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                                                                      obituario/u.s. news Diamars 11 Januari 2022

                                                                      Robert Durst, real estate heir convicted

                                                                                             of murder, dies

                                                                                                                             wearing hot mic saying: “You’re
                                                                                                                             caught! What the hell did I do?
                                                                                                                             Killed them all, of course.”
             Señor ta mi wardador pues mi no tin falta di nada,
             Salmo 23                                                                                                        The quotes were later revealed to
                                                                                                                             have been manipulated for dra-
             Cu dolor na nos curason pero conforme cu bolundad                                                               matic effect but the production
             di Dios nos ta anuncia fayecimento di nos Querido                                                               —  done  with  Durst’s  coopera-
             Tata, Welo, Bisawelo, Omo y Ruman Stima                                                                         tion against the advice from his
                                                                                                                             lawyer  and  friends  —  dredged
                                                                                                                             up  new  evidence  including  an
                                                                                                                             envelope  that  connected  Durst
                                                                                                                             to the scene of Berman’s killing
                                                                                                                             as  well  as  incriminating  state-
                                                                                                                             ments he made.
                                                                                                                             Police  had  received  a  note  di-
                                                                                                                             recting them to Berman’s home
                                                                                                                             with  only  the  word  “CADAV-
                                                                                                                             ER” written in block letters.
                                                             (AP)  —  Robert  Durst,  the  murder in his wife’s death.
                         Reymundo Kelly                      wealthy  New  York  real  es-                                   In  interviews  given  between
                     Ridder in orde van Oranje- Nassau       tate  heir  and  failed  fugitive  Los  Angeles  prosecutors  told   2010  and  2015,  Durst  told  the
              Mihor conoci como “Papa Rey”, “Rey di Centro di   who was dogged for decades  jurors that Durst got away with   makers of the “The Jinx” that he
                          Bario Ayo”, “Mo Rey“               with  suspicion  in  the  disap-  murder  in  Texas  after  shooting   didn’t write the note, but who-
                        *15-03-1944 - † 07-01-2022           pearance and deaths of those  a man who discovered his iden-    ever did had killed her.
                                                             around  him  before  he  was  tity when he was hiding out in
             Ta invita pa e acto di entiero cu lo tuma lugar diahuebs   convicted  of  killing  his  best  Galveston after Berman’s killing.   “You’re  writing  a  note  to  the
             13 di januari 2021 na Aurora Funeral Home di 9’or pa   friend  and  sentenced  to  life  Durst  was  acquitted  of  murder   police that only the killer could
             11’or di mainta despues saliendo pa Santana catolico   in prison, has died. He was 78.  in that case in 2003, after testi-  have written,” Durst said.
             Pastoor Kranwinkel na Paradera.                                                 fying  he  shot  the  man  as  they
                                                             Durst  died  Monday  in  a  state  struggled for a gun.         His  defense  lawyers  conceded
             Despues di entiero nos no lo ricibi bishita na cas.  prison hospital facility in Stock-                         in the run-up to trial that Durst
                                                             ton,  attorney  Chip  Lewis  said.  Deputy Los Angeles District At-  had written the note, and pros-
                                                             He said the death was from nat-  torney  John  Lewin  said  jurors   ecutors  said  it  amounted  to  a
                                                             ural causes due to a number of  told  him  after  the  verdict  that   confession.
                                                             ailments.                       they  believed  Durst  murdered
                                                                                             Morris  Black  in  Texas  and  had   Clips  from  “The  Jinx,”  and
                                                             Durst was convicted in Septem-  killed his wife.                from the 2010 movie “All Good
                                                             ber of shooting Susan Berman at                                 Things” in which Ryan Gosling
                                                             point-blank range at her Los An-  Durst  discussed  the  cases  and   played a fictionalized version of
                                                             geles home in 2000. He was sen-  made  several  damning  state-  Durst, had starring roles at trial.
                                                             tenced Oct. 14 to life in prison  ments including a stunning con-
                                                             without parole.                 fession  during  an  unguarded   As did Durst himself. His attor-
                                                                                             moment  in  the  six-part  HBO   neys again took the risk of put-
                                                             Durst  had  long  been  suspected  documentary  series  “The  Jinx:   ting him on the stand for what
             “Cerca Dios no tin sufrimento, ni dolor, ni tristeza. Cu   of killing his wife, Kathie, who  The Life and Deaths of Robert
             Dios contra mi cu                               went missing in New York 1982  Durst.”                          turned  out  to  be  about  three
             su manan habri i jen di splendor.”              and was declared legally dead.                                  weeks  of  testimony.  It  didn’t
                                                                                                                             work as it had in Texas.
                                                                                             The show made his name known
             Cu dolor na nos curason, pero conforme cu boluntad   But only after Los Angeles pros-  to a new generation and brought
             di Dios nos ta participa fayecimento di:        ecutors  proved  that  the  motive  renewed scrutiny and suspicion   Under  devastating  cross-ex-
                                                             in Berman’s death was to silence  from authorities. He was arrest-  amination  by  prosecutor  John
                                                                                                                             Lewin,  Durst  admitted  he  lied
                                                             her because she helped him cov-  ed in Berman’s killing the night   under oath in the past and would
                                                             er up Kathie’s killing was he in-  before  the  final  episode,  which   do it again to get out of trouble.
                                                             dicted by a New York grand jury  closed  with  him  mumbling  to
                                                             in November for second-degree  himself in a bathroom while still   “‘Did  you  kill  Susan  Berman?’
                                                                                                                             is strictly a hypothetical,” Durst
                                                                                                                             said  from  the  stand.  “I  did  not
                                                                                                                             kill Susan Berman. But if I had, I
                                                                                                                             would lie about it.”
                                                                                                                             The  jury  promptly  returned  a
                                                                                                                             guilty verdict.

                                                                                                                             It long appeared he would avoid
                                                                                                                             any such convictions.

                                                                                                                             Durst  went  on  the  run  in  late
                                                                                                                             2000 after New York authorities
                     Theofilo M.E. Croes                                                                                     reopened  an  investigation  into
                   Mihor conoci como “Fijn of Papa Fijn”                                                                     his wife’s disappearance, renting
                        *04-03-1939 - †09-01-2022                                                                            a modest apartment in Galveston
                                                                                                                             and disguising himself as a mute
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