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Thursday 7 July 2022
Meeting with PAHO regarding healthcare projects in Aruba
2022, the Minister of Tour-
ism and Public Health, Mr.
Dangui Oduber, held a
meeting with the members
of the Pan American Health
Organization PAHO.
This meeting was on the the Ministry of Public Health
various projects the Min- will be organizing research
istry of Public Health is ex- that will take place in early
ecuting in the upcoming 2023. This research will be
months. used as the baseline to ob-
tain information about the
PAHO has an essential role community.
in our healthcare system.
They have been working The research aims to col-
closely with the Aruba au- lect data from more or less
thorities to improve health- 5000 people in the commu-
care service and quality nity per household. It is es-
in Aruba. Currently, they sential to establish policies
are working together on for healthcare efficiently
the prevention policy, in and on time.
which Non-communicable
diseases (NCDs) are essen- During the meeting, the
tial. In 2006, the PAHO did PAHO complimented
research in Aruba. The gov- Aruba for their continuous
ernment used the collect- proactive way concerning
ed information to gener- prevention in healthcare.
ate data about the island's Prevention is a priority, and
general health. we can achieve it by work-
ing united.q
Together with the PAHO,