Page 45 - MIN JUS JULY 15
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U.S. NEWSWednesday 15 July 2015

Obama calls for shorter sentences for nonviolent convicts 

JOSH LEDERMAN                  In a speech to the an-        “In far too many cases, the
Associated Press               nual convention of the        punishment simply doesn’t
WASHINGTON (AP) —              NAACP civil rights group,     fit the crime,” Obama told
President Barack Obama         Obama also called for         a crowd of 3,300 in Phila-
on Thursday laid out an        voting rights to be restored  delphia. Low-level drug
expansive vision for fixing    to felons who have served     dealers, for example, owe
the  U.S. criminal justice     their sentences, and said     a debt to society, but not
system by focusing on          employers should stop         a life sentence or a 20-
communities, courtrooms        the practice of asking job    year prison term, he said.
and cellblocks. He an-         candidates about their        With his speech to the
nounced a federal review       past convictions. He said     prominent African-Amer-
of the  use  of solitary con-  long mandatory minimum        ican advocacy group,
finement and urged Con-        sentences now in place        Obama sought to put
gress to pass a sentencing     should be reduced — or        a spotlight on the need
reform bill by year’s end.     discarded entirely.           for new legislation as he

                                                                                          Frances Brisbane of the Long Island borough of New York
                                                                                          applauds as she listens to President Barack Obama speak at
                                                                                          the NAACP’s 106th national convention at the Philadelphia
                                                                                          Convention Center, on Tuesday, July 14, 2015, in Philadelphia.

                                                                                                                                                     (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

                                                                                          mounted a weeklong push        years in office to reduce
                                                                                          on criminal justice reform.    harsh sentences, cut costs
                                                                                          A day earlier, Obama           and correct disparities he
                                                                                          commuted the sentences         said have disproportion-
                                                                                          of 46 nonviolent drug of-      ally burdened minorities.
                                                                                          fenders — the most com-        Earlier in his presidency, as
                                                                                          mutations a president has      he spent his political capi-
                                                                                          issued on a single day in at   tal carefully on major do-
                                                                                          least four decades.            mestic priorities, Obama
                                                                                          Upon arriving Tuesday in       spoke cautiously and
                                                                                          Philadelphia, Obama met        only intermittently about
                                                                                          with a number of former        the need for smarter sen-
                                                                                          prisoners to discuss their     tencing and other justice
                                                                                          experience re-entering         changes.
                                                                                          society, the White House       But as of late, public at-
                                                                                          said. And on Thursday,         tention has been piqued
                                                                                          Obama planned to put a         by a serious of upsetting
                                                                                          personal face on the na-       incidents across the coun-
                                                                                          tion’s mushrooming prison      try. In places like Baltimore,
                                                                                          population with a visit to El  New York and Ferguson,
                                                                                          Reno Federal Correctional      Missouri, tensions between
                                                                                          Institution outside of Okla-   law enforcement and their
                                                                                          homa City — the first visit    communities have spilled
                                                                                          to a federal prison by a sit-  out into the open, un-
                                                                                          ting U.S. president.           derscoring longstanding
                                                                                          The assertive moves re-        concerns among minority
                                                                                          flected a president ea-        communities that they’re
                                                                                          ger to wield his executive     treated differently in the
                                                                                          power during his waning        criminal justice system.q
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