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                Wednesday 6 January 2021
                                                                                                                                sands  in  the  past  few
                                                                                                                                weeks,  blamed  on  com-
                                                                                                                                placency  and  poor  plan-
                                                                                                                                ning.  The  government  is
                                                                                                                                locking down large parts of
                                                                                                                                the  country,  including  the
                                                                                                                                capital, Bangkok, and con-
                                                                                                                                sidering tougher measures.
                                                                                                                                Japan  is  getting  ready  to
                                                                                                                                declare  a  state  of  emer-
                                                                                                                                gency  this  week,  beefing
                                                                                                                                up  border  controls  and
                                                                                                                                speeding  up  vaccine  ap-
                                                                                                                                proval after a surge of cas-
                                                                                                                                es around New Year's Eve.
                                                                                                                                And  holiday  worries  aren't
                                                                                                                                over now that 2021 has ar-
                                                                                                                                Pope  Francis  abandoned
                                                                                                                                an  annual  ritual  of  bap-
                                                                                                                                tizing  babies  in  the  Sistine
                                                                                                                                Chapel  tied  to  Wednes-
                                                                                                                                day's  Epiphany  holiday.
                                                                                                                                Orthodox  Christian  coun-
                                                                                                                                tries like Russia and Greece
                                                                                                                                could face more infections
                                                                                                                                after they celebrate Christ-
                                                                                                                                mas on Thursday. And Chi-
                                                                                                                                na  is  closing  schools  early
                                                                                                                                ahead of next month's Lu-
                                                                                                                                nar New Year holiday, tell-
                                                                                                                                ing  migrant  workers  not  to
            A man wearing a British union flag face mask walks past a coronavirus advice sign outside a bank in Glasgow the morning after   go  home  and  tourists  to
            stricter lockdown measures came into force for Scotland, Tuesday Jan. 5, 2021.                                      avoid Beijing.
                                                                                                               Associated Press  Vaccinations  are  getting
                                                                                                                                off to a slow start in many
            Continued from Front         announced the tough new  come.                            sity. He blamed the rise on   places.  In  the  U.S.,  where
            We  want  to  look  at  some-  stay-at-home order for Eng-  "The  boost  we  are  experi-  fatigue with social distanc-  over  350,000  people  have
            thing  else.  Oh,  this  doesn't  land, effective at midnight  encing here in Brazil is much  ing,  mixed  messages  from   died, some states are strug-
            apply  to  me'  ...  that's  got  Tuesday. It will shut schools,  more  serious  than  what  public  figures  and  Mexi-  gling  to  secure  enough
            to  go  away.  It  really  is  all  restaurants  and  all  nones-  was  happening  months  cans  lowering  their  guard   shots  and  organize  vac-
            hands on deck."              sential stores and won't be  ago," said Domingos Alves,  during the holidays.          cinations.  The  Netherlands
            While  Britain  rolled  out  a  reviewed until at least mid-  an adjunct professor at the  Zimbabwe   reintroduced   has  come  under  heavy
            second  vaccine  this  week  February.  Scottish  leader  University of Sao Paulo.     a  curfew,  banned  public   criticism  for  being  the  last
            and  some  U.S.  states  are  Nicola Sturgeon imposed a  Brazil's  number  of  patients  gatherings  and  indefinitely   European  Union  nation  to
            starting to give the second  lockdown that began Tues-    in  intensive  care  reached  suspended  the  opening     start  inoculations,  which  it
            round of shots, access to in-  day.                       its  highest  level  since  Au-  of schools.  In South Africa,   will  do  Wednesday.  Aus-
            oculations globally is sharp-  The  two  leaders  said  the  gust,  just  as  the  nation  re-  which is seeing yet another   tralia  isn't  planning  to  do
            ly unequal. The supply isn't  restrictions  are  needed  to  opened  shops  and  offices  fast-spreading  variant  of   so  until  March.  And  most
            remotely  close  to  meeting  protect the National Health  after  the  end-of-year  holi-  the  virus  and  is  the  conti-  poorer  countries  are  even
            the epic demand needed  Service  amid  the  emer-         days — and the vast coun-    nent's  hardest-hit  nation,   further behind.
            to vanquish a foe that has  gence  of  the  new  variant  try  still  hasn't  approved  or  authorities  re-imposed  a   Opposition politician Geert
            already killed over 1.85 mil-  that  has  sent  daily  infec-  received  any  vaccines.  curfew, banned liquor sales   Wilders  called  the  Dutch
            lion people.                 tions,  hospitalizations  and  Some Brazilian hospitals re-  and closed most beaches.   government  "the  village
            "We  are  in  a  race  to  pre-  deaths soaring.          installed  refrigerated  con-  South  Africa's  undertakers   idiot of Europe."
            vent infections, bring cases  The  NHS  "is  going  through  tainers  outside  to  hold  the  are struggling to cope with   Yet  India  offers  a  glimmer
            down,  protect  health  sys-  probably the toughest time  corpses  of  COVID-19  vic-  the rise in deaths, National   of  hope.  Its  infection  rate
            tems  and  save  lives  while  in living memory," said Siva  tims.                     Funeral  Practitioners  Asso-  is down significantly from a
            rolling  out  two  highly  ef-  Anandaciva,  chief  ana-  Mexico's  capital  has  more  ciation of SA President Muzi   September  peak,  and  the
            fective  and  safe  vaccines  lyst of the King's Fund think  virus  patients  than  at  any  Hlengwa told state broad-  country is kicking off one of
            to  high-risk  populations,"  tank.                       point in the pandemic and  caster SABC.                   the largest inoculation pro-
            said WHO Director-General  Elsewhere  in  Europe,  Italy  is flying in doctors from less  "It  is  something  that  you   grams in the world, aiming
            Dr.  Tedros  Adhanom  Ghe-   and  Germany  extended  hard-hit states. Its beach re-    have never seen before. ...   at  vaccinating  300  million
            breyesus.  "This  is  not  easy.  their  Christmastime  lock-  sorts are readying for more  We have run out of coffins,   people by August.q
            These are the hard miles."   downs,  Spain  is  restricting  cases  after  thousands  of  we have run out of space
            England  is  facing  a  third  travel,  and  Denmark  low-  U.S.  and  European  tourists  at  the  mortuary,"  he  said.
            national lockdown that will  ered the number of people  visited over the holidays.     "We normally have crema-
            last  at  least  six  weeks,  as  who  can  gather  in  public  "Probably in the third week  tions  during  the  day,  but
            authorities struggle to stem  from  10  to  five.  France  is  of  January,  we  are  going  now  we  have  cremations
            a surge in COVID-19 infec-   likely to announce tougher  to  see  the  system  stressed  even at night."
            tions  and  relieve  hospitals,  measures  Thursday,  and  more,  that  there  will  be  The  pandemic  is  even
            where  some  patients  are  Ukraine  is  closing  schools  more  ambulatory  cases  reaching  countries  that
            left waiting in ambulances  and restaurants starting Fri-  and  cases  requiring  hospi-  seemed  to  have  the  virus
            in  a  parking  lot  for  access  day.                    talization," said Dr. Mauricio  under control.
            to overcrowded wards.        In  Latin  America,  some  Rodriguez  of  Mexico's  Na-   Thailand  is  facing  a  surge
            Prime Minister Boris Johnson  warn  the  worst  is  yet  to  tional  Autonomous  Univer-  that  has  infected  thou-
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