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                                                                                                           local Monday 25 noveMber 2024
            Island Gaming Management Group Partners with Norwegian

            Cruise Line to Reward Loyal Players

            Palm  Beach,  Aruba  –  Is-  of  Mr.  Bradley  Broderick,  "We  are  thrilled  to  reward
            land Gaming Management  Director of Casino Business  our  players  with  these  in-
            Group,  the  management  Development  for  Norwe-         credible travel experiences
            company  of  The  Casino  gian  Cruise  Line,  who  en-   and  to  have  Mr.  Broderick
            Aruba at Hilton and LIV Ca-  gaged guests by providing  join  us  for  this  special  oc-
            sino at Barcelo, celebrated  detailed insights about the  casion,"  said  Alexina  Van
            their loyal players in grand  certificates  and  the  excit-  Den  Berg,  Casino  Market-
            fashion  on  November  20,  ing travel opportunities they  ing Manager for The Casino
            2024. In a remarkable part-  unlock.                      Aruba  &  LIV  Casino.  "The
            nership  with  Norwegian                                  partnership  with  Norwe-
            Cruise Line, the casinos re-  Beyond the certificates, the  gian Cruise Line reflects our
            warded dedicated patrons  evening  was  packed  with  commitment  to  providing
            with an exclusive certificate  more  surprises  as  guests  unforgettable rewards and
            for a complimentary cruise  enjoyed Freeplay to expe-     experiences for our valued
            for two, based on their play.  rience the casino’s newest  guests."
                                         addition:  the  highly  antici-
            The  event  took  place  dur-  pated Florin Machines. The  Island  Gaming  Manage-
            ing a special Appreciation  latest gaming option offers  ment  Group  continues  to
            Party,  hosted  to  recognize  a  unique  and  exhilarating  elevate  gaming  and  en-
            and thank players for their  gaming  experience,  add-    tertainment  on  the  island,
            continued support. Adding  ing  even  more  thrill  to  the  combining  world-class  ser-
            a  touch  of  prestige  to  the  casino floor.            vice with exclusive benefits
            evening was the presence                                  for their loyal patrons.q

                                                                      Visit the island’s hidden natural pools

                                                                      If  you  decide  to  hike  from                           be  you  won’t  be  able  to
                                                                      the entrance of the Arikok           Cave Pool            spot the pool immediately,
                                                                      National  Park,  this  is  also  This relatively new pool ap-  because you will probably
                                                                      possible:  do  bring  plenty  peared just a few years ago,  notice  the  moon-shaped
                                                                      of  protective  clothing  and  when a part of the dried up  lagoon  where  wild  north-
                                                                      enough water and food—it  coral floor broke off and cre-  ern waves crash into each
                                                                      could take you up to three  ated  a  partition  between  other.  Sounds  scary,  but  if
                                                                      hours to hike there!         the ocean and what is now  you look down on your right,
                                                                                                   the natural pool that is hid-  you’ll  see  a  calm,  crystal
            (Oranjestad)—Amongst  near  Boca  Keto  and  the  However,  when  you  even-           den there. Because it’s still  blue little pool in the corner.
            the countless beaches sur-   Daimari  Ranch,  Conchi—     tually  do  get  there,  you  so  new,  there  is  no  official  To  get  there,  you  have  to
            rounding the island that are  also known “Cura di Turtuga  will be greeted with crystal  name for it, but most people  climb down some stairs. Be
            well-known  and  frequently  (Turtle’s Cove) or just Natu-  blue  water  surrounded  by  just call it the cave pool.   careful when climbing down
            visited,  there  are  an  addi-  ral Pool—is reachable with  a  natural  rock  formation                            and follow the instructions of
            tional two “hidden” natural  any  4x4  vehicle  or  by  foot  that protects you from the  Just like the Conchi, the new  your tour guide if you have
            pools that are situated in the  if you’re up for a long hike.  wild  waves  on  the  other  natural  pool  is  situated  on  one.
            northern coast of the island,  However, since it is part of  side. Though the pool is lo-  the northern coast of Aruba.
            two ideal stops in your tour  the National Park, you must  cated on the northern side  However, this pool is much  And just like Conchi, this pool
            itinerary.                   first get permission from park  of the island (where the sea  easier  to  reach  with  any  also has a jumping spot, and
                                         management to enter. You  is largely rough and largely  type  of  vehicle,  and  there  a rope to climb back up the
               Conchi (Natural Pool)     would  have  to  purchase  no  suitable  for  swimming),  is no hiking needed. This spot  boulder.
            For many years, Conchi was  a day pass, and receive a  the pool itself is very calm.  has also become a regular
            the only natural pool that we  wristband as proof of pay-  It’s also relatively deep, and  stop for touring visitors.   Picture of cave pool is cred-
            had on the island. Located  ment.  Once  you’ve  com-     you can climb up the rocks                                  ited to RockaBeach Tours
            in the Arikok National Park,  pleted that, you are set!   and jump in!                 When you get there, may-
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