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A28     u.s. news
                Diabierna 11 Februari 2022

                         Congress approves sex harassment bill in #MeToo milestone

            (AP)  —  Congress  on                                                                  Carlson  said.  An  estimated  ness groups, have contended
            Thursday  gave  final  ap-                                                             60 million American workers  it  is  a  faster  and  less  costly
            proval to legislation guar-                                                            have clauses tucked into their  way to resolve disputes than
            anteeing that people who                                                               employment  contracts  forc-  through  lengthy  courtroom
            experience  sexual  harass-                                                            ing them to settle any allega-  proceedings. Graham said on
            ment  at  work  can  seek                                                              tions of sexual misconduct in  the  Senate  floor  that  it  does
            recourse  in  the  courts,  a                                                          private  arbitration  proceed-  not  harm  businesses  to  en-
            milestone for the #MeToo                                                               ings,  rather  than  in  court.  sure people who are harassed
            movement that prompted                                                                 The widespread practice has  at work are treated fairly.
            a  national  reckoning  on                                                             come under fire in the wake
            the  way  sexual  miscon-                                                              of  the  #MeToo  movement  “This is not bad for business.
            duct claims are handled.                                                               for forcing employees to seek  This is good for America,” he
                                                                                                   recourse  without  a  jury,  a  said.
            The  measure,  which  is  ex-                                                          chance to appeal a decision or
            pected to be signed by Presi-                                                          the sunlight of a public court  Many  workers  don’t  realize
            dent Joe Biden, bars employ-                                                           process.                     they’re  bound  by  forced  ar-
            ment contracts from forcing                                                                                         bitration  rules  and  how  the
            people to settle sexual assault  in  the  workplace  come  for-                        “If  you  could  ever  say  any  process  can  disproportion-
            or harassment cases through  ward and be told that they are  Former  Fox  News  anchor  legislation was long overdue,  ately benefit employers, with
            arbitration  rather  than  in  legally forbidden to sue their  Gretchen  Carlson,  who  ac-  this is it,” said Senate Major-  companies  typically  paying
            court,  a  process  that  often  employer  because  some-  cused the now-deceased net-  ity  Leader  Chuck  Schumer,  out  smaller  sums  to  settle
            benefits employers and keeps  where  in  buried  their  em-  work  CEO  Roger  Ailes  of  D-N.Y. He called it “almost  claims, Gillibrand said.
            misconduct  allegations  from  ployment  contracts  was  this  making  unwanted  advances  medieval”  to  force  victims
            becoming public.             forced  arbitration  clause,”  and harming her career when  of  harassment  and  assault  In a sign of the power of the
                                         she said.                    she  rejected  him,  testified  “to  shut  up,  not  tell  anyone  #MeToo  movement  and
            Significantly,  the  bill  is  ret-                       in support of the legislation.  about it and not seek justice.”  wide-ranging support behind
            roactive,  nullifying  that  lan-  Gillibrand,  who  has  focused  Some  employee  contracts  at                    the  change,  the  legislation’s
            guage  in  contracts  nation-  on  combating  sexual  harass-  the  network  included  bind-  The  secretive  nature  of  co-sponsors  included  sena-
            wide  and  opening  the  door  ment and sexual misconduct  ing arbitration clauses.    binding  arbitration  protects  tors  who  are  ideologically
            for  people  who  had  been  in the military, originally in-                           companies  and  perpetrators,  polar opposites, such as New
            bound by it to take legal ac-  troduced  the  legislation  in  Carlson, who appeared with  critics  contend,  and  allows  Jersey Democrat Cory Book-
            tion.                        2017 with Sen. Lindsey Gra-  Gillibrand and other senators  corporations to avoid chang-  er  and  Missouri  Republican
                                         ham, R-S.C.                  at  a  news  conference  after  ing any policies or removing  Josh Hawley.
            Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, who                              Senate passage of the bill, said  serial abusers.
            has  spearheaded  the  effort,  The  legislation  had  uncom-  she  could  never  have  imag-                       Graham  said  at  the  news
            called it “one of the most sig-  monly   broad,   bipartisan  ined,  after  coming  forward  The clauses  barring  lawsuits  conference that things can be
            nificant workplace reforms in  support  in  a  divided  Con-  with her allegations five years  are  not  just  limited  to  em-  “pretty screwed up” in Wash-
            American history.”           gress.  That  allowed  the  bill  ago,  that  it  would  lead  to  a  ployment contracts but have  ington  but  the  legislation
                                         to  be  passed  in  the  Senate  change  in  the  law  that  both  been  found  in  other  service  signals  “that  there’s  some
            Gillibrand,  D-N.Y.,  said  the  by  unanimous  consent  —  a  Democrats  and  Republicans  agreements, preventing those  hope, as long as we listen to
            arbitration  process  is  secre-  procedure almost never used  would get behind.       who  were  sexually  assaulted  each  other  and  try  to  make
            tive  and  biased  and  denies  for significant legislation, es-                       at  nursing  homes  or  mas-  life better where we can find
            people  a  basic  constitutional  pecially one affecting tens of  “Marching in the streets can  sage parlors from taking their  common ground.”
            right: a day in court.       millions  of  Americans.  The  inspire  us.  Editorials  can  claims to court.
                                         House  passed  the  bill  this  open  our  minds.  Hashtags                            The White House released a
            “No longer will survivors of  week  on  a  robust  bipartisan  can galvanize, but legislation  Defenders  of  the  arbitra-  statement earlier this month
            sexual  assault  or  harassment  basis in a 335- 97 vote.  is  the  only  thing  that  lasts,”  tion process, including busi-  in support of the bill.

                                                                                  Republican rift exposes choice:

                                                                                      With Trump or against him

                                                                      infighting shattered a period  publicans sit on a Democrat-  loyalty  to  the  former  presi-
                                                                      of  relative  Republican  peace  led  House  committee  that  dent,  McConnell  and  other
                                                                      just  as  party  leaders  insist  is  aggressively  investigating  establishment leaders believe
                                                                      they  need  to  come  together  the violent Jan. 6 siege at the  there  is  a  line  Republicans
                                                                      to  defeat  Democrats  in  the  U.S.  Capitol  and  has  sub-  should not cross.
                                                                      looming midterms.            poenaed many in the former
                                                                                                   president’s inner circle.   McConnell, for example, has
                                                                      But  this  week,  at  least,  Re-                        refused  to  amplify  Trump’s
                                                                      publican unity is hard to find.  The  RNC  resolution  ac-  baseless claims of voter fraud,
                                                                                                   cused  the  House  panel  of  even  as  polls  suggest  a  vast
                                                                      To  drive  home  his  point,  leading a “persecution of or-  majority  of  the  Republican
                                                                      Trump  issued  another  state-  dinary citizens engaged in le-  electorate  wrongly  believes
            (AP)  —  Senate  Republi-    blowup,  each  bloc  believes  ment later in the day saying  gitimate  political  discourse”  that  Biden  did  not  legiti-
            cans  blame  the  Republi-   it represents the real Repub-  McConnell’s  position  is  “so  —  words  that  drew  outrage  mately win the 2020 election.
            can National Committee.  lican Party and its best inter-  against what Republicans are  from  Democrats  and  firm
            The RNC blames two Re-       ests in the bid to regain con-  about.”                   pushback from several GOP  The     Senate    Republican
            publican House members.  trol of Congress.                                             senators.                   leader  said  he  opposed  the
            They blame former Presi-                                  At  issue  were  McConnell’s                             RNC’s vote to censure Kinz-
            dent Donald Trump. And  The  Republican  rift  over  a  comments  a  day  earlier  in  The   fight   has   quickly  inger  and  Cheney,  who  are
            Trump  blames  Senate  symbolic RNC vote to cen-          which he criticized the RNC  emerged  as  a  proxy  for  the  Trump’s  fiercest  Republican
            Republican  leader  Mitch  sure  Trump’s  two  GOP  for  censuring  Reps.  Liz  larger political tug-of-war be-    critics  in  Congress,  because
            McConnell.                   House critics has exposed in  Cheney  of  Wyoming  and  tween Trump and the party’s  the  committee  was  “sin-
                                         stark contrast the competing  Adam Kinzinger of Illinois at  establishment  wing.  While  gling  out  members  of  our
            In  the  midst  of  the  GOP’s  forces fighting to control the  the party’s winter meeting in  Trump’s  allies  believe  there  party who may have different
            first  major  election  year  party.  The  sudden  burst  of  Salt Lake City. The two Re-  should  be  no  limits  in  their  views than the majority.”
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