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A30    world news
                      Diaranson 4 Mei 2022

                       Slovakia, Hungary won’t back EU sanctions on Russian energy

                                                                      to bear.”                    The bloc is racing to secure  “This is why this new LNG
                                                                                                   alternative  supplies  to  Rus-  terminal  is  so  timely  and  so
                                                                      Hungarian  Foreign  Minis-   sian  energy,  placing  priority  important.  It’s  a  geopolitical
                                                                      ter  Peter  Szijjarto  said  the  on global LNG imports from  investment and this is a geo-
                                                                      country will not vote for any  countries that include major  political  moment,”  Michel
                                                                      sanctions “that will make the  producers like Algeria, Qatar  said. “It reflects what we need
                                                                      transport of natural gas or oil  and the United States.   to do more of, because it will
                                                                      from Russia to Hungary im-                                provide security of supply to
                                                                      possible.”                   That includes liquefied natu-  Greece,  to  Bulgaria,  North
                                                                                                   ral  gas  facilities  being  built  Macedonia, Serbia and other
                                                                      “The  point  is  simple,  that  in  northern  Greece,  which  countries in the region. And
                                                                      Hungary’s  energy  supply  Michel  and  the  leaders  of  this is extremely important.”
                                                                      cannot  be  endangered  be-  four Balkan countries toured
                                                                      cause no one can expect us to  Tuesday.                   Also  at  the  meetings  were
                                                                      allow the price of the war (in                            Bulgarian  Prime  Minister
                                                                      Ukraine) to be paid by Hun-  “We are also sanctioning Rus-  Kiril  Petkov,  North  Mace-
                                                                      garians,”  Szijjarto  said  Tues-  sia to put financial, economic  donian Premier Dimitar Ko-
            (AP) — Slovakia and Hunga-   oil  imports.”  It’s  not  clear  day in Kazakhstan. “It is cur-  and political pressure on the  vachevski and Serbian Presi-
            ry said Tuesday that they will  whether  Slovakia  and  Hun-  rently  physically  impossible  Kremlin  because  our  goal  is  dent Aleksandar Vucic.
            not support sanctions against  gary  would  receive  exemp-  for Hungary and its economy  simple:  We  must  break  the
            Russian  energy  that  the  Eu-  tions.                   to  function  without  Russian  Russian  war  machine,”  Mi-  “This  is  not  just  an  energy
            ropean  Union  is  preparing                              oil.”                        chel said.                   project. It will change the en-
            over the war in Ukraine, say-  Slovak  Economy  Minister                                                            ergy map of Europe,” Petkov
            ing  they  are  too  reliant  on  Richard Sulik said the coun-  Hungarian  Prime  Minister  He  met  Greek  Prime  Min-  said. “The Balkans is a region
            those  supplies  and  there  are  try’s  sole  refiner,  Slovnaft,  Viktor Orban has developed  ister  Kyriakos  Mitsotakis  of 65 million people, and we
            no immediate alternatives.   cannot  immediately  switch  a  reputation  as  Putin’s  clos-  and  the  leaders  of  Bulgaria,  can do so much more.”
                                         from  Russian  crude  to  an-  est  ally  in  the  EU  and  pur-  North  Macedonia  and  non-
            The  EU’s  executive  branch,  other  kind  of  oil.  Changing  sued  deep  diplomatic  and  NATO member Serbia at the  The  LNG  terminal  is  de-
            the  European  Commission,  the  technology  would  take  economic ties with Moscow.  Greek port of Alexandroupo-   signed to process some 6 bil-
            has  drafted  new  proposals  several years, Sulik said.  Orban has deepened depen-    lis. An LNG import terminal  lion cubic meters of gas an-
            for  sanctions,  which  could                             dence on Russian fossil fuels,  near  the  port  city  is  due  to  nually, boosting non-Russian
            include  a  phased-in  embar-  “So, we will insist on the ex-  noting that 85% of Hungary’s  start operation next year.  supply  that  reached  region
            go  on  Russian  oil.  The  27  emption, for sure,” Sulik told  gas and more than 60% of its                        in  2020  with  the  new  Trans
            member  countries  are  like-  reporters.                 oil comes from Russia.       LNG  that  arrives  by  ship  is  Adriatic  Pipeline  running
            ly  to  start  discussing  them                                                        becoming  increasingly  im-  from Azerbaijan to Italy.
            Wednesday,  but  it  could  be  Slovakia  is  almost  fully  de-  Despite disagreement among  portant as EU countries look
            several days before the mea-  pendent on Russian oil it re-  EU members on new energy  to  move  away  from  Russian  A  new  interconnector  pipe-
            sures take effect.           ceives through the Soviet-era  sanctions,  European  Coun-  supplies.  Russia  last  week  line, fully connecting the gas
                                         Druzhba  pipeline.  Hungary  cil President Charles Michel  cut off natural gas to Bulgaria  networks of Greece and Bul-
            EU foreign policy chief Josep  is also heavily reliant, though  vowed to “break the Russian  and  Poland  over  a  demand  garia  is  due  to  launch  next
            Borrell tweeted that the com-  Germany, another major en-  war  machine”  by  steering  to guarantee payment in ru-  month. ___ Janicek reported
            mission  wants  to  hit  more  ergy  importer,  said  it  could  countries  on  the  continent  bles, in an escalating dispute  from Prague and Gatopoulos
            banks,  target  those  accused  cope if the EU banned Rus-  away  from  Russia’s  natural  triggered  by  the  invasion  of  from Athens, Greece. AP re-
            of  spreading  disinformation  sian  oil,  with  officials  still  gas supplies.       Ukraine.                     porter Lorne Cook in Brus-
            about  the  war,  and  “tackle  noting that “it is a heavy load                                                     sels contributed.

                          Sri Lanka opposition declares no confidence in government

            (AP) —  Sri Lanka’s  main  nomic crisis.                  force him to leave office even  ernment  officials  of  exces-
            opposition party on Tues-                                 a majority of lawmakers vote  sively  printing  money,  hurt-  Protesters  on  Tuesday  were
            day  issued  a  no-confi-    A  majority  vote  in  the  against him.                  ing agricultral production by  in their 25th day of their oc-
            dence  declaration  aiming  225-member        Parliament                               banning  chemical  fertilizer  cupation  of  the  entrance  to
            at ousting Prime Minister  would be needed to remove  Sri Lanka is on the brink of  to make the production fully  the  president’s  office,  de-
            Mahinda  Rajapaksa  and  Rajapaksa  and  the  Cabinet  bankruptcy  after  the  coun-   organic, failing to order CO-  manding  the  resignations  of
            his  Cabinet  and  blaming  from  power.  The  United  try’s recent announcement to  VID-19 vaccines in a timely  Rajapaksa  family  members
            them  of  failing  in  their  People’s Force can only count  suspend payments on its for-  manner  and  buying  them  who have ruled Sri Lanka for
            constitutional   duty    to  on 54 votes but hopes to win  eign loans. The country faces  later at higher prices.   the last two decades.
            provide  a  decent  living  votes  from  smaller  opposi-  repayments  of  $7  billion  of
            standards amid the island  tion  parties  and  defections  foreign loans this year of the
            nation’s  worst  economic  from  the  ruling  Sri  Lanka  $ 25 billion it is scheduled to
            crisis in memory.            People’s Front party. The rul-  pay  by  2026.  Sri  Lanka  has
                                         ing party had nearly 150 votes  less  than  than  $  1  billion  in
            A  group  from  United  Peo-  but that strength has declined  foreign reserves.
            ple’s Force party, led by leader  amid the economic crisis and
            Sajith  Premadasa,  delivered  defections in a no-confidence  The  foreign  currency  cri-
            the  motion  demanding  the  vote are possible.           sis  has  limited  imports  and
            no-confident  parliamentary                               caused severe shortages of es-
            vote  to  Parliament  Speaker  A decision on when to hold  sential goods like fuel, cook-
            Mahinda Yapa Abeywardena.    the no-confidence vote is ex-  ing  gas,  medicine  and  food.
                                         pected to happen after mem-  People stand in long lines for
            The move came amid coun-     bers of Parliament start meet-  hours  to  buy  what  they  can
            trywide  protests  demanding  ing on Wednesday.           and many return home with
            the  resignation  of  Rajapaksa                           little,  if  any,  of  what  they
            and  his  younger  brother,  The  United  People’s  Force  were seeking.
            President Gotabaya Rajapak-  also  delivered  a  no-confi-
            sa,  who  the  demonstrators  dence  motion  targeting  the  The United People’s Force’s
            hold responsible for the eco-  president  but  it  would  not  motion also accuses top gov-
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