Page 13 - aruba-today-20230811
P. 13
BUSINESS Friday 11 august 2023
Closure of 3 Southern California power plants likely HEALTH
to be postponed, state energy officials decide DOCTOR ON DUTY
Hospital 7:00 pm / 10:00pm
open during about three Tel. 527 4000
hours of public comment. San Nicolas
Neither GenOn, the com- Imsan 24 hours
pany running the Ormond Tel.524 8833
Beach plant, nor AES, Women in Difficulties
which runs the Alamitos PHARMACY ON DUTY
and Huntington Beach
plants, responded to email Oranjestad:
Eagle: tel. 587 9011
requests for comment on San Nicolas : tel. 584 5712
the vote.
At Wednesday’s meeting, Women in Difficulties
activists said residents can- OTHER
not be sure the state will Dental Clinic 587 9850
not decide to again ex- Blood Bank Aruba 587 0002
tend the life of these plants Urgent Care 586 0448
in another three years. Siva Walk-In Doctor’s Clinic
+297 588 0539
Gunda, the commission’s Women in Difficulties
vice-chair, said the state EMERGENCY
should better prepare a
strategy for ending opera- Police 100
tions of the plants by 2026. Oranjestad 527 3140
527 3200
The three plants were Sta. Cruz 527 2900
originally set to shut down San Nicolas 584 5000
A man pushes a stroller near the AES power plant in Redondo Beach, Calif., Sept. 7, 2022. in 2020 under state regu- Police Tipline 11141
(AP Photo/Jae C. Hong, File) lations aimed at power Ambulancia 911
plants that suck up ocean Fire Dept. 115
water to cool down their Red Cross 582 2219
By Sophie Austin working with all the energy or secure power sources in equipment. Many similar
Associated Press institutions to do that, but those instances. power plants have already TAXI SERVICES
587 5900
Taxi Tas
SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) we are not there yet.” The commission acknowl- shut down to comply with Prof. Taxi 588 0035
— Temperatures in many The plan, put together by edged it was a difficult those rules.q Taxi D.T.S. 587 2300
California cities are cooling the state’s Department decision. Environmentalists Taxi Serv. Aruba 583 3232
down this week, but a de- of Water Resources, still say the state needs to tran- A1 Taxi Serv. 280 2828
bate is simmering on how needs final approval from sition to more short- and Women in Difficulties
to generate enough elec- the State Water Resourc- long-term solutions that will TRAVEL INFO
tricity to power the state es Control Board, which help it move away from Aruba Airport 524 2424
through extreme weather may vote on the issue next fossil fuels and to rely more American Airlines 582 2700
events while transitioning week. Democratic Gov. on renewable energy Avianca 588 0059
away from a reliance on Gavin Newsom signed sources like solar and wind. Jet Blue 588 2244
fossil fuels. legislation last year creat- They’re also concerned Surinam 582 7896
The California Energy Com- ing an energy reserve the about the health impacts Women in Difficulties
mission voted Wednesday state could use as a last re- associated with pollution AID FOUNDATIONS
to extend the life of three sort if there is likely to be an from gas plants.
gas power plants along energy shortage. The law Few people spoke in sup- FAVI- Visually Impaired
Tel. 582 5051
the state’s southern coast allowed the Department port of keeping the plants
through 2026, postponing of Water Resources to fund Alcoholics Anonymous
a shutoff deadline previ- Tel. 736 2952
ously set for the end of this Narcotics Anonymous
Tel. 583 8989
year. The vote would keep Fundacion Contra Violencia
the decades-old facilities Relacional Tel. 583 5400
Ormond Beach Generat- Centre for Diabetes
ing Station, AES Alamitos Tel. 524 8888
and AES Huntington Beach Child Abuse Prevention
open so they can run dur- Tel. 582 4433
ing emergencies. Quota Club Tel. 525 2672
Women in Difficulties
The state is at a greater risk General Info
of blackouts during major
events when many Califor- Phone Directory Tel. 118
nians simultaneously crank
up their air conditioning,
such as a blistering heat
wave. “We need to move
faster in incorporating re-
newable energy. We need
to move faster at incorpo-
rating battery storage. We
need to build out chargers
faster,” commissioner Patri-
cia Monahan said. “We’re