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                                                                                                           LOCAL Saturday 28 January 2023

            The healthy school project expands

            ORANJESTAD  –  On  Janu-     This  project  is  part  of  the  few countries in the Carib-
            ary 10, 2023, the Minister of  national  prevention  plan,  bean  with  a  national  pre-
            Tourism  and  Public  Health,  and  the  government  des-  vention plan.
            Mr.  Dangui  Oduber,  the  ignated 2023 as the year of  The  plan  implementation
            Minister  of  Education,  Mr.  prevention in public health.  schedule  was  in  2020,  but
            Endy  Croes,  representa-                                 due to the pandemic that
            tives  of  the  Youth  Health  Since 2020, a national pre-  started  in  March  2020,  it
            Care, Social Affairs, and the  vention  plan  in  place  cre-  was  postponed.  In  2023,
            Department  of  Education  ated with the support of all  the  national  prevention
            received  a  presentation  stakeholders  in  Aruba  and  plan  will  come  into  effect  children in schools to teach  ister of Education, the Minis-
            about  the  healthy  school  the input of the Pan Ameri-  at full speed.               them  about  these  healthy  ter of Social Affairs, and all
            project.                     can  Health  Organization                                 habits  to  reach  this  goal.  Government  departments
                                         PAHO. Aruba is one of the  Prevention is vital in health-  They  will  teach  preschool  that are part of the Healthy
                                                                      care  as  it  improves  the  and  elementary  school  School  program.  They  will
                                                                      quality of life in the commu-  children the importance of  disclose more details about
                                                                      nity. The Minister believes in  taking care of their health.  this program in a joint press
                                                                      awareness  campaigns  for  With the government's sup-     conference  when  the  de-
                                                                      the  public  to  live  healthier  port,  they  hope  to  con-  cree is signed.
                                                                      lives.  Education  about  nu-  vince  as  many  schools  as
                                                                      trition, exercise, and regular  possible to join the healthy  The manual Scol Saludabel
                                                                      medical  checkups  are  es-  school project.              "Healthy  School  Approach
                                                                      sential for the community's                               for  Primary  Education"  (in
                                                                      well-being.                  Soon  a  Ministerial  decree  Dutch) provides more infor-
                                                                                                   will be signed by the Minis-  mation about this project.q
                                                                      It is essential to start with the  ter of Public Health, the Min-

            Aruba to me

            ORANJESTAD  —  You  are  back  and  we  would
            like  to  portrait  you!  By  inviting  you  to  send  us
            your  favorite  vacation  picture  while  enjoying
            our Happy Island.

            Complete  the  sentence:  Aruba  to  me  is  …….
            Send your picture with that text (including your
            name and where you are from) to: news@aru-
    and  we  will  publish  your  vaca-
            tion memory. Isn’t that a special way to keep
            your  best  moments  alive?  Please  do  note:  By
            submitting photos, text or any other materials,
            you give permission to The Aruba Today News-    For today we received a lovely message from
            paper,  Caribbean  Speed  Printers  and  any  of  Tomas, Eliana, Agustin and Catalina Hartmann
            its  affiliated  companies  to  use  said  materials,  Hansen from Argentina.
            as well as names, likeness, etc. for promotional
            purposes without compensation.                  They  wrote  to  us  saying;  “We  have  been  in
                                                            Aruba  more  than  10  times.  We  love  it.  Aruba
            Last but not least: check out our website, Insta-  to me is our place in the world. Sun, Fun, lovely
            gram and Facebook page! Thank you for sup-      people and relax. It is my place on earth. Is fam-
            porting our free newspaper, we strive to make  ily, enjoyment, sun, amazing beach and great
            you a happy reader every day again.             people. Everything we need to recover energy    Thank  you  for  sending  us  this  awesome  mes-
                                                            for the year :).”                               sage  sharing  what  Aruba  means  to  you  and
                                                                                                            your family with us and our readers!q
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