Page 12 - aruba-today-20230811
P. 12
Friday 11 august 2023
Detroit police changing facial-
recognition policy after pregnant
woman says she was wrongly charged
Associated Press woman, who was arrested
DETROIT (AP) — The Detroit in February while trying
police chief said he’s set- to get children ready for
ting new policies on the use school. There have been
of facial-recognition tech- two similar lawsuits against
nology after a woman who Detroit.
was eight months preg- Woodruff was identified
nant said she was wrongly as a suspect in a January
charged with robbery and robbery and carjacking
carjacking in a case that through facial-recognition
was ultimately dismissed by technology. She denied
prosecutors. any role.
The technology, which The Wayne County prose-
was used on images taken cutor’s office said charges
from gas station video, pro- later were dropped be-
duced leads in the case cause the victim did not
but was followed by “very appear in court.
poor” police work, Chief White said his officers will Porcha Woodruff poses on
James White said. not be allowed “to use Monday, Aug. 7, 2023, in Oak
“We want to ensure that facial-recognition-derived Park, Mich.
nothing like this happens images in a photographic (AP Photo/Carlos Osorio)
again,” White said Wednes- lineup. Period.” of Commissioners.
day. He said two captains must White said there must be
His comments came two review arrest warrants other evidence, outside
days after the American when facial technology the technology, for police
Civil Liberties Union of Mich- is used in a case, among to believe a suspect had
igan announced a lawsuit other changes. The new the “means, ability and
on behalf of Porcha Wood- policies will be presented opportunity to commit the
ruff, a 32-year-old Black to the Detroit Police Board crime.”q
2 robotaxi services seeking to bypass
safety concerns and expand in San
Francisco face pivotal vote
By Michael Liedtke
Associated Press
— California regulators are
poised to decide whether
two rival robotaxi services
can provide around-the-
clock rides throughout San
Francisco, despite escalat-
ing fears about recurring in-
cidents that have caused
the driverless vehicles to
block traffic or imperil pub-
A Waymo driverless taxi stops on a street in San Francisco for lic safety.
several minutes because the back door was not completely If the state’s Public Utili-
shut, while traffic backs up behind it, on Feb. 15, 2023.
(AP Photo/Terry Chea, file) ties Commission approves
expansions sought by ro-
botaxi services Cruise and
Waymo in a vote sched-
uled Thursday, San Fran-
cisco will become the first
major U.S. city with two
fleets of driverless vehicles
competing for passengers
against ride-hailing and
taxi services dependent
on humans to operate the