Page 4 - KPA 12 SEPT 2015
P. 4

Heroes:                                                                           CLASSIFIED A27
                                                                                                                             Saturday 12 September
Foiling France train attack gives new view on 9/11                                Classifieds DOCTOR
                                                                                                              ON DUTY
                                                                                   and things like that and                                                         Dr. Esschendal
                                                                                   victims of terrorist at-           TIMESHARE FOR SALE                            Tel. 586-0334
                                                                                   tacks,” said Skarlatos, 22,        RENAISSANCE
                                                                                   in an excerpt released             Week room price                     EMERGENCIA
                                                                                   before the interview airs          26 507 $3,500
                                                                                   Friday night. “That eas-           26 543 $5,300                            911
                                                                                   ily could have been us if          40 105 $5000
FILE - From left, French President Francois Hollande, U.S. Nation-                 any one of six or seven            48/49 119 $4,500                    POLICE            100
al Guardsman from Roseburg, Ore., Alek Skarlatos, U.S. Ambas-                      things went a different            23 343 $3,000                       POLICE            581-1100
sador to France Jane D. Hartley, U.S. Airman Spencer Stone and                                                        35 314 $4,000                       ORANJESTAD        582-4000
Anthony Sadler, a senior at Sacramento State University in Cali-                   way.”                              30 515 $4,900                       NOORD             587-0009
fornia, pose for photographers as they leave the Elysee Palace                                                        30 311 $5,000                       STA. CRUZ         585-4710
in Paris, France, after Hollande awarded the three men with the                    Sadler, 23, said he vis-           23 343 $4,500                       SAVANETA          584-7000
French Legion of Honor on Monday, Aug. 24, 2015.                                                                      27 103 $4,000                       SAN NICOLAS       584-5000
                                                                                   ited the 9/11 memorial in          29 134 $4,500                       POLICE TIPLINE    11141
                                                         (AP Photo/Michel Euler)                                      20&21 347 $4,500                    FIRE DEPT.        115
                                                                                   New York recently “and             27 341 $4,000                       FIRE DEPT.        582-1108
                                                                                                                      Contact Brian Cell: 593-0200        HOSPITAL          527-4000
                                                                                   it just gave me a whole                     DENTAL CLINIC     587-9850
                                                                                                                                                          AMBULANCE         582-1234
                                                                                   new perspective. I was             ________________________20_3_5_48_  SAN NICOLAS
                                                                                                                                                          AMBULANCE         911
                                                                                   just appreciative of the           FOR RENT
                                                                                                                      Renaissance Suites                  PHARMACY
                                                                                   names on the stones                ( with Private Island),
TERENCE CHEA                 Fox News’ “The Kelly File”                                                               1 Bedroom weeks 37 and 38           Oranjestad: Paradera Tel: 588-6638
                             before joining a “home-                               out there because                  Room #2141ground floor
                             town heroes” parade                                                                      (pool/ocean V)                       San Nicolas: San Lucas Tel: 584-5119
                             hosted by Sacramento                                  that could have easily             Sept. 11 - Sept. 18
KRISTIN J. BENDER            Mayor Kevin Johnson.                                                                     Sept. 18- Sept. 25                  INFORMATION       118
                             The men have become                                   beenus, just as easy.”             For only $1,000 (p/wk)              TAXI              582-5900
Associated Press             widely lauded figures and                                                                Price $5,500 each                   TAXI-TAS          587-5900
                             sudden celebrities, mak-                              Later, the friends stood           Call:734-7777                       PROF. TAXI        588-0035
SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP)      ing appearances on late-                                                                 TAXI D.T.S.       587-2300
                             night talk shows, receiving                           on a float reading “Sac-           __________________2_04_07_6         SERVICE ARUBA     583-3232
— Three Americans who        a congratulatory call from
                             President Barack Obama                                ramento Hometown                   TIMESHARE FOR
stopped a gunman on a        and earning France’s                                                                     SALE
                             highest honor from Presi-                             Heroes” as hundreds of             DIVI PHOENIX WK 36,
Paris-bound passenger        dent Francois Hollande.                                                                  1bdrm unit 205 starts on 09/05
                             Kelly asked the trio wheth-                           people filled the streets          $4150wk34 studio rm 107 pool
train talked about the sig-  er they have a different                                                                 floor starts on 8/22 $3500 and in   CRUISESHIP
                             appreciation of what                                  to honor the men. The              Divi Village wk 35 rm 128 starts
nificance of 9/11 on Fri-    happened 14 years ago                                                                    9/5 $2800                                    September 12
                             when the twin towers fell                             lunchtime mood was                 wk 37 unit 92 studio starts on                  Freewinds
day at a festive parade      Sept. 11, 2001.                                                                          9/12 $2800
                             “I feel so much more con-                             festive with marching              Local till 8/29 cell: 565-9394 or
hosted by their California   nected to terrorist attacks                                                              US 508 -6510016
                                                                                   bands, classic cars, patri-        E:mail
hometown and in an in-                                                                                                ______________________2_06_9_89
                                                                                   otic balloons and lots of
terview to air on national                                                                                            TIMESHARE FOR SALE                  Aruba Aiport      524-2424
                                                                                  _co_nfe_tti_.q______                Divi Phoenix                        American Airline  582-2700
television.                                                                                                           Elegant five star property wk 34    Avianca           588-0059
                                                                                  FOR SALE                            pool side. Unit 107 Aug. 22         Aruba Airlines    583-8300
It was a rare appearance                                                          HOUSE ESMERALDA 109                 $3500, 2nd wk 36 one bdr 1          Jet Blue          588-2244
                                                                                  700 mts2 3 bedr, 3 baths,           bath, 9/5 starts $4100 2nd wk       Surinam           582-7896
by all three childhood                                                            kitchen. Living room, dinning       37 Studio 9/12 start $3200 rm       Tiara Air         588-4272
                                                                                  room, marmol floor by owner.        504 king bed, queen, sofa           Venezolana        583-7674
friends —  U.S. Airman                                                            $360,000                            email:
                                                                                  Call Luz Mery 600-5393              508-651-0016
Spencer Stone, Oregon
                                                                                  ________________________2_0_40_7_4  ________________________2_06_9_9_9
National     Guardsman
                                                                                  TIMESHARE                           FOR SALE
Alek Skarlatos and An-                                                            FOR SALE/RENT                       Luxurious House with pool           Aruba Foundation
                                                                                  Divi Golf and Beach                 Great location 3 bedroom            For those Visually Incapasitated
thony Sadler — since their                                                        week 40, oct. 3 start Eagle 3       2 bathrooms, garage, pool with
                                                                                  ground floor unit 4106. 2 baths,    jacuzzi, large porch, 650 m2        Tel: 582-5051
ordeal in August. They                                                            lock off master b/r, granite        property land, 200m2 build-up,
                                                                                  kitchen, gated, elegant             fully fenced.
spoke to Megyn Kelly of                                                           furnishing, washer/ dryer, steps
                                                                                  to affinity pool and bar sleeps 4   US$420,000
                                                                                  sale $4850 (equity value $1050)     Call 592-7002                       FUNDACION
                                                                                  rent $1200                                                              Anti-Droga
                                                                                  email:               ________________________2_04_0_7_1  Aruba
                                                                                                                                                          (FADA) Tel: 583-2999
                                                                                  TIMESHARE                                                               Respetami
                                                                                  FOR SALE/RENT
                                                                                  Divi Golf and Beach                                                     Tel: 582-4433
                                                                                  week 36/ sept.5 start Eagle 3
                                                                                  2 room suite unit 4206. lock off                                         Centro Diabetic Arubano
                                                                                  master b/r, granite kitchen, two
                                                                                  baths, 24 hour security, gated,                                           Tel: 524-8888
                                                                                  washer/dryer luxury furnishing
                                                                                  sleeps 4, 34 left on contract                                           Narcotics Anonymous
                                                                                  steps to affinity pool/bar $4850
                                                                                  sale (equity value $12000)                                              Tel: 583-8989
                                                                                  Rent $1200
                                                                                  email:                                                    QUOTA Club
                                                                                                                                                            Tel: 525-2672
                                                                                                                                                          Women in Difficulties

                                                                                                                                                          Tel: 583-5400

                                                                                                                                                          Bloodbank Aruba

                                                                                                                                                          Tel: 587-0002
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