Page 3 - KPA 12 SEPT 2015
P. 3


WORLD NEWSSaturday 12 September

India: 12 guilty in 2006 Mumbai train bombings                                                                                      Chinese district
                                                                                                                                    threatens to kill
NEW DELHI (AP) — Twelve         A defendant, one of the 13 accused in the 2006 Mumbai train bombings case leaves for the            all its pet dogs
suspected Islamic militants
were convicted Friday in        prison after the court verdict, in Mumbai, India, Friday Sept. 11, 2015. Twelve suspected Islamic  BEIJING (AP) — A Chinese
the bombings nine years                                                                                                            district government is giv-
ago of seven Mumbai             militants were convicted Friday for the bombings nine years ago of seven Mumbai commuter           ing dog owners a stark
commuter trains that killed                                                                                                        choice: Get rid of your
188 people and wounded          trains that killed 188 people and wounded more than 800.         (AP Photo/Rajanish Kakade)        pets or we’ll come to your
more than 800.                                                                                                                     home and kill them on the
The trial in  India’s  notori-  spiracy was hatched by           militant organization.          nied the Indian claims.           spot.
ously slow justice system       Pakistan’s Directorate of        The 12 convicted in the         The neighboring countries         Even in a country where
lasted more than seven          Inter-Services Intelligence,     case were believed to be-       have fought three wars            dog ownership is tightly
years. It concluded in Au-      or ISI, and carried out by       long to the Indian militant     since their independence          regulated, the order issued
gust last year, but Judge       Lashkar-e-Taiba opera-           group.                          from Britain in 1947 and          this week by the Dayang
Yatin D. Shinde took one        tives with help from the         Lashkar-e-Taiba is a Paki-      have been engaged in a            New District in the eastern
year to write the verdict.      Students’ Islamic Move-          stan-based Islamic militant     fitful peace process in re-       city of Jinan is extreme.
He found 12 defendants          ment of  India, a banned         group. Pakistan has de-         cent years.q                      “No person is permitted to
guilty of murder and crimi-                                                                                                        keep a dog of any kind,”
nal conspiracy and ac-                                                                                                             said the notice posted
quitted one person for                                                                                                             on gateposts around the
lack of evidence. Shinde                                                                                                           community of mostly high-
said he would announce                                                                                                             rise apartment blocks.
the sentences on Monday                                                                                                            “Deal with it on your own,
after hearing arguments                                                                                                            or else the committee will
from the prosecutors and                                                                                                           organize people to enter
defense attorneys. The                                                                                                             your home and club the
defendants face possible                                                                                                           dog to death right there.”
death penalties or life in                                                                                                         Regional governments
prison.                                                                                                                            have killed stray animals
Seven bombs exploded                                                                                                               before, but Dayang’s or-
within a span of 10 minutes                                                                                                        der also covers dogs that
during the evening rush                                                                                                            have been registered and
hour on trains in Mumbai,                                                                                                          vaccinated.
the financial and enter-                                                                                                           Culls often follow out-
tainment capital of  India,                                                                                                        breaks of rabies, a disease
on July 11, 2006.                                                                                                                  that kills about 2,000 Chi-
Prosecutors said the con-                                                                                                          nese each year, but the
                                                                                                                                   order cites only the main-
South Korea:                                                                                                                       tenance of environmental
                                                                                                                                   hygiene and “everyone’s
Man gets 12 years for slashing US ambassador                                                                                       normal lives” as reasons.
                                                                                                                                   People who answered
HYUNG-JIN KIM                   to determine whether to          bassador. The drills, which     sador’s arm as he tried to        calls Friday at the district
Associated Press                appeal, Maeng said. Pros-                                        block the attack. During          government office said no
SEOUL, South  Korea  (AP)       ecutors had previously           are meant as a deterrent        earlier police questioning,       one was available to dis-
— A Seoul court on Friday       asked for a 15-year prison                                       Kim also said South  Ko-          cuss the matter.
handed a 12-year prison         term.                            against North Korean at-        rea is a semi-colony of the       However, an unidentified
sentence to a South Ko-         Kim slashed Mark Lippert                                         U.S. and that North  Ko-          worker from the Dayang
rean man who slashed            during a breakfast forum in      tack, are a major source        reahas an independent,            village committee inter-
and seriously injured the       Seoul, leaving deep gash-                                        self-reliant government,          viewed by a local televi-
U.S. ambassador during a        es on the envoy’s face and       of friction on the Korean       according to Seoul po-            sion station insisted the or-
March forum.                    arm. Lippert was treated                                         lice. Shortly after his arrest,   der was the will of the ma-
Kim Ki-jong was convicted       for five days at a Seoul hos-    Peninsula.  Pyongyang           Kim shouted that the U.S.-        jority of the district’s more
of attempted murder, as-        pital.                                                           South  Korea  war games           than 1,000 residents.
saulting a foreign envoy        Kim has described himself        says they are practice for      were an obstacle against          “Dogs are always defecat-
and obstruction, accord-        as an anti-U.S. activist. He                                     a Korean unification. The         ing all over the place and
ing to Seoul Central District   told police that his assault     a northward invasion to         Korean Peninsula remains          bothering people. A lot of
Court spokesman Joon            was meant to protest an-                                         in a technical state of war       people were complaining
Young Maeng.                    nual U.S.-South Korean           topple the dictatorship         since the 1950-53 Korean          so we wrote a public no-
Both Kim and the pros-          military drills but that he did                                  War ended with an armi-           tice to avoid a conflict,”
ecution have one week           not intend to kill the am-       that has ruled the country      stice, not a peace treaty.q       the man said.q

                                                                 since its founding in 1948.

                                                                 U.S. and South Korean of-

                                                                 ficials say the drills are de-

                                                                 fensive in nature. Police

                                                                 said Kim attempted to kill

                                                                 Lippert because he knifed

                                                                 him more than twice with

                                                                 a force that was enough

                                                                 to penetrate the ambas-
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