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a26     obituario/u.s. news
                Diabierna 11 Februari 2022

                                                               Cop safety cited in no-knock warrant ahead of

                                                                                              Locke’s death

                                                             (AP) — Authorities searching
                                                             the  Minneapolis  apartment
                                                             where Amir Locke was killed
             Celebracion di Bida                             by  a  SWAT  team  member
                                                             said  a  no-knock  search  war-
             Na honor di                                     rant was necessary to protect
                                                             the  public  and  officers  as
                                                             they  looked  for  guns,  drugs
                                                             and clothing worn by people
                                                             suspected  in  a  violent  mur-
                                                             der, according to documents
                                                             made public Thursday.

                                                             The  applications  for  the  search
                                                             warrants  executed  at  the  apart-
                                                             ment complex on Feb. 2 were re-
                                                             leased after numerous requests.
                                                             Although  some  names  are  re-
                                                             dacted, Minneapolis police have  the  warrant  more  safely  by  al-  Minneapolis  police  say  Locke
                                                             said the 22-year-old Locke, who  lowing  officers  to  make  entry  was shot after he pointed his gun
                                                             was Black, was not named in the  into the apartment without alert-  in  the  direction  of  officers,  but
                                                             warrants.  Locke’s  17-year-old  ing the suspects inside. This will  Locke’s  family  has  questioned
                                                             cousin,  Mekhi  Camden  Speed,  not  only  increase  officer  safety,  that.
                                                             was  named  and  was  arrested  but it will also decrease the risk
                                                             this week and charged with two  for  injuries  to  the  suspects  and  Locke’s  death  has  sparked  pro-
                                                             counts  of  second-degree  mur-  other residents nearby.”       tests  and  an  immediate  reex-
                                                             der.                                                            amination  of  no-knock  arrest
                                                                                             Locke  was  killed  seconds  af-  warrants.  Minneapolis  Mayor
                     Sr. Luis Beltran Ras,                   In  the  search  warrant  applica-  ter the SWAT team entered the  Jacob Frey last week announced
                      Mihor conoci como “Beltran”            tions,  St.  Paul  police  Officer  apartment where his family said  a moratorium on such warrants
                       *10-10-1924 – †03-02-2022             Daniel  Zebro  asked  that  offi-  he  was  staying.  Body  camera  while the city brings in outside
                                                             cers  be  allowed  to  conduct  the  video  shows  an  officer  using  a  experts to study its policy. Some
                Acto di entiero lo wordo anuncia despues.    search  without  knocking,  and  key to unlock the door and enter,  state lawmakers are pushing for a
                                                             outside the hours of 7 a.m. and  followed by at least four officers  statewide ban except in rare cir-
                                                             8 p.m., because the suspects be-  in uniform and protective vests,  cumstances.
                                                             ing sought in the Jan. 10 murder  time-stamped at about 6:48 a.m.
                                                             of  Otis  Elder  had  a  history  of  As  they  enter,  they  repeatedly  The  search  warrants  were  car-
                                                             violence.  Zebro  also  noted  that  shout,  “Police,  search  warrant!”  ried out as part of an investiga-
                                                             Elder was killed with a .223 cali-  They  also  shout  “Hands!”  and  tion into Elder’s death. Elder, a
                                                             ber firearm, which he said could  “Get on the ground!”          38-year-old  father,  was  found
                                                             pierce body armor.                                              shot and laying in the street on
                                                                                             The video shows an officer kick-  Jan.  10  in  what  police  believe
                                                             “.223  Caliber  rifle  rounds  can  ing  a  sectional  sofa,  and  Locke  was an apparent robbery. Drugs
                                                             penetrate  police  body  armor,”  is seen wrapped in a comforter,  and  money  were  found  in  El-
                                                             Zebro wrote. “A no-knock war-   holding a pistol. Three shots are  der’s  SUV,  according  to  court
                                                             rant  enables  officers  to  execute  heard and the video ends.  documents.
             “Dios ta amor... y amor ta Dios,
             maske mi no ta na e mundo aki, tur dia lo mi ta
             banda                                            Palin calls New York Times the ‘Goliath’ in libel dispute
             di boso Curazon, mi por stens di loke Señor ta
             hasi”                                           (AP)  —  Former  Alaska                                         In the editorial, the Times wrote
                                                 Salmo 33    Gov.  Sarah  Palin  told  a  jury                               that before the 2011 mass shoot-
                                                             Thursday  she  felt  like  she                                  ing  in  Arizona  that  severely
             Cu dolor na nos curason, nos ta participa       was at the mercy of a “Goli-                                    wounded  former  U.S.  Rep.
             fayecimento di nos ser stima:                   ath” when she first learned a                                   Gabby  Giffords  and  killed  six
                                                             2017 New York Times edito-                                      others,  Palin’s  political  action
                                                             rial  suggested  her  campaign                                  committee had contributed to an
                                                             rhetoric helped incite a mass                                   atmosphere of violence by circu-
                                                             shooting.                                                       lating a map of electoral districts
                                                                                                                             that  put  Giffords  and  19  other
                                                             Palin  used  her  second  day  on                               Democrats under stylized cross-
                                                             witness  stand  to  accuse  the                                 hairs.
                                                             Times  of  deliberately  fabricat-
                                                             ing lies that hurt her reputation                               On Thursday, Palin said her view
                                                             — the basis of a lawsuit accusing                               was,  “The  New  York  Times,
                                                             the  newspaper  of  libel  that  has                            the be all and end all, the loud
                                                             resulted in a trial in federal court  mentator  and  consultant  with  voice in the media, had … taken
                                                             in Manhattan.                   the  editorial  about  gun  control  a knee-jerk reaction and tried to
                                                                                             published after U.S. Rep. Steve  score  political  points,  trying  to
                                                             Palin  sued  the  Times  for  un-  Scalise, a Louisiana Republican,  politicize horrific violence.”

                      Vivian E. Tromp                        specified damages in 2017, about  was wounded when a man with
                                                             a decade after she burst onto the  a  history  of  anti-GOP  activity  A  contrite  Bennet  testified
                       *08-05-1961 - †09-02-2022             national stage as the Republican  opened fire on a Congressional  Wednesday  that  he  botched  the
                                                             vice-presidential  nominee.  She  baseball  team  practice  in  Wash-  edit  -  “I’ve  regretted  it  pretty
               Acto di despedida lo wordo anuncia despues    alleged the newspaper had dam-  ington.                         much  every  day  since”  -  but
                                                             aged her career as a political com-                             meant no harm.
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