - 25 wks left $1998 OTHER
Atmospheric Administra- Local 565 9394 until 12/21 or Dental Clinic 587 9850
tion announced a rule that 508 651 0016 Blood Bank Aruba 587 0002
Urgent Care 586 0448
would apply to fewer than e-mail: Walk-In Doctor’s Clinic
1,100 inshore shrimp boats This June 16, 2016, file photo shows a Kemp's ridley sea turtle _________________________________212138 +297 588 0539
hatchling crawling across the beach at Padre Island National
in the Gulf of Mexico and Seashore during the 4th public sea turtle hatching release. Women in Difficulties
along the southeast At- Associated Press EMERGENCY
lantic coast. About 5,800 Police 100
boats would have been af- turtles a year, NOAA said. Southeast Region. Oranjestad 527 3140
fected by a rule proposed That's more than 1,300 few- Brogan said the require- Noord 527 3200
in 2016. er than the estimate for the ments are a step in the right Sta. Cruz 527 2900
"The new ... requirements 2016 proposal. direction, but fall short. Like San Nicolas 584 5000
Police Tipline
are designed specifically "NOAA's new excluder rule Lopez, he said his group Ambulancia 911
to help exclude small sea is a dangerous departure will study the matter before Fire Dept. 115
turtles that frequently oc- from the path it had been deciding whether legal ac- Red Cross 582 2219
cur in shallow, coastal wa- on toward saving sea tur- tion is needed.
ters where skimmer trawls tles from nets," said Jaclyn The devices have been TAXI SERVICES
operate," the agency said Lopez, Florida director with required for decades on Taxi Tas 587 5900
in a news release. the Center for Biological Di- large offshore shrimp boats, Prof. Taxi 588 0035
Instead of requiring the versity. but shrimpers have said Taxi D.T.S. 587 2300
Taxi Serv. Aruba 583 3232
metal grates in three kinds She said the group will inves- they could be difficult to A1 Taxi Serv. 280 2828
of inshore nets, they'll be tigate why NOAA "abruptly operate safely on smaller Women in Difficulties
required only in the most and without notice" made boats that work in inshore TRAVEL INFO
numerous, called skimmer such a big change to its waters.
trawls. And only boats at earlier proposal before Turtle excluder devices Aruba Airport 524 2424
least 40 feet (12.2 meters) deciding whether to chal- have metal bars set 4 inch- American Airlines 582 2700
long will need the grids lenge the new rule in court. es (10 centimeters) apart Avianca 588 0059
called turtle excluder de- "We're scratching our heads on a vertical slant to de- Jet Blue 588 2244
582 7896
vices, or TEDs. on why this change hap- flect anything bigger to
The new rule will take ef- pened," said Gib Brogan, an opening at the top of Women in Difficulties
fect April 1, 2021, along the fishery campaign manager the net. To protect smaller CRUISES
coast from Texas to North for Oceana, which sued turtles, skimmer net TEDS will
North Carolina, and will to get the devices into in- have 3-inch (7.6-centimer)
save as many as 1,160 sea shore shrimp nets in NOAA's openings, NOAA said.q
Golf Studio week 50 2/12/20 December 24
25 wks left unit 2314 $2800 celebrity Summit
and Studio rm 128 britannia / braemar
divi dutch Village $1995 or bO
divi Village wks 17 Studio 4/25 Women in Difficulties
24 weeks left $1800 bO AID FOUNDATIONS
Local 565 9394 until 12/21 or FAVI- Visually Impaired
508 651 0016 Tel. 582 5051
e-mail: Alcoholics Anonymous
_________________________________212138 Tel. 736 2952
Narcotics Anonymous
Tel. 583 8989
Women in Difficulties
Tel. 583 5400
Centre for Diabetes
Tel. 524 8888
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Tel. 582 4433
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