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A32    sports
               Diasabra 11 september 2021

                       US Soccer president asks men, women to equalize FIFA money

                                                                      Parlow Cone said the USSF  The  women  asked  the  9th  Women  split  $862,500  for
                                                                      will be offering both unions  Circuit  to  overrule  the  trial  making the roster and $2.53
                                                                      the  same  contract,  which  court’s  ruling  and  put  their  million for winning the 2019
                                                                      she said the USSF had done  wage claim back on track. A  World  Cup,  which  came  to
                                                                      in  the  past.  The  union  for  three-judge panel is likely to  $147,500  per  player.  If  they
                                                                      the  women’s  team  agreed  hear oral arguments late this  had  performed  equivalently
                                                                      to a deal with differing ben-  year or in early 2022.     to the men, the bonus for each
                                                                      efits, such as health care, pay                           under their deal would have
                                                                      for  players  in  the  National  FIFA  awarded  $400  mil-  been  $37,500.  The  women
                                                                      Women’s Soccer League and  lion  in  prize  money  for  the  also  receive  payments  for  a
                                                                      maternity  and  pregnancy  32  teams  at  the  2018  men’s  post-World  Cup  tour  that
                                                                      leave and pay. The women’s  World  Cup,  including  $38  they split: $350,000 per game
                                                                      deal also includes injury pay,  million to champion France.  if they won, $300,000 if they
                                                                      401(k) plans and severance.  It awarded $30 million for the  finished second and $250,000
                                                                                                   24  teams  at  the  2019  Wom-  if they were third.
            (AP)  —  The  head  of  the  equalizes  World  Cup  prize  Players  led  by  Alex  Morgan  en’s World Cup, including $4
            U.S.  Soccer  Federation  money  between  the  US-        sued  the  USSF  in  March  million to the U.S. after the  The deals also have different
            asked  the  unions  of  the  MNT and USWNT.               2019,  contending  they  have  Americans won their second  bonus structures for qualify-
            women’s  and  men’s  na-                                  not  been  paid  equitably  un-  straight title.          ing.
            tional  teams  to  agree  to  “Finding  a  framework  that  der their collective bargaining
            equalize FIFA’s World Cup  works  for  everyone  will  re-  agreement that runs through  FIFA  has  increased  the  total  The  USSF  is  negotiating
            prize money on their own.    quire  open  and  thoughtful  December 2021 compared to  to $440 million for the 2022  with the women’s union for
                                         conversations  and  sincere  what the men’s team receives  men’s  World  Cup,  and  its  a collective bargaining agree-
            USSF  President  Cindy  Par-  commitment from USMNT  under its agreement that ex-      president,  Gianni  Infantino,  ment to replace the one that
            low Cone sent an open letter  and  USWNT  players  to  pired in December 2018. The  has  proposed  FIFA  double  expires Dec. 31.
            Friday  making  the  request,  come  together.  Until  FIFA  women asked for more than  the  women’s  prize  money
            which  called  for  the  men’s  equalizes  the  prize  money  $64 million in damages plus  to  $60  million  for  the  2023  Cone, a former women’s na-
            national  team  to  allow  the  that  it  awards  to  the  men’s  $3  million  in  interest  under  Women’s  World  Cup,  in  tional  team  player,  became
            USSF to reallocate a portion  and  women’s  World  Cup  the  Equal  Pay  Act  and  Title  which FIFA has increased the  USSF  president  in  March
            of  FIFA’s  World  Cup  pay-  participants,  it  is  incumbent  VII of the Civil Rights Act of  teams to 32.        2020  when  Carlos  Cordeiro
            ments to the federation to the  upon us to collectively find a  1964.                                               resigned  after  the  federa-
            women’s team.                solution.”                                                Most federations frame their  tion’s  legal  filings  defending
                                                                      U.S.  District  Judge  R.  Gary  payments to players for World  the lawsuit with the women’s
            “We  see  an  opportunity  to  FIFA  and  the  men’s  union  Klausner  in  Los  Angeles  Cups on the FIFA amounts.  team caused a furor. She said
            create change,” Parlow Cone  did not immediately respond  threw  out  the  pay  claim  in                           last month she will seek a full
            wrote.  “We  need  our  men’s  to requests for comment.   May 2020, ruling the women  Under  their  labor  contract,  four-year term next year.
            and women’s national teams                                rejected  a  pay-to-play  struc-  U.S.  men  got  $55,000  each
            to  come  together  and  re-  “Letters to fans are not a sub-  ture similar to the one in the  for  making  the  2014  World  “Coming  to  a  resolution  on
            think how we’ve done things  stitute,”  Molly  Levinson,  a  men’s agreement and accept-  Cup  roster,  then  split  $4.3  the World Cup prize money
            in  the  past.  To  that  end,  we  spokeswoman for the women  ed  greater  base  salaries  and  million  for  earning  four  will  be  key  to  our  separate
            have  invited  the  players  and  players,  said  in  a  statement.  benefits  than  the  men.  He  points in the group stage and  collective  bargaining  nego-
            both  players’  associations  to  “It’s time to back up a whole  allowed  their  allegation  of  reaching the knockout stage.  tiations  with  the  USMNT
            join U.S. Soccer in negotiat-  lot of words with actions. ”  discriminatory working con-  That calculated to just under  and USWNT,” Parlow Cone
            ing  a  solution  together  that                          ditions to go to trial.      $187,000 per player.         wrote.

                  CONMEBOL, Klopp and Nagelsmann decry biennial World Cup push

            (AP)  —  South  American  CONMEBOL            supported  gelsmann  said.  “On  the  one  cal sport,” Klopp said. “There  ty, that’s why we have more
            football’s  governing  body  the project in question, tech-  hand,  it  affects  the  overload  are more demanding sports in  teams in the World Cup.”
            joined  Europe  in  oppos-   nical analysis showed that it is  on  players  and  there’s  a  de-  the world, like athletics, mar-  But  ultimately  Klopp  sees
            ing FIFA’s push for World  highly unviable.”              valuation of the World Cup.  athon runs, all kind of things  those political arguments as a
            Cups  every  two  years,                                  If it takes place more often, it  of course. But they don’t run  mask for attempts to generate
            while leading coaches Jür-   European  governing  body  doesn’t have the same signifi-  20, 30 or 40 a year, of course  more cash for FIFA.
            gen Klopp and Julian Na-     UEFA has threatened to boy-  cance.”                      not and other physical sports
            gelsmann also voiced con-    cott  the  World  Cup  if  FIFA                           don’t have this calendar.    “That’s  fine,”  he  said.  “We
            cerns on Friday.             doesn’t stick with holding it  That’s  the  type  of  dissent                          do  it  not  because  of  money
                                         every four years.            Arsene  Wenger  hasn’t  high-  “We  all  know  why  it’s  hap-  but because we love it. That’s
            CONMEBOL’s        resistance                              lighted  in  presentations  to  pening  whatever  people  say  why  we  started  it  but  of
            to  doubling  the  frequency  Liverpool  manager  Jürgen  media this week during what  that it is about giving differ-  course we get lots of money
            of  World  Cups  is  striking  Klopp seems sure why FIFA  FIFA  calls  a  consultation  ent countries the opportuni-  as well.
            given  its  president,  Alejan-  is so determined to gain sup-  process. The former Arsenal
            dro  Domínguez,  proposed  port for the plan, and he’s not  manager, in his role as FIFA’s
            the same concept to FIFA in  pleased by apparent financial  chief of global football devel-
            2018.  Now  CONMEBOL  motivations.                        opment, is advancing a vision
            thinks  that  biennial  World                             that  so  concerns  two  of  the
            Cups would lower the qual-   “In the end,” he said, “it’s all  game’s current great coaches.
            ity of the competition.      about  money,  that’s  how  it
                                         is.”                         Klopp is a respected figure in
            “There is no sporting justifi-                            FIFA.  Just  three  weeks  ago,
            cation for shortening the pe-  Across  in  Germany,  Bayern  Klopp  was  being  honored
            riod  between  World  Cups,”  Munich coach Julian Nagels-  by FIFA, receiving the men’s
            CONMEBOL said in a state-    mann was as concerned about  coach of the year award from
            ment that did not say if it was  the impact on FIFA’s flagship  Wenger.
            signed off by the 10 countries  events  if  the  frequency  was
            in the confederation.        doubled.                     “There’s not another sport in
                                                                      world  I’m  sure  with  such  a
            “Although  at  some  point  “I’m no friend of that,” Na-  relentless calendar, no physi-
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