Page 9 - aruba-today-20230103
P. 9
LOCAL Tuesday 3 January 2023
Aruba Airport Authority N.V. to operate General Aviation Terminal
ORANJESTAD – The General modations, transportation
Aviation Terminal, better arrangements, and US Cus-
known as the FBO at Aero- toms & Border Protection
puerto Internacional Reina Pre-Clearance services.
Beatrix, will be managed
and operated by Aruba ET-TNCA's purpose is to of-
Airport Authority N.V. (AAA) fer a complete products/
starting January 1, 2023. service experience (CPE)
to a currently underserved
Starting in 2023, AAA will leisure niche market within
operate d and manage its current territory by con-
the FBO operation under necting with a high-end
its new name – JET-TNCA. customer base through lux-
Jet is the obvious choice ury inventory collaborative
of words to best reflect the partnerships.
fact that private aircraft or tioned in the Caribbean re- to its customers. Customers Additionally, JET-TNCA’s su-
jets will be handled at the gion, making it the perfect can use JET-TNCA’s traveler pervisory and coordination The new JET-TNCA opera-
FBO terminal at the airport stop between North and lounge and refreshment services provide customers tions team is excited to
and TNCA is the ICAO code Latin America. Besides its area while experiencing with a single point of es- welcome all its clients and
for the airport in Aruba. geographical and strate- the highest level of custom- sential flight services such is personally committed to
gic advantages, JET-TNCA er service. as aircraft fueling, catering, planning and delivering a
JET-TNCA is uniquely posi- offers a variety of services ground support, accom- successful mission by of-
fering a complete range
of first-class services sup-
ported by dedicated pro-
fessionals constantly look-
ing at new and innovative
ways to satisfy the ever-
changing needs and de-
sires of its guests.
A team of professionals
led by its FBO Manager,
Mrs. Minerva Flemming, will
manage the JET-TNCA day-
to-day operations. The busi-
ness development activi-
ties of the JET-TNCA will be
performed from within the
AAA team responsible for
aviation business develop-
ment led by Mrs. Jo-Anne
Meaux-Arends, Executive
Aviation Business Develop-
ment at AAA.
For more information on
JET-TNCA, please visit its
website, WWW.JET-TNCA.
COM, or contact us via
email at 297-5882465.q