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New Year Aruba
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January 6, 2021
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Aruba’s ONLY English newspaper
A r u b a ’ s O N L Y E n g l i s h n e w s p a p e r
A person walks with an umbrella in light rain in the City of London financial district in London, Jan. 5, 2021, on the first morning of England entering a third national
lockdown since the coronavirus outbreak began.
Associated Press
Pandemic haunts new year as virus growth outpaces vaccines
By DANICA KIRKA and AN- to Japan to California, fill- patients than ever. Germa- And as doctors face or January is going to be “a
GELA CHARLTON ing hospitals and threat- ny reported one of its high- brace for rising numbers tough one,” said Dr. Mar-
Associated Press ening livelihoods anew as est daily death tolls to date of COVID-19 patients after garet Harris, a spokeswom-
LONDON (AP) — Despite governments lock down Tuesday. South Africa and end-of-year holiday gath- an for the World Health Or-
growing vaccine access, businesses and race to find Brazil are struggling to find erings, more and more ganization. “This idea that
January is looking grim solutions. space for the dead. Even countries are reporting seems to be ‘Ah, we’re all
around the globe as the England headed back into pandemic success story cases of a new, more con- sick of it.
coronavirus resurges and lockdown. Mexico City's Thailand is fighting an unex- tagious variant that has al-
reshapes itself from Britain hospitals hold more virus pected wave of infections. ready swept across Britain. Continued on next page