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Tuesday 3 January 2023
Transgender woman’s scheduled execution would be U.S. first
By JIM SALTER tioning while in prison and
Associated Press in 2016 sued the Missouri
ST. LOUIS (AP) — Unless Department of Correc-
Missouri Gov. Mike Parson tions, challenging a policy
grants clemency, Amber that prohibited hormone
McLaughlin, 49, will be- therapy for inmates who
come the first openly trans- weren’t receiving it before
gender woman executed being incarcerated. She
in the U.S. She is scheduled won the lawsuit in 2018 and
to die by injection Tuesday became a mentor to other
for killing a former girlfriend transgender inmates, in-
in 2003. McLaughlin’s at- cluding McLaughlin.
torney, Larry Komp, said Though imprisoned togeth-
there are no court appeals er for around a decade,
pending. The clemency Hicklin said McLaughlin
request focuses on several was so shy they rarely inter-
issues, including McLaugh- acted. But as McLaughlin
lin’s traumatic childhood began transitioning about
and mental health issues, three years ago, she turned
which the jury never heard to Hicklin for guidance
in her trial. A foster parent on issues such as mental
rubbed feces in her face health counseling and get-
when she was a toddler This photo provided by the Federal Public Defender Office shows death row inmate Amber ting help to ensure her safe-
and her adoptive father McLaughlin. Unless Missouri Gov. Mike Parson grants clemency, McLaughlin will become the first ty inside a male-dominated
used a stun gun on her, ac- transgender woman executed in the U.S. Associated Press maximum-security prison.
cording to the clemency “There’s always paper-
petition. It says she suffers focus” of the clemency re- the 45-year-old Guenther McLaughlin was convicted work and bureaucracy,
from depression and at- quest. Parson’s spokesper- worked, sometimes hiding of first-degree murder in so I spent time helping her
tempted suicide multiple son, Kelli Jones, said the re- inside the building, accord- 2006. A judge sentenced learn to file the right things
times. view process for the clem- ing to court records. Guen- McLaughlin to death after and talk to the right peo-
The petition also includes ency request is still under- ther obtained a restraining a jury deadlocked on the ple,” Hicklin said.
reports citing a diagnosis of way.There is no known case order, and police officers sentence. A court in 2016 In the process, a friendship
gender dysphoria, a con- of an openly transgender occasionally escorted her ordered a new sentenc- developed. “We would sit
dition that causes anguish inmate being executed in to her car after work. ing hearing, but a federal down once a week and
and other symptoms as the U.S. before, accord- Guenther’s neighbors appeals court panel rein- have what I referred to as
a result of a disparity be- ing to the anti-execution called police the night of stated the death penalty girl talk,” Hicklin said. “She
tween a person’s gender Death Penalty Information Nov. 20, 2003, when she in 2021. One person who always had a smile and a
identity and their assigned Center. A friend in prison failed to return home. Of- knew Amber before she dad joke. If you ever talked
sex at birth. “We think Am- says she saw McLaugh- ficers went to the office transitioned is Jessica Hick- to her, it was always with
ber has demonstrated in- lin’s personality blossom building, where they found lin, 43, who spent 26 years the dad jokes.”
credible courage because during her gender transi- a broken knife handle near in prison for a drug-related They also discussed the
I can tell you there’s a lot of tion. Before transitioning, her car and a trail of blood. killing in western Missouri in challenges a transgender
hate when it comes to that McLaughlin was in a rela- A day later, McLaughlin 1995. She was 16. Because inmate faces in a male pris-
issue,” her attorney, Larry tionship with girlfriend Bev- led police to a location of her age when the crime on — things like how to ob-
Komp, said Monday. But, erly Guenther. McLaughlin near the Mississippi Riv- occurred, she was granted tain feminine items, dealing
he said, McLaughlin’s sexu- would show up at the sub- er in St. Louis, where the release in January 2022. with rude comments, and
al identity is “not the main urban St. Louis office where body had been dumped. Hicklin, 43, began transi- staying safe.q
Northern Arizona tribe to get federal aid for flood damage
SUPAI, Ariz. (AP) — President Joe waterfalls for visitors for the first declaration made by the Havasu-
Biden has approved a disaster time since March 2020. The tribe pai Tribe in northern Arizona, free-
declaration made by the Havasu- had closed to protect its members ing up funds for flood damage as it
pai Tribe in northern Arizona, free- from the pandemic. Tribal officials prepares to re-open for tourists af-
ing up funds for flood damage as decided to extend the closure ter nearly three years. The Federal
it prepares to re-open for tourists through the 2022 tourism season. Emergency Management Agency
after nearly three years. In an update about tourism post- confirmed Sunday that federal
The Federal Emergency Manage- ed on their website last week, the emergency aid will be given to
ment Agency confirmed Sunday tribe described how flooding had supplement the tribe’s own recov-
that federal emergency aid will destroyed several bridges and left ery efforts from severe flooding last
be given to supplement the tribe’s downed trees on trails needed for October. It comes as the Havasu-
own recovery efforts from severe tourists and transporting goods pai Indian Reservation, which lies
flooding last October. and services into Supai Village. deep in a gorge off the Grand
The funds will be for the tribe and The tribe, however, also said they Canyon, is preparing to open up
certain nonprofits to share costs are eager to welcome back tour- its majestic blue-green waterfalls
for emergency work and repairs ists in February to see “flourishing for visitors for the first time since
from flood damage. It comes as flora and fauna and new waterfall March 2020. The tribe had closed
the Havasupai Indian Reservation, flows.” Northern Arizona tribe to to protect its members from the
Havasu Falls in the Grand Canyon, which lies deep in a gorge off the get federal aid for flood damage pandemic. Tribal officials decided
Ariz., is pictured in 1993. Grand Canyon, is preparing to SUPAI, Ariz. (AP) — President Joe to extend the closure through the
Associated Press open up its majestic blue-green Biden has approved a disaster 2022 tourism season. q