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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Wednesday 9 March 2022
            AP sources: Biden to issue executive order on cryptocurrency

            By  FATIMA  HUSSEIN  and  before  the war.  Both  peo-    efits  of  U.S.-backed  digital
            AAMER MADHANI                ple  spoke  on  condition  of   currency.
            Associated Press             anonymity  to  preview  the   Implicit  in  the  order  will
            WASHINGTON (AP) — Presi-     order.                       be  that  cryptocurrency
            dent Joe Biden is expected  The  order  is  expected  to   will  remain  a  part  of  the
            to  sign  an  executive  or-  describe what government    U.S.  economy  for  years  to
            der on cryptocurrency this  agencies,  including  the     come.  The  White  House’s
            week  that  will  mark  the  Treasury Department, need    plans to move forward with
            first  step  toward  regulat-  to  do  to  develop  policies   the  executive  order  were
            ing how digital currency is  and  regulations  on  digital   first reported by Bloomberg
            traded.                      currencies.  It  is  expected   News.
            The  move  comes  as  ad-    to include a request for the   While  U.S.  officials  have
            ministration  officials  have  State  Department  to  en-  played  down  the  signifi-
            raised  concerns  in  recent  sure that American crypto-  cance  of  cryptocurrency
            weeks about Russia’s use of  currency  laws  are  aligned   to Russia’s ability to evade
            cryptocurrency  to  evade  with those of U.S. allies and   sanctions, it remains a con-  In  this  Feb.  9,  2021,  photo,  the  Bitcoin  logo  appears  on  the
            the  impact  of  crushing  will  ask  the  Financial  Sta-  cern.                      display screen of a cryptocurrency ATM at the Smoker’s Choice
            sanctions  in  response  to  bility  Oversight  Council  —   “We  will  continue  to  look   store in Salem, N.H.
            its  invasion  of  Ukraine.  The  which monitors the stability   at how the sanctions work                                      Associated Press
            sanctions  have  sent  the  of the U.S. financial system   and  evaluate  whether  or  Treasury  Secretary  Janet  been  on  the  lookout  for
            ruble  to  historic  lows  and  —  to  study  illicit  finance   not  there  are  liquid  leak-  Yellen said last week.  the  use  and  creation  of
            have  closed  the  country’s  concerns.                   ages and we have the pos-    A  senior  administration  of-  front  companies  and  al-
            stock market.                Additionally,  the  order  will   sibility  to  address  them.  I  ficial  who  spoke  on  con-  ternative  financial  institu-
            Two  people  familiar  with  explore  the  possibility  of  a   often  hear  cryptocurrency  dition  of  anonymity  said  tions that Moscow might try
            the  process  said  the  ex-  new  central  bank  digital   mentioned  and  that  is  a  the  president’s  national  to  employ  to  get  around
            ecutive  order  on  crypto-  currency.  The  Federal  Re-  channel  to  be  watched,”  security  team  has  already  sanctions.q
            currency was expected to  serve  issued  a  paper  on
            be  issued  this  week  and  it  the  topic  in  January  that
            had been in the works long  explores the risks and ben-

            WHO says COVID boosters

            needed, reversing previous call

            GENEVA (AP) — An expert  Last  year,  WHO’s  director-
            group  convened  by  the  general  Tedros  Adhanom
            World  Health  Organization  Ghebreyesus  called  for
            said  Tuesday  it  “strongly  a  moratorium  on  boost-
            supports urgent and broad  er  doses  while  dozens  of
            access”  to  booster  doses  countries  embarked  on
            of COVID-19 vaccine amid  administering  the  doses,
            the  global  spread  of  omi-  saying rich countries should
            cron, capping a reversal of  immediately  donate  those
            the  U.N.  agency’s  repeat-  vaccines to poor countries
            ed insistence last year that  instead. WHO scientists said
            boosters weren’t necessary  at the time they would con-
            for  healthy  people  and  tinue to evaluate incoming
            contributed  to  vaccine  in-  data.
            equity.                      The  updated  recommen-
            In  a  statement,  WHO  said  dations  came  from  an
            its  expert  group  conclud-  18-member advisory group
            ed  that  immunization  with  that focuses on the impact
            authorized  COVID-19  vac-   of “variants of concern” —
            cines provide high levels of  the most worrying variants,
            protection  against  severe  like omicron — and assess-
            disease  and  death  amid  es the vaccines’ effective-
            the  continuing  spread  of  ness against them.
            the hugely contagious omi-   Numerous  scientific  studies
            cron  variant.  WHO  eased  have  proven  that  booster
            back  on  its  earlier  position  doses  of  authorized  vac-
            in January by saying boost-  cines  help  restore  wan-
            ers  were  recommended  ing  immunity  and  protect
            once  countries  had  ad-    against  serious  COVID-19.
            equate  supplies  and  after  Booster  programs  in  rich
            protecting  their  most  vul-  countries  including  Britain,
            nerable.                     Canada and the U.S. have
            It said vaccination, includ-  been  credited  with  pre-
            ing the use of boosters, was  venting  the  surge  in  omi-
            especially  important  for  cron  infections  from  spill-
            people at risk of severe dis-  ing over into hospitals and
            ease.                        cemeteries.q
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