Page 47 - MIN JUS JULY 15
P. 47
U.S. NEWSWednesday 15 July 2015
Attorney: Misconduct claims pose problem for Hastert defense
MICHAEL TARM Tuesdayom. During a sta- by leaks from the govern- the misconduct was sexual been extorting Hastert, but
Associated Press tus hearing in Chicago, ment,” Green said. “(It) is in nature. But the Associ- it doesn’t elaborate.
CHICAGO (AP) — Allega- defense attorney Thomas now an 800-pound gorilla ated Press and other media Hastert, who is free on
tions of past sexual miscon- C. Green blamed “gov- in this case.” The indictment outlets, citing anonymous bond, was not required to
duct by former U.S. House ernment leaks” for specu- says Hastert agreed to pay sources, have reported the attend the hearing and
Speaker Dennis Hastert lation that swirled around $3.5 million to someone payments were intended wasn’t present. He lives
present a quandary for the the 73-year-old Republican identified only as “Individu- to conceal claims of sexual west of Chicago near Yor-
defense in the high-profile since he was indicted in late al A” to hide past miscon- misconduct decades ago. kville, where he coached
hush-money case, an at- May. “The indictment has duct; the document offers The indictment also sug- high school wrestling and
torney told a federal judge effectively been amended no detail and does not say gests someone may have taught until 1981.q
Family: Settlement isn’t victory in police chokehold case
COLLEEN LONG around his neck. Garner Eric Garner’s daughter Emerald Snipes, left, is joined by her grand jury inaction or ac-
Associated Press lost consciousness and was quittal at state level.
NEW YORK (AP) — The rela- pronounced dead later at brother Eric Garner, center, and mother Esaw Snipes, as she New York Police Commis-
tives of an unarmed black a hospital. sioner William Bratton de-
man who died after be- Garner had refused to be speaks during a news conference, Tuesday, July 14, 2015, in clined to comment Tues-
ing put in a white police handcuffed after being day on the Garner case.
officer’s chokehold said stopped on suspicion of New York. The family of Garner, a black man who died after The settlement came be-
Tuesday that the nearly selling loose, untaxed cig- fore any lawsuit was filed,
$6 million settlement they arettes on a Staten Island being placed in a white police officer’s chokehold, discussed though the family had filed
reached with the city street. notice of its intention to
wasn’t a victory as they The encounter, caught the $5.9 million settlement it reached with the city days before sue. City Comptroller Scott
continued pressing for fed- on an onlooker’s video, Stringer has made a point
eral civil rights charges. spurred widespread pro- the anniversary of his death. (AP Photo/Mary Altaffer) of settling some civil rights
“The victory will come tests. Coupled with police cases before lawsuits be-
when we get justice,” Eric killings of unarmed black found the police choke- A grand jury declined to gin, saying resolving them
Garner’s mother, Gwen men elsewhere in recent hold contributed to Gar- indict Pantaleo. The U.S. quickly saves the city mon-
Carr, said a day after the months, Garner’s death ner’s death. But Pantaleo’s Justice Department and ey on legal fees. The city
$5.9 million settlement was became a flashpoint in lawyer said the officer had the U.S. attorney’s office in did not admit any liability.
announced. a national debate about used a permissible take- Brooklyn are investigating Mayor Bill de Blasio said he
“Justice,” added one of relations between police down maneuver known as whether there’s evidence hopes Garner’s family “can
Garner’s children, Emerald and minority communities. a seatbelt — not a choke- to warrant charges that find some peace and final-
Snipes, “is when somebody “’I can’t breathe’ spurred hold, which is banned un- the officer deliberately vio- ity” from the settlement.
is held accountable for the national movement,” der New York Police De- lated Garner’s civil rights. Longtime civil rights at-
what they do.” and it won’t end “until partment policy. Such cases are rare after torney Jonathan Moore,
The settlement came near- we change how policing the family’s lawyer, said
ly a year after the 43-year- goes,” the Rev. Al Sharp- there also was a settle-
old Garner died, having ton, a prominent civil rights ment with the Richmond
repeatedly pleaded “I activist, said at a news University Medical Center
can’t breathe!” as Officer conference Tuesday with whose employees treated
Daniel Pantaleo took him Garner’s relatives. Garner. That settlement is
to the ground with an arm The city medical examiner confidential.q
NAACP wants Confederate symbols taken off Georgia property
KATHLEEN FOODY during the next legislative premacy is at the heart of white man who was pho- was president of the Con-
Associated Press session. the heritage the flag cel- tographed with the flag federacy of secessionist,
ATLANTA (AP) — The presi- Some who support flying ebrates. several times, is charged pro-slavery southern states
dent of the Atlanta NAACP the Confederate battle The Confederate battle in the shooting deaths and in the 1861-1865 American
says the civil rights group flag say the symbol rep- flag has come under re- authorities are investigat- Civil War, and Confeder-
wants Confederate sym- resents Southern heritage newed scrutiny in the ing the killings as a hate ate generals Robert E. Lee
bols — including a giant and pride in Civil War-era weeks since nine black crime. and Thomas “Stonewall”
carving at Stone Mountain leaders. However, Atlanta churchgoers were fatally Stone Mountain — rough- Jackson. The white su-
Park — removed from all NAACP President Rich- shot during Bible study in ly 15 miles (24 kilometers) premacist Ku Klux Klan also
government-owned prop- ard Rose and others have Charleston, South Caro- east of downtown Atlanta once held notorious cross-
erty and plans to pursue argued the flag is a divi- lina. — features a large carv- burnings and organization-
making those changes sive symbol and white su- Dylann Storm Roof, a ing of Jefferson Davis, who al meetings there.q