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                                                                                         world news Diasabra 11 september 2021

                              Jorge Sampaio, former president of Portugal, dies at 81

            (AP) — Jorge Sampaio,  a  tor.                            ernment  in-fighting,  public
            former  two-term  presi-                                  gaffes  and  contradictions,
            dent  of  Portugal  and  one  Prime Minister António Cos-  Sampaio  called  early  elec-
            of the most prominent po-    ta praised Sampaio as an up-  tions to end what he called “a
            litical figures of his gener-  standing  politician  who  de-  grave crisis of credibility and
            ation, has died. He was 81.  fended democracy. “We bow  instability.”
                                         down  before  the  memory
            The    current   Portuguese  of a man who always fought  The subsequent election de-
            president, Marcelo Rebelo de  for  freedom,  for  democracy,  livered a landslide victory to
            Sousa, announced Sampaio’s  and  whose  moral  upright-   the center-left Socialist Party,
            death on Friday. He did not  ness brought prestige to our  which  Sampaio  had  once
            give a cause of death, though  country’s  political  life,”  said  headed.
            Sampaio had been in delicate  Costa.
            health  for  several  years  and                          Sampaio  began  his  political
            had been in hospital for the  He  said  Portugal  would  ob-  career  while  studying  law
            past two weeks.              serve  three  days  of  national  at  Lisbon  University  in  the
                                         mourning, when Portuguese  late 1950s, rising through the
            Sampaio  “prepared  himself  flags  on  public  buildings  fly  ranks  of  underground  stu-  when he was eight as his fa-
            to be a fighter, and the ban-  at  half-staff,  from  Saturday.  dent  movements  which  op-  ther, a renowned Portuguese  His two-term stint as mayor
            ners  of  his  fight  were  free-  Funeral details were to be an-  posed  the  then  dictatorship  doctor, went to study at Johns  of the Portuguese capital pro-
            dom and equality,” Rebelo de  nounced later.              of António Salazar.          Hopkins University in Balti-  vided a stage for his election
            Sousa said in a televised state-                                                       more, Pa..                   as president in 1996 and his
            ment.                        At  home,  Sampaio  was  per-  After graduating, he defend-                            re-election in 2001, winning
                                         haps  best  remembered  for  ed  prisoners  tried  by  special  Sampaio, whose mother was  both  elections  by  comfort-
            He said Sampaio was like “a  controversially    bringing  courts  that  dealt  exclusively  an English teacher, also spent  able margins.
            red-haired hurricane” in the  down a center-right govern-  with political cases.       time in England as a young-
            1960s when as a young law-   ment  in  2004,  when  he  was                            ster.                        United  Nations  Secretary-
            yer he stood up to Portugal’s  head of state.             He  associated  with  extreme                             General  Kofi  Annan  ap-
            then-dictatorship.                                        leftist  movements  after  the  He  switched  his  allegiance  pointed  Sampaio  as  his  spe-
                                         That was when Social Demo-   1974  Carnation  Revolution  to  the  mainstream  Socialist  cial  envoy  on  tuberculosis
            But  over  his  six-decade  po-  cratic Party leader José Man-  toppled  the  dictatorship  and  Party  in  1978  and  from  the  in 2006. The following year,
            litical career in Portugal as a  uel  Barroso  quit  as  prime  introduced democracy.  following  year  was  returned  Annan’s  successor  Ban  Ki-
            center-left Socialist and later  minister to become president                          five times to parliament as a  moon  made  him  the  U.N.
            as a diplomat for the United  of  the  European  Commis-  He took up his first govern-  Socialist lawmaker.         High  Representative  for  the
            Nations,  Sampaio  earned  sion. He was replaced by his  ment  post,  as  secretary  of                             Alliance of Civilizations.
            praise for his low-key, down-  party’s  vice  president,  Pedro  state  for  foreign  coopera-  Sampaio ran successfully for
            to-earth  manner.  He  once  Santana Lopes.               tion, in 1975. He was fluent  mayor of Lisbon, the capital,  Sampaio  is  survived  by  his
            said he had always wanted to                              in  English,  having  lived  for  in 1989, when he also became  wife, a daughter and a son.
            become an orchestra conduc-  After several months of gov-  a  year  in  the  United  States  leader of the Socialist Party.

                          Biden calls Xi as US-China relationship grows more fraught

            (AP)  —  President  Joe  dling of the coronavirus pan-    back  against  U.S.  pressure  isfied with early engagements  jin for climate talks with his
            Biden spoke with China’s  demic  and  what  the  White  and increasingly has suggest-  with the Chinese.            Chinese  counterparts,  by
            Xi  Jinping  on  Thursday  House  has  labeled  as  “coer-  ed  it  could  remain  broadly                          video  link  that  such  coop-
            amid  growing  frustration  cive  and  unfair”  trade  prac-  uncooperative  until  Biden  The  official,  who  was  not  eration  cannot  be  separated
            on the American side that  tices by the Chinese.          dials down criticism on what  authorized to comment pub-  from the broader relationship
            high-level    engagement                                  it  deems  Chinese  internal  licly and spoke on the condi-  and called on the U.S. to take
            between  the  two  lead-     But  Biden’s  aim  with  the  matters.                    tion of anonymity, said White  steps to improve ties, accord-
            ers’ top advisers has been  90-minute  call  was  less  fo-                            House officials were hopeful  ing to the Foreign Ministry.
            largely  unfruitful  in  the  cused  on  any  of  those  hot-  Xi in the call appeared to echo  that Xi hearing directly from
            early  going  of  the  Biden  button  issues  and  instead  some of the complaints, tell-  Biden could prove beneficial.  In  July,  Deputy  Secretary  of
            presidency.                  centered  on  discussing  the  ing Biden that U.S. govern-                             State  Wendy  Sherman  faced
                                         way ahead for the U.S.-Chi-  ment  policy  toward  China  The White House official said  a  long  list  of  demands  and
            Biden  initiated  the  call  with  na relationship after it got off  caused  “serious  difficulties”  Biden  made  clear  to  Xi  that  complaints,  including  accu-
            Xi,  the  second  between  the  to a decidedly rocky start in  in relations, the official Xin-  he had no intention of mov-  sations that the U.S. was try-
            two leaders since Biden took  his tenure.                 hua News Agency reported.    ing  away  from  his  adminis-  ing  to  contain  and  suppress
            office. It comes at a moment                                                           tration’s  policy  of  pressing  China’s  development.  Vice
            when there is no shortage of  The  White  House  said  in  a  “This is not in the basic inter-  China on human rights, trade  Foreign  Minister  Xie  Feng
            thorny  issues  between  the  statement  the  “two  leaders  ests of the two peoples,” the  and other areas where it be-  urged  the  U.S.  “to  change
            two nations, including cyber-  had a broad, strategic discus-  Chinese  leader  said,  accord-  lieves China is acting outside  its highly misguided mindset
            security breaches originating  sion in which they discussed  ing to Xinhua.            international norms.         and dangerous policy.”
            from  China,  Beijing’s  han-  areas  where  our  interests
                                         converge,  and  areas  where  “Chinese-U.S. confrontation  High-level  engagement  in  In March, Secretary of State
                                         our interests, values, and per-  will  bring  disaster  to  both  the early going has been most  Antony  Blinken  and  White
                                         spectives diverge.”          countries and the world,” Xi  notable for each side blasting  House  national  security  ad-
                                                                      added.                       the  other  with  recrimina-  viser Jake Sullivan had heat-
                                         The  White  House  is  hope-                              tions.                       ed  exchanges  with  Chinese
                                         ful  the  two  sides  can  work  Xi said the two sides should                          Communist  Party  foreign
                                         together on issues of mutual  cooperate on climate change,  Last  week,  Chinese  Foreign  affairs chief Yang Jiechi when
                                         concern  —including  climate  epidemic  prevention,  eco-  Minister  Wang  Yi  warned  they  met  with  top  Chinese
                                         change  and  preventing  a  nomic recovery and other is-  Biden  climate  envoy  John  officials in Anchorage. At that
                                         nuclear crisis on the Korean  sues, Xinhua reported.      Kerry   that   deteriorating  meeting,  Yang  accused  the
                                         Peninsula — despite growing                               U.S.-China  relations  could  U.S. of failing to deal with its
                                         differences.                 Ahead of the call, a senior ad-  undermine  cooperation  on  own human rights problems
                                                                      ministration  official  said  the  climate  change.  Wang  told  and took issue with what he
                                         Beijing, however, has pushed  White House has been unsat-  Kerry, who was visiting Tian-  said was American hypocrisy.
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