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A32    sports
                      Diaranson 4 Mei 2022

                        De Bruyne seeking career-defining title in Champions League

                                                                                                   Lyon in the quarterfinals.   last  year’s  European  Cham-
                                                                                                                                pionship, De Bruyne is in ex-
                                                                                                   “We  need  to  learn,”  De  cellent form and stepping up
                                                                                                   Bruyne grumbled afterward.   in the big games.
                                                                                                   And in 2019, he didn’t even  In his last 10 appearances, he
                                                                                                   start against Tottenham in the  has scored against Manches-
                                                                                                   first  leg  of  the  quarterfinals,  ter  United  and  Liverpool
                                                                                                   which  City  lost  1-0  before  in  the  Premier  League  and
                                                                                                   exiting in agonizing circum-  both  Atletico  Madrid  and
                                                                                                   stances a week later.        Real Madrid in the Champi-
                                                                                                                                ons League. The assists keep
                                                                                                   Even this season could prove  flowing  from  his  pinpoint
                                                                                                   to  be  a  missed  opportunity.  crosses and passes.
                                                                                                   City battered Real Madrid in
                                                                                                   the first leg of the semifinals  The  world  is  still  waiting,
                                                                                                   last week, yet only came away  though, for De Bruyne to put
                                                                                                   with a 4-3 victory at the Eti-  in  that  man-of-the-match
                                                                                                   had Stadium.                 performance in a major final
                                                                                                                                like  the  Champions  League,
                                                                                                   The second leg is on Wednes-  just to cap a bulging résumé
                                                                                                   day and De Bruyne is aware  at City containing three Pre-
                                                                                                   the match is in the balance.  mier  League  titles,  six  do-
                                                                                                                                mestic cups (FA and League),
                                                                                                   “If we play the way we played  and  back-to-back  Player  of
            (AP)  -  Kevin  De  Bruyne                                                             last week, we have the poten-  the Year awards (in 2020 and
            might  still  be  short  of  a  So,  is  it  in  the  Champions  Just  last  year,  De  Bruyne  tial to be one of the best teams  2021). For some, that would
            crowning, career-defining  League  where  his  big  mo-   didn’t last an hour in his first  (in the world),” he said. “But  elevate him to greatness.
            title  that  would  slot  him  ment will come?            Champions League final be-   we have to do that tomorrow
            comfortably  among  the                                   fore needing to be helped off  night again — if we’re a little  “For myself, I don’t think it
            top stars of his generation.  “Obviously,” De Bruyne said,  the  field  —  dazed  and  con-  below  that,  there’s  a  possi-  changes the perspective, as a
                                         “winning it would change the  fused  —  after  sustaining  a  bility  Madrid  can  win  this  player,” he said. “I know what
            He may never get it at inter-  narrative.”                fractured nose and eye socket  game.”                     I’ve done good, I know what
            national level, with Belgium’s                            in  a  collision  with  Chelsea                           I’ve  done  bad  in  my  career.
            “Golden Generation” repeat-  It has been a tale of pain and  defender  Antonio  Rudiger.  De  Bruyne  scored  an  ear-  I’m  pretty  happy  with  what
            edly falling short, and being a  massive  underachievement  De  Bruyne  had  been  sub-  ly  goal  and  set  up  another  I’ve done. Obviously I want
            serial winner of domestic tro-  so  far  in  Europe’s  top  com-  dued in a match City went on  against  Madrid  to  continue  to  win  every  trophy  I  can
            phies  with  Manchester  City  petition  for  the  30-year-old  to lose 1-0 in Porto.  his run of inspirational late-  get, but that’s a hard task. I’d
            won’t be enough for many —  playmaker with magic in his                                season displays. Having taken  love  to  win  the  Champions
            even if, apparently, it is for De  boots and eyes in the back of  In 2020, he was part of a City  time to get fully fit after snap-  League.”
            Bruyne himself.              his head.                    team  surprisingly  beaten  by  ping  ankle  ligaments  during

                         Mo.-based company hired to police drugs in US horse racing

            (AP)  —  A  deal  for  Drug  Free  will set up the Horseracing Integrity  the Authority, but we believe when it  diately.  The  anti-doping  and  medi-
            Sport  International  to  police  and Welfare Unit, to be led by a five-  comes to the welfare of the horse, no  cation rules aren’t expected to begin
            medication  in  horse  racing  was  member  advisory  council  chaired  expense should be spared,” said Irby,  until Jan. 1, 2023, leaving the 38 states
            announced Tuesday, two months  by Jonathan Taylor, a London-based  who testified before Congress in sup-    where horse racing occurs in charge
            before the Horseracing Integrity  partner at the international law firm  port of HISA’s creation. “We are very  for now.
            and Safety Authority takes effect.  Bird & Bird.                        disappointed  and  deeply  concerned
                                                                                    that  the  end  result  is  not  what  we  The  sport’s  lack  of  uniform  rules
            The  U.S.  Anti-Doping  Agency  had  He previously served as chair of the  sought to achieve.”              across  the  U.S.  came  into  focus  af-
            been set to become the regulator for  World  Anti-Doping  Agency’s  com-                                    ter Medina Spirit tested positive for a
            anti-doping  and  medication  control  pliance  review  committee.  He  also  HISA  takes  effect  July  1.  It  will  be  banned substance following the 2021
            for thoroughbred racing. But in late  has experience as outside legal coun-  implemented in stages, with the race-  Kentucky Derby.
            December, the deal stalled.         sel  to  the  British  Horseracing  Au-  track safety program starting imme-
                                                thority  and  International  Equestrian
            USADA CEO Travis Tygart said his  Federation.
            group  was  “disappointed”  not  to  be
            hired.                              The other  members of the advisory
                                                council are Dr. Larry Bowers, former
            “We wanted to be in the fight to clean  chief  scientific  officer  at  USADA;
            up the sport,” he said. “Unfortunate-  Dr.  Larry  Bramlage,  an  equine  or-
            ly, we were unable to reach an agree-  thopedic surgeon in Kentucky; Sonja
            ment that would allow us a reason-  Keating, general counsel of the U.S.
            able  chance  to  successfully  deliver  Equestrian  Federation;  and  Günter
            our existing gold-standard programs,  Younger, director of intelligence and
            including adequate testing, education  investigations at WADA.
            and investigative capacities.”
                                                Executive director Marty Irby of the
            Drug  Free  Sport  International  has  animal advocacy and federal lobbying
            overseen  testing  and  enforcement  group Animal Wellness Action said it
            with the NFL, NBA, MLB, NCAA,  had hoped USADA would be chosen
            both  men’s  and  women’s  pro  golf  to work with HISA.
            tours and NASCAR.
                                                “It is our understanding that the cost
            The  Kansas  City-based  company  of  implementation  was  an  issue  for
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