Page 13 - aruba-today-20240910
P. 13

BUSINESS                 Tuesday 10 sepTember 2024

            A capsule has been propelled through a hyperloop                                                                                 HEALTH

            test tube in a step forward for the transit system                                                                     DOCTOR ON DUTY

                                                                      trucks, but it will involve sig-                          Hospital 7:00 pm / 10:00pm
                                                                      nificant investment in infra-                             Tel. 527 4000
                                                                      structure.So  far,  in  the  lim-                               San Nicolas
                                                                      ited  space  offered  by  the                              Imsan 24 hours
                                                                      test center, the speed has       Best Indian Astrologer    Tel.524 8833
                                                                      been modest.                  Know about your past, present,   Women in Difficulties
                                                                      Once  the  capsule  was       future by palm and face reading   PHARMACY ON DUTY
                                                                      in  place  in  the  tube,  “we       Tel. 747 0808        Oranjestad:
                                                                      launched it with an accel-    ________________________________218336  Eagle :  Tel.587 9011
                                                                      eration similar to that of a                              San Nicolas:
                                                                      metro,  up  to  a  top  speed   Condo                     Aloe:Tel. 584 4606
                                                                      of about 30 kph (18 mph),    Matadera Noord
                                                                      about  100  meters  (more    project with 12 units        OTHER
                                                                      than 300 feet) in the pipe,”   3 br 2 1/2 bath            Dental Clinic 587 9850
                                                                      Van der Meijs added.         Fully furnished              Blood Bank Aruba 587 0002
            A  test  vehicle  levitated  by  magnetic  fields  zips  through  a   Even  so,  it’s  a  milestone   price :$ 395 K  Urgent Care 586 0448
            depressurized tube in a testing ground for a high-speed transit   that required some careful    Call :011-297-630-1307  Walk-In Doctor’s Clinic
            system  during  a  press  tour  of  an  European  test  center  for   conducting.       +297 588 0539
                                                                                                                                Women in Difficulties
            hyperloop  transportation  technology  in  Veendam,  northern   “The  most  difficult  things                       EMERGENCY
            Netherlands, Friday, Sept. 6, 2024.                       that  we  are  doing  now    Condo
                                                     Associated Press  is to test all of these func-  Isla bonita               Police           100
                                                                      tions  together.  Levitation,   2 br 2 bath               Oranjestad       527 3140
                                                                                                                                                 527 3200
            By ALEKSANDAR FURTULA        Meijs, the technology and    propulsion,  guidance,  all   Fully furnished             Sta. Cruz        527 2900
            Associated Press             engineering director at hy-  of  those  functions  we  are   price : $360 K            San  Nicolas      584 5000
            VEENDAM,       Netherlands   perloop  company  Hardt,     now  capable  of  execut-    Call:011-297-630-1307        Police Tipline      11141
            (AP)  —  Hyperloop,  a  new   told  The  Associated  Press   ing  as  an  orchestra,  mak-  Ambulancia       911
            form of mass transit involv-  late last week before Mon-  ing  them  work  together,”                               Fire Dept.       115
            ing  capsules  whizzing  on   day’s  formal  announce-    said Roel van de Pas, com-   Time Share Resales           Red Cross        582 2219
            magnetic  fields  through    ment.                        mercial  director  of  Hardt   do you want to sell your   TAXI SERVICES
            depressurized  tubes,  has   The  European  Hyperloop     Hyperloop.q                  Time - share ?               Taxi Tas      587 5900
            achieved  significant  lift-  Center’s  420-meter  (460-                               Contact the experts          Prof. Taxi    588 0035
            off in the northern Nether-  yard)  tube  is  made  up  of                             38 years doing business      Taxi D.T.S.   587 2300
            lands,  a  company  devel-   34 separate sections most-                                Call : 011-297-630-1307      Taxi Serv. Aruba 583 3232
            oping the technology said    ly  2½  meters  (more  than                            A1 Taxi Serv.   280 2828
            Monday.                      eight  feet)  in  diameter.  A                                                         Women in Difficulties
            A  test  vehicle  was  levi-  vacuum  pump  sucks  out                                 Marriott Surf Club           TRAVEL INFO
            tated and zipped through     the air to reduce the inter-                              palm beach                   Aruba Airport   524 2424
            a tube at a testing facility   nal  pressure.  That  reduces                           Gold season                  American Airlines 582 2700
            for  the  high-speed  transit   drag  and  allows  capsules                            2 bedroom 2 bath             Avianca       588 0059
            system once promoted by      to travel at high speeds.                                 Ocean View                   Jet Blue      588 2244
            Elon Musk.                   Hyperloop developers aim                                  price : $10,000              Surinam       582 7896
                                                                                                                                Women in Difficulties
            “So today, with the first suc-  to have capsules speeding                              Call:011-297-630-1307        AID FOUNDATIONS
            cessful  test,  we  were  able   through tubes at up to 700                  
            to  levitate  the  vehicle,   kph (435 mph). Its backers                                                            Aruba Food Bank
                                                                                                                                Tel. 588 0002
            also turn on the guidance    say  it’s  far  more  efficient                           Marriott Surf Club           FAVI- Visually Impaired
            system and the propulsion    than    short-haul   flights,                             palm beach                   Tel. 582 5051
            system,”  Marinus  van  der   high-speed rail and freight                              Gold season                  Alcoholics Anonymous
                                                                                                   2 bedroom 2 bath             Tel. 736 2952
                                                                                                   Ocean side                   Narcotics Anonymous
                                                                                                   price : $12,000              Tel. 583 8989
                                                                                                   Call:011-297-630-1307        Fundacion Contra Violencia
                                                                                                                                Relacional Tel. 583 5400
                                                                                                Centre for Diabetes
                                                                                                                                Tel. 524 8888
                                                                                                   House For sale               Child Abuse Prevention
                                                                                                   Fixer upper                  Tel. 582 4433
                                                                                                   Near zeerover in savaneta    Quota Club Tel. 525 2672
                                                                                                   5min walk to the water       Women in Difficulties
                                                                                                   2 br 2 bath ocean view       General Info
                                                                                                   If you go 2 sd floor         Phone Directory Tel. 118
                                                                                                   price :$250 K
                                                                                                   Call : 011-297-630-1307

                                                                                                   Property land for sale
                                                                                                   palm beach prime location
                                                                                                   771 m2 (8298,975 sq feet )
                                                                                                   price : $450 K
                                                                                                   Call :011-297-630-1307
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