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                Tuesday 26 November 2019
            Priests guilty of abusing deaf children at Argentine school

            MENDOZA,  Argentina  (AP)                                                                                           mented  publicly  on  the
            —  Two  priests  were  found                                                                                        case,  though  in  2017,  the
            guilty  on  Monday  of  sexu-                                                                                       Vatican sent two Argentine
            ally  abusing  deaf  children                                                                                       priests  to  investigate  what
            at a Catholic-run school in                                                                                         happened  in  Mendoza.
            Argentina, a case that has                                                                                          Dante  Simon,  a  judicial
            shaken the church in Pope                                                                                           vicar,  told  The  Associated
            Francis's homeland.                                                                                                 Press  that  the  "horrible"  al-
            A three-judge panel in the                                                                                          legations  are  "more  than
            city of Mendoza sentenced                                                                                           plausible." He said the pon-
            the  Rev.  Nicola  Corradi  to                                                                                      tiff  expressed  his  sadness
            42  years  in  prison  and  the                                                                                     and  told  him  that  "he  was
            Rev. Horacio Corbacho to                                                                                            very worried about this situ-
            45  years,  for  abusing  chil-                                                                                     ation."
            dren at the Antonio Provolo                                                                                         In a report submitted to the
            Institute for Deaf and Hear-                                                                                        Vatican  that  June,  Simon
            ing Impaired Children in Lu-                                                                                        requested  the  maximum
            jan de Cuyo, a municipality                                                                                         canonical penalty for Cor-
            in northwestern Argentina.                                                                                          radi  and  Corbacho,  that
            Corradi,  an  83-year-old                                                                                           they  be  made  to  "resign
            Italian,   and   Corbacho,                                                                                          directly by the Holy Father."
            a  59-year-old  Argentine,                                                                                          His report must be reviewed
            were arrested in 2016.                                                                                              by  the  Congregation  for
            The  court  also  sentenced   Rev. Nicola Corradi, in wheelchair, Armando Gomez and Rev. Horacio Corbacho, are escorted   the Doctrine of the Faith.
            gardener Armando Gómez       out of a courtroom, after being found guilty of sexual abuse of deaf children at a Catholic-run   Corradi,  who  was  the  di-
            to  18  years  in  prison.  The   school, in Mendoza, Argentina, Monday, Nov. 26, 2019.                             rector  of  the  institute,  has
            victims  are  10  former  stu-                                                                    Associated Press  been  under  house  arrest
            dents.                                                                                                              because  of  his  age,  while
            The  accused  declined  to  The  Vatican  had  known  "The  Argentine  court  has  will launch a criminal inves-    Corbacho    and    Gómez
            make statements ahead of  about  Corradi  since  at  given the traumatized chil-       tigation of the archbishops  were  being  held  in  a  jail
            the judges' ruling. They ap-  least  2009,  when  the  Ital-  dren of Provolo a measure  and  other  church  leaders  in the provincial capital of
            peared somber as they ar-    ian  Provolo  students  went  of  justice  that  the  Catho-  who  knew  or  should  have  Mendoza.
            rived in the courtroom, with  public  with  tales  of  abuse  lic  Church  failed  to  give  known that the school was  Former  students,  young
            Corradi in a wheelchair, his  and  named  names.  The  them,"  said  Anne  Barrett  being  run  by  a  child  mo-   men  and  women,  testified
            gaze fixed on the ground.    Vatican ordered an investi-  Doyle,  co-founder  of  the  lester."                     that  the  priests  touched
            The  case  has  shocked  Ar-  gation and sanctioned four  online  research  database  Doyle  also  said  that  "the  and   sometimes    raped
            gentines — as did the rev-   accused  priests,  but  Cor-,  Pope  too  must  accept  re-  them  in  their  dormitories
            elation  that  Corradi  had  radi  apparently  never  was  to the Associated Press.    sponsibility for the unimagi-  and  school  bathrooms.
            been  previously  accused  sanctioned in Italy.           "The  horror  of  Provolo  is  nable  suffering  of  these  They  also  said  they  were
            of similar offences at a sister  The   defendants,   who  twofold:  the  torture  of  the  children.  He  ignored  re-  forced  to  look  at  porno-
            agency,  the  Antonio  Pro-  pleaded  innocence,  said  children  and  the  Church's  peated warnings that Cor-     graphic  images.  They  said
            volo Institute in Verona, Ita-  the  students'  stories  were  failure  to  prevent  it.  We  radi was in Argentina."  they were warned to keep
            ly, but was never charged.   improbable.                  hope  the  prosecutors  now  Pope Francis has not com-    quiet.
                                                                                                                                Investigators found records
             Leader of LGBTQ organization in Haiti found dead                                                                   of  complaints  made  by
                                                                                                                                parents  that  weren't  fol-
                                                                                                                                lowed  up,  photographs  of
                                                                                                                                a naked girl on Corbacho's
             PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti (AP)                                                            ing discrimination.
             — Charlot Jeudy, the lead-                                                            "Faced  with  such  perma-   computer  and  chains  he
                                                                                                                                allegedly  used  to  subdue
             er  of  a  prominent  LGBTQ                                                           nent and brutal stigmatiza-
             organization  in  Haiti,  was                                                         tion,  violence,  and  insults,   one girl.
                                                                                                                                Many  in  Argentina  have
             found  dead  on  Monday,                                                              many  of  us  —  if  not  the
             according to friends.                                                                 totality  —  have  lost  hope   asked  why  Francis  did  not
                                                                                                                                remove  Corradi  as  the
             Geraldine  Clair  Museau,                                                             to  see  our  own  dignity  re-
             a  member  of  the  group                                                             spected.  ...  That  is  what  I   authority  at  the  Mendoza
                                                                                                                                school once he learned of
             known  as  Kouraj,  which                                                             want to fight," he wrote.
             means  "courage,"  in  Eng-                                                           Haiti's  LGBTQ  community    the allegations in Verona.
                                                                                                                                Corradi's  name  appeared
             lish,  told  The  Associated                                                          remains   mostly    under-
             Press  that  Jeudy's  body                                                            ground  because  of  social   publicly  in  2009,  when  67
                                                                                                                                people  said  they  were
             was  found  at  his  home                                                             stigma, although there are
             in  the  capital  of  Port-au-                                                        no laws criminalizing homo-  abused at the Verona insti-
                                                                                                                                tute by 24 priests, lay peo-
             Prince.                                                                               sexual relations as there are
             It wasn't immediately clear                                                           in  several  English-speaking   ple  and  religious  brothers,
                                                                                                                                and  specifically  said  that
             how  he  died,  and  police    In this July 13, 2018 file photo, Yaisah Val, 46, left, a transgender   Caribbean islands.
             didn't return calls for com-  woman, laughs with Charlot Jeudy, center, president of Kouraj,   A 2015 human rights report   Corradi was in Argentina.
                                         Haiti's leading LGBT-rights group, at their office in Port-au-Prince,
                                                                                                                                In 2012, the diocese of Ve-
             ment.                       Haiti.                                                    on  Haiti  by  the  U.S.  State
             Jeudy  has  spoken  out                                              Associated Press  Department said "local at-  rona  asked  for  forgiveness
                                                                                                                                from the victims and sanc-
             against  homophobia  and                                                              titudes remained hostile to
             was  forced  to  cancel  a  munity in 2016 because of  In  a  statement  on  his  outward" LGBTQ identifica-       tioned  24  of  the  accused,
                                                                                                                                although  Corradi  was  not
             festival celebrating the Af-  numerous  threats  of  vio-  group's   website,   Jeudy  tion  and  expression,  espe-
             ro-Caribbean LGBTQ com-      lence.                      had  vowed  to  keep  fight-  cially in the capital.q     among them. None of the
                                                                                                                                cases ever went to trial.q
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