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A12 business
Tuesday 3 January 2023
Kimberly Palmer: How to prepare for
your next emergency
bandages and antibacte-
rial wipes, or flashlights and
extra batteries. Other types
of equipment such as a
water filter, camping stove
and solar lights can also be
helpful. "A lot of emergen-
cy gear is also camping
equipment, so there are a
lot of sales right before and
right after summer," Carr
Barthlow suggests collect-
In this Nov. 26, 2018, file photo, a Pacific Gas & Electric lineman ing your essential docu-
works to repair a power line in fire-ravaged Paradise, Calif. ments — contact numbers;
Associated Press insurance information; re-
cent bank account state-
By KIMBERLY PALMER, ments; identity cards; any
of NerdWallet says you want to keep marriage, birth and di-
When a power outage enough cash on hand to vorce certificates — and
knocked out electricity to cover gas and food for sev- putting them in a water-
a multistate region in 2003, eral days and carry at least proof, fireproof box, as well
Gabriella Barthlow , a fi- some of it with you. "I like as scanning and storing
nancial coach in the De- to keep $40 in cash in my them online in a password-
troit area, was prepared. car or purse so I know I can protected account or on a
She had enough money always at least get home flash drive.q
on hand to buy food for in case the registers aren't
herself and her two young working," Carr says. That
children, plus put gas in her money is in addition to an
car in case they needed emergency savings fund,
to leave home. "I was so which is stored in a savings
happy I had that cash," account to help you get House For Sale
she recalls. Now, Barthlow through a period of unex- Alto Vista
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expected events. Power recommend you build up Fully Furnished Ocean View
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can inflict chaos and take count, but even much
a financial toll — often with smaller amounts will help
little warning — but being stabilize your finances.
prepared can help mini- BUILD UP SUPPLIES SLOWLY Houses For Sale
mize the damage. Here Carr suggests purchas- Great invest oppertunity
are steps you can take to ing supplies over time that Bubali noord 10 min walk to
make sure you're ready for could help you survive tem- eagle beach
the next emergency. porary disruptions to pow- 3 Bedroom 1 Bath
SET ASIDE PHYSICAL CASH er, water and other utilities, 2 Bedroom 1 Bath
As Barthlow found, cash as can happen during nat- 2 Bedroom 2 Bath
can be crucial when you're ural disasters. "When you studio
facing an extended power next go grocery shopping, On a 1300m2 lease land
outage since machines set aside $10 and pick up Price :$525,280
that accept debit and bottled water or your fa- Call :011-297-630-1307
credit cards might not be vorite food can or instant
running. Bernie Carr, au- oatmeal," she suggests. On
thor of "The Prepper's Pock- the next visit, put together ________________________________216180
et Guide" and founder of a first aid kit with items like
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