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             Wednesday 28 February 2018
            Azure Beach Residences Celebrates its Next Major Milestone in the

            Construction of Aruba’s Newest Luxury Waterfront Development

                                                                                                                                can choose from a variety
                                                                                                                                of  sport  activities.  A  Con-
                                                                                                                                cierge service for residents
                                                                                                                                ensures  any  special  needs
                                                                                                                                are catered to.

                                                                                                                                ABOUT PERING Group
                                                                                                                                Established  in  1950,  PER-
                                                                                                                                ING  Group  is  one  of  the
                                                                                                                                largest,  privately  owned
                                                                                                                                Real  Estate  and  construc-
                                                                                                                                tion firms in Venezuela and
                                                                                                                                Aruba and also the devel-
                                                                                                                                oper  team  behind  Azure
                                                                                                                                Beach Residences. For the
                                                                                                                                last 15 years, PERING Group
                                                                                                                                has  developed  the  most
                                                                                                                                outstanding    beachfront
                                                                                                                                condominiums  on  Aruba
                                                                                                                                including  Oceania  Resi-
                                                                                                                                dences,  which  received
                                                                                                                                the 2009 Venezuelan Bien-
                                                                                                                                nial  Award  for  best  export
                                                                                                                                project, and Blue Residenc-
                                                                                                                                es. PERING Group’s success
                                                                                                                                relies  on  developing  high-
            EAGLE  BEACH  -  PERING  home, or the place where  the  development  by  call-         ented  studio  apartments,   quality  projects,  on-time
            Group  proudly  announces  you’ll create fond vacation  ing +297 594 6395.             one-  and  two-bedroom       delivery  and  positive  rela-
            construction  of  the  sec-  memories with your family,                                condos through to magnifi-   tionships with stakeholders.
            ond  eight-story  tower  has  Azure Beach Residences is  ABOUT  AZURE  BEACH  RESI-    cent  penthouses.  Besides   PERING’S  commitment  to
            reached  its  highest  point.  a solid investment opportu-  DENCES                     stunning  views  of  the  Ca-  this philosophy has earned
            This  also  marks  the  start  nity.                      Azure Beach Residences is  ribbean  waters,  the  con-    the company a reputation
            of  sales  of  the  units  in  this                       Aruba’s  newest  luxury  real  dos  feature  floor-to-ceiling   as one of the premier firms
            high-end waterfront devel-   Visit    estate  development  proj-   windows,  high-end  kitch-   in the region.
            opment.                      comto select the floor plan  ect that offers a resort-style  ens, quality tile throughout
                                         that best fits your needs, or  living  perfectly  suited  for  and Smart Building features   CONTACTS
            Located  on  Aruba’s  Eagle  email  Marinelda  Cartaya,  permanent as well as part-    such as high-speed Internet   Press  Enquiries  &  Resort
            Beach,  praised  as  one  of  Sales  Manager  at  info@   time  residency.  Situated  and individual climate con-   Sales
            the  world’s  best  beach-  for  more  along  Aruba’s  renowned  trol.  Residents  enjoy  a  pair   Azure Beach Residences
            es  by  TripAdvisor,  Azure  information  and  pricing.  If  Eagle Beach, Azure Beach  of infinity pools, a fully out-  Marinelda  Cartaya,  +297
            Beach Residence’s second  you happen to be in Aruba,  Residences  consists  of  two  fitted gym – all with ocean    594 6395
            tower  features  one-bed-    please  feel  free  to  sched-  eight-story  towers  contain-  views. Onsite tennis courts,   mcartaya@azure-aruba.
            room  condos  and  studios  ule  an  appointment  for  a  ing a spectrum of residenc-  nearby  watersports  and     comq
            tailored  to  the  wishes  of  a  personal  walk-through  of  es  ranging  from  value-ori-  golf ensure active travelers
            value  conscious  investor.
            All  units  feature  high-end
            finishes,  stunning  views  of
            clear,  sparkling  Caribbean
            waters,  and  access  to  all
            upscale  amenities  Azure
            Beach  Residences  offers.
            Steps  away  from  Aruba’s
            widest  white  sand  beach,
            Azure  Beach  Residences
            boasts  tennis  courts,  an
            ocean-view  fitness  center,
            and  concierge  services  to
            cater  to  the  needs  of  to-
            day’s discerning traveler.

            Situated  outside  the  hur-
            ricane  belt,  and  a  mere
            four-hour flight out of New
            York,  Aruba  is  beloved  by
            many returning visitors for its
            friendly  locals,  year-round
            sunshine, and great variety
            of epicurean, outdoor and
            cultural  activities.  Whether
            you’re  seeking  to  make
            Aruba    your   permanent
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