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                 Wednesday 20 March 2024

              Play at LIV Casino located at the Barcelo Aruba:

              Your Premier Destination for Gaming Excitement

               Oranjestad - LIV Casino, nestled    one’s taste and budget.
               within the luxurious confines of    But  that’s  not  all  -  LIV  Casino
               Barcelo  Aruba,  welcomes  you      takes pride in its comprehensive
               to  experience  the  pinnacle  of   table  game  offerings.  Guests
               gaming excitement. With a di-       can  indulge  in  the  classic  al-
               verse array of offerings, LIV Ca-   lure of Blackjack, the anticipa-
               sino  promises  an  unparalleled    tion of the Roulette wheel, and
               entertainment  experience  for      the  strategic  intrigue  of  Three
               guests  seeking  thrills  and  for-  Card Poker. Each table hosts its
               tunes.                              progressive jackpot, adding an
                                                   extra layer of excitement to ev-
               Featuring a total of 123 slot ma-   ery hand dealt and every spin
               chines, LIV Casino boasts an ex-    made.
               tensive selection to cater to ev-   LIV Casino opens its doors from
               ery gaming preference. Among        11AM to 3AM, providing ample
               them, 114 are Dollar machines,      opportunity  for  guests  to  im-  nings await those bold enough
               while 9 are Florin machines, en-    merse themselves in the thrill of   to try their luck.                For more information, visit www.
               suring there’s a game for every-    gaming. For table game enthu-      “We are excited to invite guests
                                                   siasts,  the  excitement  extends   to  experience  the  excitement   About LIV Casino, Barceló Aru-
                                                   into  the  evening,  with  table   and luxury of LIV Casino,” said    ba:  LIV  Casino,  located  within
                                                   opening  hours  from  4:30PM  till   Marc  Charley,  Casino  Gen-     the lavish Barceló Aruba resort,
                                                   closing.                           eral  Manager  at  LIV  Casino.    offers a premier gaming experi-
                                                   In response to our guests’ ever-   “Whether  you’re  a  seasoned      ence on the stunning island of
                                                   evolving  preferences,  LIV  Ca-   gambler  or  a  novice  seeking    Aruba. With a wide range of slot
                                                   sino has expanded its repertoire   adventure, LIV Casino promises     machines and table games, as
                                                   with several new machines. Em-     an unforgettable gaming expe-      well as the allure of progressive
                                                   brace the thrill of Bao Zhu Zhao   rience.”                           jackpots,  LIV  Casino  provides
                                                   Fu  -  Festival  Explosion  and  ex-  Embark on a journey of excite-  endless entertainment for both
                                                   plore  the  dynamic  offerings  of   ment and fortune at LIV Casino,   novice  and  seasoned  players.
                                                   Interblock - Universal Cabinets,   where every moment is infused      The  casino  operates  from  11
                                                   featuring Golden Ball Roulette,    with anticipation and possibility.   AM to 3 AM, while table games
                                                   Blackjack, and Craps. The possi-   Join us today and discover the     are  available  from  4:30  PM  till
                                                   bilities are endless, and the win-  thrill of gaming at its finest.   closing.q

            Aruba Tourism Authority honors loyal visitors at Bucuti & Tara Beach Resort!

            The  Aruba  Tourism  Author-  The  honor  certification  is  (10>years   consecutively  resenting the Aruba Tourism  •   “Friends we have made
            ity  recently  had  the  great  presented on behalf of the  visiting Aruba)            Authority,  and  staff  mem-    throughout the years.”
            pleasure  of  recognizing  Minister of Tourism as a to-   Goodwill      Ambassador  bers  of  the  Bucuti  &  Tara
            Distinguished  Visitors  and  ken  of  appreciation  and  (20>years    consecutively  Beach  Resort  bestowed  Top  reasons  for  returning
            Goodwill  Ambassadors  of  to  say  “Masha  Danki”  to  visiting Aruba)                the certificates to the hon-  to  Aruba,  provided  by  the
            Aruba.  These  visitors  were  guests  who  have  visited  Emerald      Ambassador  orees, presented them with  Squires were:
            respectively  honored  with  Aruba 10, 20, or 35 years or  (35>years   consecutively  gifts,  and  also  thanked  •    Aruba’s great people.
            certificates acknowledging  more consecutively.           visiting Aruba)              them  for  choosing  Aruba  •   Aruba’s  warm  sunny
            their years of visits, loyalty,                                                        as  their  favorite  vacation   weather.
            and  love  for  the  island  of  The  three  honoring  levels  The honorees were:      destination,  as  their  home  •   Aruba’s restaurants.
            Aruba.                       are as follows:              Distinguished Visitors       away from home.              •   Aruba’s safety.
                                         Distinguished        Visitor  Mr. Dennis & Mrs. Kim Wei-                               •   Aruba’s      turquoise
                                                                      hls  from  New  York,  United  Top  reasons  for  returning   beaches.
                                                                      States.                      to  Aruba,  provided  by  the
                                                                                                   Weihls were:                 On  behalf  of  the  Aruba
                                                                      Goodwill  Ambassadors  Mr.  •   Aruba’s beauty.           Tourism   Authority,   we
                                                                      David & Mrs. Bernice Squires  •   Aruba’s cleanliness.    would  like  to  express  our
                                                                      from  Newfoundland  and  •      Aruba’s        fantastic  sincere  gratitude  and  ap-
                                                                      Labrador, Canada.               weather.                  preciation to the honorees
                                                                                                   •   “The  Bucuti  &  Tara  for  their  continued  visits  to
                                                                      Ms. Marouska Heyliger rep-      Beach Resort!”            the “One Happy Island”. q
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