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40      INTERNATIONAL                                       AWEMainta                                 Diahuebs, 2 November 2023

        Health Council Approves Extended

                     Research on Older Embryos

       THE  Health  Council  has  given  its

       approval for scientists to conduct
       research on embryos for a longer
       period,  extending  from  14  days  to
       28  days.  These  embryos  are  specifi-

       cally preserved for research purposes,
       primarily involving those left over after
       in vitro fertilization (IVF)  treatments
       and donated for research. The Health

       Council emphasized  that from an
       ethical perspective, there is no definite
       point at which research with embryos
       becomes  unacceptable,  except  in  the

       later stages of development.

       According to the Health Council’s
       recommendations to the Cabinet, the

       decision to draw a line on the accept-
       able duration of embryonic research
       depends on several factors. Extending
       research up to 28  days into embry-

       onic development could yield valuable
       insights into preventing developmental
       disorders and addressing  fertility

       Currently, there is “virtually no knowl-
       edge”  about human embryo develop-
       ment  between  two  and  four  weeks,  a
       critical  period  when  organ  develop-

       ment  occurs.  The  potential  for scien-        ions. To gain social support, all interests       Outgoing  Minister  Ernst  Kuipers  of
       tific  advancements  in  understanding           and perspectives  must be taken  into             Public Health sought advice from the
       human development during this phase              account. It’s essential to note that              Health  Council  on  human  embryos,
       is significant.                                  an embryo is regarded as the start of             encompassing classic embryos created

                                                        life, even though consciousness  and              by the fusion of egg  and sperm cells
       Moreover, scientists can already gain            sensation do not develop until around             and  “embryo-like  structures”  (ELS)
       insights into human embryos older than           22 weeks of gestation.                            generated  in  a  laboratory  without
       one month by using non-living mate-                                                                the  involvement  of sperm,  eggs, or  a

       rial left from abortions for research            Until recently, researchers could only            uterus.
       purposes.                                        sustain embryos for one week. However,
                                                        technological advancements have now               The Health Council suggests that ELS
       The council also considers the “social           enabled  the  extended  preservation  of          resembling intact embryos should also

       perspective” in  setting the  28-day             embryos. The Health Council antici-               receive protection under the Embryo
       limit.  While  it  acknowledges  that  the       pates that large-scale research may               Act, given the potential for them  to
       extension  from  two  to  four  weeks  is        not commence immediately but recom-               develop into a human. This advice may
       justifiable, the council recognizes that         mends timely consideration and deci-              not  necessarily  apply  to  ELS  that  do

       research involving embryos is a sensi-           sion-making on this matter.                       not closely mimic intact embryos, such
       tive  subject  with  diverse  public  opin-                                                        as those imitating specific organs.
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